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2009 Reg-Res Pay Rates - Published


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These rates have been published.  However, no word as to when we will actually see it in our accounts.
My best guess would be October, but having said that, the last one we got didn't show up until April of the following year.

There's a "minor" typo for LGen basic pay:  1,818,365/month.  That's 21,820,380 a year ;D
Midnight Rambler said:
There's a "minor" typo for LGen basic pay:  1,818,365/month.  That's 21,820,380 a year ;D

And worth every penny - just ask any LGen.
The new rates are published, but we are still getting paid at the old rates...correct?  This is the first time in my illustrious career that the effective rates are not what we are being paid.    Weird.

I understand the back pay issue, and how it takes time to figure out and find the money, but what about not getting paid at the new rate.    I want my 60 bucks!!!
No. We are not getting the new rate yet.  We will see it sometime between now and April next year.  Same thing happened with the 2006 pay increase.  It was announced and published in the summer/fall of 06, retro to April of 06 but didn't show up in the back until Apr 07.
Sea King Tech said:
The new rates are published, but we are still getting paid at the old rates...correct?  This is the first time in my illustrious career that the effective rates are not what we are being paid.    Weird.

I understand the back pay issue, and how it takes time to figure out and find the money, but what about not getting paid at the new rate.    I want my 60 bucks!!!

someone looking for a 24?  ;D

I am hoping for Sep.  Don't know why it would take longer as they do it every year.  Think by now they would have it down pat so that it would take little time to enter the new rate and effective date.  The system will calculate the back pay and add it automatically.

While they are at it maybe they could enter next years information and shock us all by giving us the increase in Apr.  It did happen once.
I guess the performance of LGens really falls off ater their first year of service, hence the big pay cut...
No. We are not getting the new rate yet.  We will see it sometime between now and April next year.  Same thing happened with the 2006 pay increase.  It was announced and published in the summer/fall of 06, retro to April of 06 but didn't show up in the back until Apr 07.

IIRC, the CANFORGEN said words to the effect of "fall 2009".  I believe the last time, we got it (retro) about mid-Oct'ish.
Eye In The Sky said:
IIRC, the CANFORGEN said words to the effect of "fall 2009".  I believe the last time, we got it (retro) about mid-Oct'ish.

Yes, it states:


Hopefully, because they already know about the April 2010 increase, it will be automatic.
While I'd like to see the $ now as much as anyone else, I am also glad to get the 1.5 now and the 1.5 next April. 

*Something is better than nothing*
I am very curious as to what a SPEC 1 WO did in his third year to deserve a thousand dollar pay cut.  I am hoping this is a misprint or the next year will be a bad one for me.
radtech227 said:
I am very curious as to what a SPEC 1 WO did in his third year to deserve a thousand dollar pay cut.  I am hoping this is a misprint or the next year will be a bad one for me.

Yikes!!  :o  I think it's a typo and probably should read 6257.
I checked the CCPS Advisory site this morning, there is a Advisory stating that the adjustments in CCPS have been made and should be reflected in the mid-Sept DFT/pay.

This site was running *REALLY* slow on my Baseline machine, but as soon as I can I'll copy/paste the content of the Advisory.
CCPS Advisory - E02309
Advisory list
Date: 24 Aug 2009
Subject: Economic adjustments 


Ref: CANFORGEN 125/09 CMP 020/09 081647Z JUL 09

Economic adjustments effective 1 April 2009 have been actioned by CCPS.

This also includes adjustments to "pay-driven" benefits, (i.e. cash-out of accrued leave, periods that some members spent in moderate or high-risk areas subject to Tax Relief etc).

The adjustments will be reflected on the mid Sep DFT.

Nothing up under RPSR at this time...
Yes.  Retro pay from 01 Apr 09 - 31 Aug 09, plus pay from 01 - 15 Sep at the 01 Apr 09 rate.
Just looking at my bank account and my August pays are more than my July pays.  Maybe they've already applied the increase?
Eye In The Sky said:
My pay was the same...maybe you topped out  your CPP or EI contributions?  IPC change??

Seems a tad early for CPP or EI topping out.  IPC changed in May.  I'll have to wait to get back to work and check the pay statements.