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27 Aug 12: LGEN Thomas Lawson named C.D.S.

medicineman said:
And you're dating yourself by bringing it to our attention  ;D

On a slight tangent, go gives a flying rat's arse about what the guy's callsign is/was?


Well, if his c/s was "ArmyCutter" or "NoNewBoats" I think the CA and RCN would be concerned.

On the other hand, c/s "PartyNaked" might have attracted some unwanted media attention...
medicineman said:
And you're dating yourself by bringing it to our attention  ;D

On a slight tangent, go gives a flying rat's arse about what the guy's callsign is/was?


All the non-military readers who have seen Top Gun?
dapaterson said:
Well, if his c/s was "ArmyCutter" or "NoNewBoats" I think the CA and RCN would be concerned.

On the other hand, c/s "PartyNaked" might have attracted some unwanted media attention...

Point taken, though I would have thought those things would have come out in the interview process...and a rising star PAffO would have put a proper spin on it so nobody would care  ;).  Personally, it has no bearing on my life...and wouldn't have when I was in simply because of me being too busy doing my job.  However, a C/S of "PaperChaser" would have explained us having to look for Somalia messages during the Boyle days...

medicineman said:
.... a rising star PAffO would have put a proper spin on it so nobody would care  ;) ....
That's about it - it looks worse not sharing it than it does keeping it hidden, then revealed.

BTW, unless Masonic-style secrets are involved, how are C/S picked?  Self-endowed?  Collectively awarded?  I'm curious about the process.

dapaterson said:
Ah - think I found a photo of you in your former life...

...gobble, gobble, gobble...
PETA folks will be glad to hear that I can certify that no turkeys were harmed in my career  ;D
Reposted as my post was deleted... boooooooo!!!!!

Congrats to LGen Lawson, I believe he'll do well as he seems to be a fairly well rounded and experienced Commander.  I wish all the best to Gen Natynczyk in his future endeavours.
milnews.ca said:
BTW, unless Masonic-style secrets are involved, how are C/S picked?  Self-endowed?  Collectively awarded?  I'm curious about the process.

Tac Hel follows the standard Army fixed callsign system.
medicineman said:
And you're dating yourself by bringing it to our attention  ;D

On a slight tangent, go gives a flying rat's arse about what the guy's callsign is/was?


Exactly... my wife just wants to know what his ass looks like in a flight suit.

On another note: ew.  :o
Loachman said:
Tac Hel follows the standard Army fixed callsign system.
Makes sense - how about the fancy-shmancy "Iceman"-style ones?
No. We have as much need for those as we have for oiling ourselves up and playing beach volleyball with no women around.
Loachman said:
No. We have as much need for those as we have for oiling ourselves up and playing beach volleyball with no women around.
I was following until you mentioned no women, then you lost me.
Canadian.Trucker said:
Loachman said:
No. We have as much need for those as we have for oiling ourselves up and playing beach volleyball with no women around.
I was following until you mentioned no women, then you lost me.
In case you're serious, what movie is this from?

If you're not, my bad.
milnews.ca said:
I was following until you mentioned no women, then you lost me.
In case you're serious, what movie is this from?

If you're not, my bad.

I wish I could lie and say I don't know, but it's Top Gun.

Looking at a shirtless Tom Cruise does make me "lose that loving feeling".
Canadian.Trucker said:
I wish I could lie and say I don't know, but it's Top Gun.

Looking at a shirtless Tom Cruise does make me "lose that loving feeling".
Certainly makes one look at it in a whole different light, don't it?  ;D
milnews.ca said:
PETA folks will be glad to hear that I can certify that no turkeys were harmed in my career  ;D

Then obviously you never reported on politics...

(rim shot)
Bringing us back to the topic at hand....

We now have confirmation of the CDS's age/birthday and double-confirmation of his callsign....
How old is the new Chief of the Defence Staff, Tom Lawson? Now we know. He's 54 and will celebrate his 55th birthday Nov. 2.

Lt.-Gen. Lawson was introduced Monday as the incoming CDS. The military provided a few details about his career, but it omitted his age.

When asked to provide it on the day of the announcement, a Department of National Defence employee said he'd try and find an answer.

By the close of business day Wednesday, there was still no response, despite a series of follow-up phone calls.

But Thursday morning, a DND spokesperson provided the information, and said the delay was due to privacy concerns — the department had to ask Lawson before releasing it.

The military has been clear about highlighting the length of Lawson's career (37 years) and the names of his wife and children (Kelly, and Benjamin, Neil and Jack, respectively.)

Included in the scant biographical information provided to reporters were references to some of Lawson's work abroad. It was this information that started a series of queries.

Operational experience not detailled

"Lt.-Gen. Lawson is an exceptional, dynamic leader who brings a great deal of domestic, international and operational experience to the table," Defence Minister Peter MacKay said Monday.

Lawson has served as a pilot in West Germany during the Cold War, flown around the world and spent the past year working at NORAD headquarters in Colorado Springs. His rise through the upper ranks of the military in recent years has been swift.

But a review of the medals and awards on Lawson's uniform indicate he has yet to serve on a war footing in an international operation or in the middle of a war as a peacekeeper.

CBC News asked DND for more information about Lawson's operational experience.

CBC News also asked, what was his call sign, or nickname, as a pilot?

DND was forthcoming with that answer Thursday. Lawson was known as Shadow.

But on the question of his operational experience, the department would only repeat, "Lt.-Gen. Lawson has flown CF-104s and CF-18s out of CFB Baden in Germany." ....
CBC.ca, 30 Aug 12
His nickname was Shadow? Maybe he always came in second place..

Just kidding!
Loyalty is purest when it is unquestioning :)
Natynczyk took his job to heart, say friends
By Daniel Proussalidis, Parliamentary Bureau
Article Link

If you ask Gen. Walt Natynczyk about the legacy he'll leave behind, those who know Canada's top soldier say he'll furrow his brow and take a pass on the question.

However, those same people aren't too shy to describe the chief of defence staff's contribution to the military as he prepares to pass the baton to Lt.-Gen. Tom Lawson in the next few weeks.

"It's just a question of caring deeply about the soldiers," said retired colonel Alain Pellerin, executive director of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute. "(Natynczyk has) spent a lot of time on the road, whether it's visits to Afghanistan or visits to bases."

While Natynczyk declined comment, his supporters were more than willing to speak on his behalf.

Earlier in his 37-year military career, troops dubbed Natynczyk "Uncle Walt" because of the way he took a personal interest in their well-being.

The general's top spokesman says Natynczyk, 55, and his wife Leslie, have tried to hard to improve the way wounded soldiers and military families are taken care of.

"They've championed a number of causes and a number of initiatives to basically make sure no one is forgotten, no one is left behind," said Lt.-Cmdr. Kris Phillips.

He points to Natynczyk's efforts to strengthen care for soldiers suffering from combat stress, while also spearheading a still-developing program to make it easier for military families to access doctors when postings move them from province to province.

"Everything for him is very personal and he takes a very deep personal interest in it, as does Mrs. Natynczyk," said Phillips.

Phillips recalls the outgoing chief stopping by the Victoria home of a military veteran diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour to thank him for his service.

"It's amazing when you happen to be there, when you're seeing one of these visits going on and you see how much it means to the person," said Phillips. "I mean it just bowls people over."

Others credit Natynczyk with keeping a steady hand during combat in Afghanistan, and then transitioning to training Afghan forces.

"He was constantly on the ground and was a very effective leader," said Don Macnamara, a former brigadier-general who teaches at Queen's University. "He was the guy that had to create the atmosphere and be reassuring to the political forces as well."
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Canada’s new top soldier could take over by end of October
STEVEN CHASE OTTAWA — The Globe and Mail  Monday, Oct. 01 2012
Article Link

Canada’s new top soldier could take over as defence chief by the end of October, sources say.

Military planners are eyeing October 29 as the date to induct former fighter pilot Thomas Lawson, most recently the deputy commander of NORAD, as the next Chief of the Defence Staff on October 29.

The Prime Minister’s Office could still move the date for this change of command ceremony if it chooses.

Lieutenant-General Lawson will take over the top post in the Canadian military from General Walt Natynczyk, who has held the job for more than four years.

Lt.-Gen. Lawson will also be promoted to a full general on the same day as the change of command ceremony.

The veteran airman has a good relationship with the U.S. military and the Harper government considers him a solid communicator. In late 2010 he was sent on a cross-country PR road show to explain the controversial F-35 fighter jet acquisition to the public.

In keeping with an era of belt-tightening, the 2012 change-of-command ceremony is expected to be a lower-key affair than the military send-off that bade farewell to former chief of the defence staff General Rick Hillier.

In 2008, taxpayers shelled out nearly $270,000 for a pomp-and-circumstance-charged farewell to Mr. Hillier, including $6,600 so that he could ride off into retirement aboard a tank.

The last change-of-command ceremony also included a 21-gun salute ($4,035), aerial acrobatics by the Canadian Snowbirds team ($23,101), and jumps by the Skyhawks, a military parachutist team ($3,137) according to the Department of National Defence.

This 2012 changing of the guard comes at a critical time for the Canadian Forces, which are grappling with budget cuts, big purchase plans for new planes and ships, and the task of readjusting to life now that the high-profile combat mission in Afghanistan is fading in the rear-view mirror.
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GAP said:
Canada’s new top soldier could take over by end of October
STEVEN CHASE OTTAWA — The Globe and Mail  Monday, Oct. 01 2012
Article Link

Canada’s new top soldier could take over as defence chief by the end of October, sources say.

Military planners are eyeing October 29 as the date to induct former fighter pilot Thomas Lawson, most recently the deputy commander of NORAD, as the next Chief of the Defence Staff ....

And that's the big date, indeed - this from DND:
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, will preside over the Change of Command ceremony which will see command of the Canadian Forces transfer from General Walt Natynczyk to Lieutenant-General Tom Lawson.

When: Monday October 29, 2012 at 9 a.m.

Where: Canadian War Museum

What: Change of Command ceremony for the Chief of the Defence Staff

The ceremony will include a 50-person guard of honour and a colour party, with music provided by the Central Band of the Canadian Forces and the Air Command Pipes and Drums.

Media are invited to cover the change of command ceremony and should be in the designated area at the museum no later than 8:30 a.m. There will be a media opportunity immediately following the ceremony with Lieutenant-General Lawson.
