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ppcli4life said:
ok Mr paracowboy   I'm not saying crap like that over the internet ....but all you need to do to prove i was in infantry , found Pte XXXXX , one of my good friends and also in the base i think now he's a hand to hand trainner or something like that .. he'll explain to you my situation !!!

OK   paracowboy didn't ask you to post it all here, but for you to send him a Private Message via the PM button under his name. (The little IM button that will send him a message:   http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=5137 )

There you can confirm your name,   the names of your section commander, Sect 2IC, and PL WO, and maybe solve this problem of being someone who you are not.
ppcli4life said:
but all you need to do to prove i was in infantry
I don't need to prove anything. I'm not the liar. I haven't claimed to be anything I'm not, and I am proud of what I have accomplished. I have never felt the need to pretend to be something else, and I have never shamed or embarrassed my comrades by belittling their service.

The onus is entirely on you, my little dishonest problem child. We already know you've lied once, it's up to you to provide proof from now on, until such time as your word is no longer questionable.
i agree with you and GO!!! i was there until 04 i am now in the navy and ran into a poser downtown Esq. after a few moments with him i found out he was in the local reserve unit . . i dotn think he knew that i was also in the res as i was in a navy uniform . well lo and behold i ran into a friend from the queen marys who is now a wo . well a few minutes later this person was pointed out and spoken to on the side . i dont think he will claim he is what he aint .  ;D
ppcli4life said:
I have to agree BMQ is a good time i did it in june 2002 in quebec , prob the funnest time in training !! now i'm in 3rd ppcli in infantry serving under the para div . I love it and i'm leaving to afg. in april !!! i can't wait for my first over seas going !!

ppcli4life said:
Have to say 3vp is the best place to be i served my 3 years as a 3vp and its the best of everything .. i jumped 17 times and its the trilled of a life's time !!!!!

ppcli4life said:
Achually first things first I was a little BSing ,to be honnest with you guys i was serving in 1vp for my 3 year contract , not 3vp ...and no i'm not a fuckin 18 year old reservist !!!! i guess i was wrong saying i was a jumper ... but shit happens either way at least i did serve as an infantier and i did do my time overseas with the 1vp ...and thats a fact !!!

So, in 4 posts, you've blatantly lied in 2 of them, you admitted to lying in the third, and you told us that you aren't a liar in the fourth.  I don't care what your current situation is, your a poser - for whatever reason, you've talked up about being in the Jump Company of 3PPCLI when it fact you weren't even in battalion.

Obviously integrity isn't something that you've picked up yet - why you couldn't be forthright with what you've achieved is beyond me.  I've served in 1PPCLI and am proud of that fact.  The fact that you've BS'ed us in half of your posts to date is in direct violation of the policy guidelines and reflects poorly upon your status (if you had any) as a Canadian soldier and a member of the PPCLI.  >:(

Goodbye poser.
Errr, has Canada ever had a Para division?  I would think even a BE escapee would know that. Hell, I'm just a thick ol' thumperhead, but I think it's a para COMPANY, isn't it?
Talk about walking into a minefield!  ;D

Where's KevinB with the hasher LF quote??
Just for Mike_R23A
Here's your E-ticket to Poserville

  Naming a young Private in 1VP proves nothing (mod's can you wipe out the guys name).
Some of the current 1VP members could confirm you or deny you.  I supposed the young private who's name you blurted out used to be in your reserve unit.

2332Piper said:
Am not. It was something along the lines of sarcasm/crappy humour. We need a :sarcastic: smiley.
I know what you were saying, dude, but you have a tendency to personalize things, and no matter what the poster's intent may have been, you take it as direct insult. Then someone else jumps in with something really stupid, and the thread spirals.

Only I may cause threads to veer wildly out of control and off-topic with outlandishness. But that's because I'm brilliant and inherently correct in all things. Not to fret, though. As you study at the knee of the master, soon you too will become Naturally Right, and Instinctively Hilarious. The rugged good-looks, fearlessness, superhuman strength, and intellect, I can't help you with. Those are just gifts from Asgard and Olympus.

And our little poser-friend's travails haven't ended yet, should he be able to read this thread, still.
paracowboy said:
And our little poser-friend's travails haven't ended yet, should he be able to read this thread, still.

He can...he is now a "read-only"
paracowboy said:
Only I may cause threads to veer wildly out of control and off-topic with outlandishness. But that's because I'm brilliant and inherently correct in all things. Not to fret, though. As you study at the knee of the master, soon you too will become Naturally Right, and Instinctively Hilarious. The rugged good-looks, fearlessness, superhuman strength, and intellect, I can't help you with. Those are just gifts from Asgard and Olympus.

Ahhhhhh, I see you have confused your simple mind with ME again.

Worry not, I will bless your miserable cage with my lofty presence tomorrow, you may grovel on bended knee whilst seeking forgiveness, should I make time in my busy schedule for such a privilige.
GO!!! said:
Ahhhhhh, I see you have confused your simple mind with ME again.

Worry not, I will bless your miserable cage with my lofty presence tomorrow, you may grovel on bended knee whilst seeking forgiveness, should I make time in my busy schedule for such a privilige.
see? This one is learning fast.
Okay.... sorry to bring things back on-topic, but for anyone who happens to have slogged through the last 2 pages in the desperate search for information regarding the odds of landing in the Regiment and Battalion of their choice, I have a very short story for you:

I told my recruiting officer where I wanted to go (3VP, of course, I have a friend who's in that Bn) and family and friends in Edmonton. I've now been informed that I'm going to be a member of the RCR (not that I'm terribly disappointed). When asked if that is what I requested, I told them no, and the CFRC said they'd try to get me sent out west.... I'm not holding my breath though.

So there you go. Ask and ye shall be told to go wherever they need you.

I would'nt hold your breath, it seems that the recruiters will tell you whatever you want to hear, right before they send you wherever they need you.

All you can do really,  is to make your preference known, and if you have a good reason for it (dying mother and wife in Edmonton etc.)

Holy Hijacked Thread Batman!

When I finished training, my choices were 3,2,1, RCR, as my training wife wanted to stay out east.  Instead I was sent to 2 PPCLI.  Best thing that ever happened to me.  I was probably not cut out to be a Royal anyway...

Moral of the story:  Which ever Regiment you join will be your Regiment, and the hence the best one in the history of time.

Ah training wives -- everyone needs to have at least one.  ;)
KevinB said:
Ah training wives -- everyone needs to have at least one.  ;)

I am definitely on the final wife...trainign wives are an expensive hobby.
With regards to you going to the RCR, that is very possible. Even though you will do your training in Wainwright. These days the recruiters are trying to kick out as many courses as they can. Whatever school has the capacity to house them takes them. We have recently received many soldiers out of WATC in last little while. Since right now the RCR is in flux with bags of changes. We were told to expect up to as many as 200 possible new soldiers in the coming year. So it's totally realistic that you may end up in Gagetown or Petawawa. However nothing is written in stone until you grad and are told where you are going.
