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6 soldiers, 2 journalists injured in Afghanistan

Just hating on those dirty bastards  :rage: :threat:
Word of advice:

Be cool and professional, but a touch of hate gives you that passion you need to succeed!! :rage:
pfl said:
Being a hot head is a fast ticket back home

its a fast ticket into a flag-draped box. Take a deep breath and use that thing in between your ears.
Come on....you guys are not telling all the truth!!! The Truth just came out in the  Jihad Unspun

Taliban Plan Massive Attack On Kabul; Nine Canadian Soldiers Killed
Aug 26, 2008 By Sayed Ullah | Jihad Unspun
Article Link

Amir al-Momineen Mullah Omar has told his Taliban supporters in the Tribal areas of Pakistan that Mujahideen from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan are currently in position surrounding the capital of Kabul and are planning a massive attack to retake the city. He also said that puppet president Hamid Karzai is now confined to his presidential palace due to the pending attack of his stronghold.

There is great speculation that the attack on Kabul will come during Ramadan, the month of jihad. In the meantime, re-enforcements are continuing to flood into Afghanistan from Pakistan and other locations.

Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf has reported an attack that was carried out by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emriate of Afghanistan on Monday morning that killed nine Canadian soldiers. Mujahideen ambushed the Canadians in the Zhari district of Kandahar province, killing all of them. There were no further details available.

Taliban Mujahideen ambushed the convoy that consisted of American and Afghan army forces that were protecting five oil tankers as they moved though the same district of Kandahar province. The five oil tankers, along with two other military vehicles were destroyed and seventeen soldiers were killed. The Taliban captured an assortment of weapons as booty.

To add insult in injury, Taliban Mujahideen shot down an American helicopter Monday at approximately 11:10 am local time, with an anti-aircraft rocket in the Sabri district of Khost province as it was patrolling the area according to a report from Zabihullah Mujahid.
More on link
Eye In The Sky said:

Aren't you joining as an AVN Tech?  As supporters, if we have to fire our weapons, something is seriously not going right.
I was told by the recruiters I've been speaking with that I would be required to go on security detail, and possibly patrols.....is this unlikely?  :P
GAP said:
Come on....you guys are not telling all the truth!!! The Truth just came out in the  Jihad Unspun

Wow, these cats could have taught the old Politburo a thing or two about spin and propaganda.
pfl said:
Being a hot head is a fast ticket back home

Oh give it a break. You aren't in...haven't been on tour nor shot at. You might do this or that....

Keep you little quips to yourself and let the troops who have been there, are there....and going again and know what they are talking about speak about it.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting tired of civvies talking about shyte that they know nothing about.

GAP....nice propaganda piece.

pfl said:
I was told by the recruiters I've been speaking with that I would be required to go on security detail, and possibly patrols.....is this unlikely?  :P

If you are doing that, whos fixing planes ?

but then again, this thread isnt about pfl so move along Jr ..............
GAP said:
Come on....you guys are not telling all the truth!!! The Truth just came out in the  Jihad Unspun

Taliban Plan Massive Attack On Kabul; Nine Canadian Soldiers Killed
Aug 26, 2008 By Sayed Ullah | Jihad Unspun
Article Link

Amir al-Momineen Mullah Omar has told his Taliban supporters in the Tribal areas of Pakistan that Mujahideen from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan are currently in position surrounding the capital of Kabul and are planning a massive attack to retake the city. He also said that puppet president Hamid Karzai is now confined to his presidential palace due to the pending attack of his stronghold.

There is great speculation that the attack on Kabul will come during Ramadan, the month of jihad. In the meantime, re-enforcements are continuing to flood into Afghanistan from Pakistan and other locations.

Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf has reported an attack that was carried out by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emriate of Afghanistan on Monday morning that killed nine Canadian soldiers. Mujahideen ambushed the Canadians in the Zhari district of Kandahar province, killing all of them. There were no further details available.

Taliban Mujahideen ambushed the convoy that consisted of American and Afghan army forces that were protecting five oil tankers as they moved though the same district of Kandahar province. The five oil tankers, along with two other military vehicles were destroyed and seventeen soldiers were killed. The Taliban captured an assortment of weapons as booty.

To add insult in injury, Taliban Mujahideen shot down an American helicopter Monday at approximately 11:10 am local time, with an anti-aircraft rocket in the Sabri district of Khost province as it was patrolling the area according to a report from Zabihullah Mujahid.
More on link
Isn't there a designated forum or thread even for propaganda like this? If ANY of this is true, we'll for sure hear about it from a more somewhat reliable source. No offence GAP
Somehow, that old saying about "someone stepping on their............" is coming to mind.
.......heres asking for it,but ......huh? ;D
pfl said:
Isn't there a designated forum or thread even for propaganda like this? If ANY of this is true, we'll for sure hear about it from a more somewhat reliable source. No offence GAP

I'll let GAP (who hunts down some very good stuff) speak for himself, but most participants here take the source of ANY posting very much into account when considering its importance, especially classics on web pages known to post Taliban statements as down-to-earth and confirmable as
"1 tank of Canadian destroyed near Kandahar city"
"In explosion 6 Canadian Killed in Kandahar"
"9 Canadian soldiers killed, 5 oil tankers of invaders destroyed in Kandahar"

Who knows?  You might soon see a "Taliban Propaganda Watch" thread soon  ;)
milnews.ca said:
I'll let GAP (who hunts down some very good stuff) speak for himself, but most participants here take the source of ANY posting very much into account when considering its importance, especially classics on web pages known to post Taliban statements as down-to-earth and confirmable as
"1 tank of Canadian destroyed near Kandahar city"
"In explosion 6 Canadian Killed in Kandahar"
"9 Canadian soldiers killed, 5 oil tankers of invaders destroyed in Kandahar"

Who knows?  You might soon see a "Taliban Propaganda Watch" thread soon  ;)

That Qari Muhammad Yousuf really gets around.  Wonder what he is driving?