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7 Oct TO Sun's letters to the Editor....

perhaps the Liberals could at least cough up some extra bucks (the equivalent of Adrienne's lunch bill)

I couldn't agree more. Just get rid of her all together.
bigwig said:
I couldn't agree more. Just get rid of her all together.

Brilliant idea.  You realize that puts more power in the hands of the Prime Minister then, yes? 
I don't think it would change a damn thing if we got rid of her, other than save the Country money.
Please, keep it on topic....

For those with the GG in their crosshairs, here is a playground for you.

Well done Sir. Made my day when I read it earlier today. Especially when I saw who wrote it.
Thanks, but it was not anything that anyone of us here could not do, and probably do in a more articulate (and somewhat less disjointed) manner than I was able to do. There is a great amount of collective experience, knowledge and wisdom amongst the folk who post in these threads, all of which can be put to good use against thoughtless, misguided or malicious public commentary. If you feel strongly enough about it. speak out. If you don't, who will? Cheers.
pbi said:
Thanks, but it was not anything that anyone of us here could not do, and probably do in a more articulate (and somewhat less disjointed) manner than I was able to do.

No need to downplay the letter, I doubt it could have been done better. Mr Hine's foot is so far down his throat that he's probably standing on it again. Nothing like first hand experience to shoot down ignorance.  Well done sir :salute:
pbi said:
If you feel strongly enough about it. speak out. If you don't, who will?

And there is my lesson for the day - and something to think about.  Thanks Dave.
I don't know who this Hines guy is, except he felt strongly enough to post a letter. Even in his ignorance you must commend him for that.
Armymedic said:
I don't know who this Hines guy is, except he felt strongly enough to post a letter. Even in his ignorance you must commend him for that.

Exactly right, Armymedic. And if the ill-informed or misguided feel free to speak out, then so should those who have the ability to put them straight. Cheers.
What was the Sun's response? Don't they usually include an editorial message after the comment?