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A Deeply Fractured US

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I think the idea is that you never take a single poll as gospel.

Polls should be taken in their statistical context, and if a new poll shows a clear change, even if the change is significant, it may still be considered edging until more polls show similar results.
I think the idea is that you never take a single poll as gospel.

Polls should be taken in their statistical context, and if a new poll shows a clear change, even if the change is significant, it may still be considered edging until more polls show similar results.

And that is why I am leary about adjectives and adverbs. ;)

The "eye of the beholder" type thing.

I just got called on "abysmal" a day or so ago.
I would have thought ‘edging’ would be described as much, much closer than that…
I think the idea is that you never take a single poll as gospel ...
... especially given contemporaneous polls showing closer to neck & neck (which is likely pissing Democrats off enough as is) ...
Also keep in mind that when POTUS45 got in, polls going into that election said he was behind, so big grains of salt always needed.
How bad is the current POTUS if he's tied with Trump for the best option, eh ?
Honestly, I take all these polls at this point with a grain of salt.
The Election down here will pivot on two main issues.
1) Economy
2) Ukraine

Frankly the economy is doing a lot better than expected, and if Trump takes the Republican nomination, I suspect his numbers will drop heavily.

Trump’s businesses just got hammered due to his fraud - and most of the MAGA conspiracy crap on POTUS has now been proven to be ridiculous made up garbage.

Add in the MAGA foot shooting of the Budget, I don’t think that many Republicans are going to be willing to vote with the party.

Biden’s biggest baggage is his age and as a result the VP. A stronger running mate would IMHO prop him up significantly.
Don’t forget the possible Govt shutdown next week. That will be fun.
I'm torn between two predictions, and it all depends on how "scorched earth" the Dems want to play.

If McCarthy can't get his own party in line, he makes a play at getting a few democrats on board and either:
a. they will take it, because it will probably be a better deal than would worked out with the MAGA hold outs; or
b. they still don't take it and let the US government shutdown to make the GOP look bad.

Personally I think a. is the higher road, so I could see them b. as being the way it goes.
Erik Prince is on the SRS again, episode #76. He has many interesting perspectives on all that is going in with the US and abroad.

Trigger warning for the sensitive kind: he supports 45
A 9-point Trump lead is an outlier. Even though Biden has slipped in the RCP aggregate, election is still a long ways away.

A "government shutdown" isn't actually a government shutdown.
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