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A Deeply Fractured US

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Kinda like Biden for some folks now that they've finally gotten over Obama.


Biden is obama's third term.😉 You don't need to be obsessed with Biden to laugh at him daily over his daily escapades. It's like grabbing the newspaper and going straight to your favourite comic. Start your day with a chuckle
Let me get this straight: if it's bad, it's because Biden is a senile old man, but if it's good, it's because "Obama" . Got it.
I guess the chuckles you got as reactions to your post are for the FBI. They employed him for a long time as a confidential human source. You can read about his exploits in the DOJ court filing linked here. It's from a July 2023 sealed grand jury indictment that was recently unsealed. The question is why the FBI had this Form 1023 in had for 4 years and never acted on it. They even authorized him to participate in criminal activity during his work. He was admonished several times as can be seen.
3. As a CHS, the Defendant provided information to the Handler
that was then used in various criminal investigations conducted by the
FBI. The Defendant knew that information he provided was used in
criminal investigations because, among other reasons, the Handler
advised him that he might have to testify in court based on the
information he provided on multiple occasions, including, but not
limited to: 10/1/2010, 5/17/2011, 11/28/2012, 04/12/2013, 8/29/2013,
7/10/2015 and 3/11/2020. The Defendant also knew the information he
provided was used in criminal investigations because the Defendant
participated in a number of operations where he was authorized to
engage in criminal activity as part of an on-going criminal
4. The Defendant was admonished by the Handler that he must
provide truthful information to the FBI when he first became a CHS in
2010 and on multiple occasions thereafter, including, but not limited
to: 10/1/2010, 1/20/2011, 5/17/2011, 9/14/2011, 8/29/2012, 11/28/2012,
4/12/2013, 8/29/2013, 1/22/2014, 7/9/2014, 7/10/2015, 9/29/2016,
9/26/2017, 9/26/2018, 9/27/2019, 3/11/2020, 2/19/2021, 10/28/2021,
10/17/2022 and 9/29/2023.
5. In addition, when the Defendant was authorized to engage in
illegal activity for investigative purposes, he was further admonished
that: “Under no circumstances may the CHS … Participate in an act that
constitutes obstruction of justice (e.g., perjury, witness tampering,
witness intimidation, entrapment, or fabrication, alteration, or
destruction of evidence, unless such illegal activity has been
authorized).” When the Defendant was given this admonishment, he
signed an FBI form that contained this statement, including on
10/8/2014, 1/18/2017, 10/8/2018, 1/10/2019, and 8/7/2020.
DOJ Document
I guess the chuckles you got as reactions to your post are for the FBI. They employed him for a long time as a confidential human source. You can read about his exploits in the DOJ court filing linked here. It's from a July 2023 sealed grand jury indictment that was recently unsealed. The question is why the FBI had this Form 1023 in had for 4 years and never acted on it. They even authorized him to participate in criminal activity during his work. He was admonished several times as can be seen.

DOJ Document
The term ‘admonished’ is likely not a negative or pejorative term in this context. Part of confidential source handling is going through a routine each time there’s an interaction to remind them of what they can, can’t, and mustn’t do, and reminding them they must be truthful. I don’t interpret that portion of the allegation as suggesting they had grounds to believe he was previously untruthful and that he was ‘admonished’ as a result. Note that they use the term to describe how he was briefed the very first time he was used.

Gotta hand it to Ivan. They can still give a master class in political fuckery and destabilization. They got America good with this one.
The term ‘admonished’ is likely not a negative or pejorative term in this context. Part of confidential source handling is going through a routine each time there’s an interaction to remind them of what they can, can’t, and mustn’t do, and reminding them they must be truthful. I don’t interpret that portion of the allegation as suggesting they had grounds to believe he was previously untruthful and that he was ‘admonished’ as a result. Note that they use the term to describe how he was briefed the very first time he was used.

Gotta hand it to Ivan. They can still give a master class in political fuckery and destabilization. They got America good with this one.
Thanks for that explanation.
Regarding the trucker boycott of NYC, in reponse to the former guy's recent fine in New York. It was supposed to have begun on Monday.

Looks like a "nothing-burger".

Truckers have been avoiding NYC for many years. Especially now they must pay tolls within the city.

It has nothing to do with the recent court case.

Much like Canada's largest city, traffic and parking has been a nightmare for many years, and is only going to get worse.

Bad enough for cars, let alone a semi hauling a 53-foot trailer.
Regarding the trucker boycott of NYC, in reponse to the former guy's recent fine in New York. It was supposed to have begun on Monday.

He posted a retraction a couple days later. I suspect the hard reality of employment and paying the bills hit him head on.

It was never going to be a meaningful thing. Companies with routes would fire employees who don’t work. Independent operators would get blacklisted if they refused to drive routes they had committed to. Other drivers would take the routes if independents chose not to. There were never meaningful numbers that would have made this a thing.

Slapping the label “trucker” on a partisan tantrum seems like the astroturfing-du-jour. Same with that dumb little border convoy they had that was supposed to be an huge thing and amounted to nothing.
They must figure that Russia, Russia, Russia worked so well before that they can recycle the scenarios and allegations and use them as a defence instead of an allegation.🤣🤣🤣🤣
If you recall back in the late spring / early summer, this FBI FD-1023 was supposed to be a Very Big Deal and was the cornerstone of allegations levied by house republicans. It now appears that the entire thing was a fabrication, quite possibly at the behest of Russian intelligence. The house Republicans appear to have been completely played by a Russian foreign actor interference op, to the extent that they’ve tried to move towards impeaching a president over it. It’s completely fair game for those who were on the opposite political end of these allegations to be loudly pointing out that it was complete bullshit, and wasn’t fact checked at all before the house Republicans made a great deal of noise and ran with it.

If we (the larger western ‘we’) don’t want foreign actors interfering with our governments, that should be an absolute position of principle and should be loudly decried any time it happens. It shouldn’t matter which side was the target.
If you recall back in the late spring / early summer, this FBI FD-1023 was supposed to be a Very Big Deal and was the cornerstone of allegations levied by house republicans. It now appears that the entire thing was a fabrication, quite possibly at the behest of Russian intelligence. The house Republicans appear to have been completely played by a Russian foreign actor interference op, to the extent that they’ve tried to move towards impeaching a president over it. It’s completely fair game for those who were on the opposite political end of these allegations to be loudly pointing out that it was complete bullshit, and wasn’t fact checked at all before the house Republicans made a great deal of noise and ran with it.

If we (the larger western ‘we’) don’t want foreign actors interfering with our governments, that should be an absolute position of principle and should be loudly decried any time it happens. It shouldn’t matter which side was the target.
After watching the RRR gymnastics by the democrats, FBI, DOJ, CIA, et al, over the last 8 years, I'm not inclined to believe anything. And simply because the trusted, productive CI, that got everything rolling has allegedly turned for the Russians, does not convince me of anything. The fact that biden himself, amongst other of the ususal suspects, came out calling for an end to the impeachment inquiry because of this guy being arrested only adds to the stink. And they started screaming before the lock turned on this guy's cell. Way too convenient for my measure, especially since we know lots of the lies told by clinton and her minions were based on staged incidents. We also know this administration loves shutting people up and making them inaccessible by jailing them. It's almost their go to solution.

So, nope, not calling it straight up bullshit, but past performance by Biden controlled 3 letter agencies, the Clinton campaign and continued squawking by schiff, raskin and schumer about Trump/ Russia makes it really hard to take any of it at face value. They have proven, time and again, that they can't be trusted, so why would a person start believing them now. Especially on this. I would not be taking this to the bank on the say so of democrats.

Of course political bias is doing the shaping of this. People pissed because 8 years of Trump collusion have proven false and engineered are willing, now, to claim this is 100% factual. Simply in their attempt to recoup face and keep their geriatric dementia patient in play until they are ready to switch up. They act like this is the only evidence the committee has. With what they have, the committee doesn’t even need the FD-1023, IMO.

I'd be more concerned about the SC report on biden. If true, he needs removal as POTUS immediately. Biden and the WH say he's lucid and decisive? Easy peasy, get him tested. If he fails, retire him. If he passes, then they can proceed with his charges as outlined in the report.
If you recall back in the late spring / early summer, this FBI FD-1023 was supposed to be a Very Big Deal and was the cornerstone of allegations levied by house republicans. It now appears that the entire thing was a fabrication, quite possibly at the behest of Russian intelligence. The house Republicans appear to have been completely played by a Russian foreign actor interference op, to the extent that they’ve tried to move towards impeaching a president over it. It’s completely fair game for those who were on the opposite political end of these allegations to be loudly pointing out that it was complete bullshit, and wasn’t fact checked at all before the house Republicans made a great deal of noise and ran with it.

If we (the larger western ‘we’) don’t want foreign actors interfering with our governments, that should be an absolute position of principle and should be loudly decried any time it happens. It shouldn’t matter which side was the target.
How the tables have turned. Once upon a time it was the FBI and CIA that were played by fabrications, injected mainly by people working for Hillary Clinton's campaign, which ended up reaching out through Steele to Russians and greedily accepted what was given. There were also their (investigators) own tenuous wishful creations, amplified by too much attention paid to what they thought was militating evidence (including hearsay) and too little attention paid to mitigating evidence. Their ultimate report (Mueller's) conceded that insufficient evidence existed to charge the principal target (Trump). With delicious irony, Mueller's report editorialized on the subject of "not exonerated" which became a rallying cry for partisans at the time, some of whom subsequently expressed vexation and outrage that a later report (Hur's) found evidence of crimes by Biden, but explained why no charges would be brought. Most amusingly, Mueller's report was also part of the impetus for an impeachment - Trump's first.

"Russians playing Americans leading to impeachment" might be on the path to becoming a tradition.

I agree foreign interference should be loudly decried. How unfortunate that so many people made such a big deal out of the Trump tower meeting while conspicuously ignoring the Clinton campaign's malicious dirt-digging. I suppose we'll have to wait and see what emerges regarding charges that the CIA subverted the constitution by employing foreign agencies. It's interesting enough to see who is prepared to be outraged, and who is trying to throw up "concerns" about releases of information.
And this is why recognizing allegations as allegations until they’re proven in court to an appropriate standard of evidence is important.
Except when people in essence say "you have no proof" to set a bar to be cleared for starting an investigation into allegations, but only when it is politically advantageous. Anyone who can't consistently apply standards for what are and are not reasonable triggers for investigations is intellectually or ethically deficient.
He posted a retraction a couple days later. I suspect the hard reality of employment and paying the bills hit him head on.

It was never going to be a meaningful thing. Companies with routes would fire employees who don’t work. Independent operators would get blacklisted if they refused to drive routes they had committed to. Other drivers would take the routes if independents chose not to. There were never meaningful numbers that would have made this a thing.

Slapping the label “trucker” on a partisan tantrum seems like the astroturfing-du-jour. Same with that dumb little border convoy they had that was supposed to be an huge thing and amounted to nothing.

Truckers don't want to drive in NYC. Nothing to do with politics.

Some refuse to go in the Boroughs. Some won't even cross the George Washington Bridge. They'll get permits instead to take them around 287 to I-95 up to New England, as opposed to crossing the GW. Traffic and parking is horrible, the new tolls to get into the city, they lose a whole day coming in and getting out, can't plan their next load, cuz they are probably going to lose it trying to get in and out.
Tattletales ratting you out for running your truck trying to keep warm or cool.
They are force dispatched and bonus to get them to volunteer.
By law, there are areas in NYC that ban 53-foot trailers.

I can see a possible Canada - US truck strike one day for better pay and working conditions.

But, like you say, it won't be for some "partisan tantrum".

So I have to wonder, if the FBI acted on any of this guy's info, before the laptop. And they prosecuted people because of his info. Are they going to set aside all the convictions he was involved in now that they claim he can't be trusted? Or is this just for Biden?

And let's not forget, the laptop is real, no matter who the source was that gave it up.
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