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A Deeply Fractured US

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Sack of potatoes.

I don't vote in US elections so this is all purely entertainment.
With all of the above in mind, I'm still surprised that a large body of allegedly CAF folks on this forum are opposed to a Trump presidency.
I won’t speak for others, but @FJAG’s response to that original post hits home for me.

Kelly Craft was a Trump appointee, is married to a billionaire coal-mining executive and generally a Trump shill so I don't take too much of what she says without a barrel of salt.
I won’t speak for others, but @FJAG’s response to that original post hits home for me.

How Craft thinks is mindreading or speculation. And opinions of a person's character will vary.

What Craft said are facts, however. You either agree those outcomes are good or you don't. I'm surprised many of you are so opposed to a person whos policies could influence (coerce even) increased defence capability in Canada.
I'm really going to try move away from US politics. I have zero idea how successful I'll be. I've tried, unsuccessfully, before. However, I'll keep trying.

All sides are entrenched. There will be no agreement. There will be no acceptance of opposite viewpoints.

By now, most everyone here knows what camp others are in. They also know they won't ever agree with those outside their campfire. So why bother arguing?

By all means discuss things like the SCOTUS decisions, but do it based on the merits and leave individual politicians out of it.

We have enough trouble and shenanigans with our own political parties and government, without trying to solve the problems down south. We can worry how their government will align with ours after Nov 5.

I'm going to try to just close my eyes and repeat my personal mandela. Wish me luck this time.
With all of the above in mind, I'm still surprised that a large body of allegedly CAF folks on this forum are opposed to a Trump presidency.

Considering that the demographic of regular posters on this forum skews heavily conservative and retired ex-CAF, and even here you mostly can't find traction for Trumpism should be a strong indicator as to how insane the entire MAGA movement is, but I guess instead we'll just make snippy comments questioning peoples' military credentials.
Considering that the demographic of regular posters on this forum skews heavily conservative and retired ex-CAF, and even here you mostly can't find traction for Trumpism should be a strong indicator as to how insane the entire MAGA movement is, but I guess instead we'll just make snippy comments questioning peoples' military credentials.

Apologies if it came across that way. Not intended.

For just a moment set aside the "MAGA movement" and try and block the biased media narrative about the bad orange man from your mind.

What about 45's first term was insane? Genuinely curious to know what offends some so much. If you read Craft's brief comments about what to look forward to if Trump wins the next election, and the post up-thread by ERC from the credible authors also supporting said mandate, I'm not sure how there can be so much strong objection.
I’ll let @KevinB take the first crack.
Honestly I was a Trump guy, and up until the last election was rooting hard for him.

It was the fact that around 3-4 weeks after the election, when it was clear that President Biden had won legitimately, and DJT was stoking the fires of election tampering that soured heavily on him. Then the whole Jan 6th Capital storming by folks that he had fanned the flames on, that it was just sickening.

Then some heavily republican leaning folks I know started talking about issues that had occurred with intelligence leaks that where linked to President Trump that I landed in the Never Again Trump side.
Honestly I was a Trump guy, and up until the last election was rooting hard for him.

It was the fact that around 3-4 weeks after the election, when it was clear that President Biden had won legitimately, and DJT was stoking the fires of election tampering that soured heavily on him. Then the whole Jan 6th Capital storming by folks that he had fanned the flames on, that it was just sickening.

Then some heavily republican leaning folks I know started talking about issues that had occurred with intelligence leaks that where linked to President Trump that I landed in the Never Again Trump side.

Set aside anything post 2020 election and the intelligence leaks you speak of, were his accomplishments during his time in office better or worse than Biden's?
You won't do it because you don't want to admit his record of accomplishments while in office were very good, comparatively and against a wall of obstructive bureaucracy.

The Jan6th allegations of wrong doings by 45 are media/DNC spun narratives, regardless the SCOTUS ruling should put that matter to bed... I've heard time and again how much faith/trust you all have in the lowest court and prosecutorial decisions - surely your faith is much higher in the highest court of the land.

And nor I or the average layperson know anything about intelligence leaks attributed to 45 of any substance, but we all are quite familiar with the loads of allegations made against 45 since about 2015 proven false. So allegations such as this are taken with a dump truck load of salt.

Weighing all of that, and his actual accomplishments while in office, please explain to me how the average American (or any person), or the world situation (Ukr/Iran/anywhere) are now better off under four years of Biden.

Peace deals
Regulations reduced
Energy/Environmental stewardship
You won't do it because you don't want to admit his record of accomplishments while in office were very good, comparatively and against a wall of obstructive bureaucracy.
I suspect he won’t do it because it would be an exercise in futility as your opinion is firmly entrenched and your ask is not coming from a position of open discussion in good faith.
Set aside anything post 2020 election and the intelligence leaks you speak of, were his accomplishments during his time in office better or worse than Biden's?
I knew a number of Americans who ran small businesses that said that the Trump economic polies saved them from going under. I felt that Trump rightly picked up on the US population exhaustion on foreign adventures and was not interested in playing that game that resonated with a lot of military types. He then lost a lot of that with the stupid McCain remarks and losing Gen Matis support. I did like the fact that he made sure the force attacking Americans in Syria were hit hard and didn't play Obama's game of magically disappearing lines in the sand, which encouraged people like Putin to attack Ukraine with minimal fear of retaliation.
I think Trump will try to play the same Isolationist card and it won't work as times have significantly changed and we need a US with a strong and clear foreign policy that friends and enemies can know and bank on. Biden is a disaster and Trump will fail on this point as well. From a domestic POV I don't care if he gets in. From a foreign policy view, either one of them is a failure at the worst time.
You won't do it because you don't want to admit his record of accomplishments while in office were very good, comparatively and against a wall of obstructive bureaucracy.

No, I won’t waste my time explaining myself to you because a) I don’t owe it to you, and b) you’ve never struck me as being a participant in these discussions with an interest in objectivity or good faith. Since I don’t care what you think of my opinions, why burn time explaining them to you if it doesn’t otherwise interest or amuse me to? That’s why I won’t indulge your insistence. Separate from that, my interest in this thread has been in large part the criminal law aspect around Jan 6th and the various prosecutions of the former president. I bring at least a little bit to the table there. I’m less interested in the naked partisan politics, and I have little to nothing of value to say on that.
Set aside anything post 2020 election and the intelligence leaks you speak of, were his accomplishments during his time in office better or worse than Biden's?
Okay I’ll be honest I think they both have been a terrible set of failures.

Trump ran up a huge amount of public debt, BEYOND the COVID offsets.

He promised to drain the swamp, but only added more creatures to it.

He promised more American jobs, and his record isn’t better than the current administration, and while COVID can be used as a crutch to a point, that then brings in what former President Trump managed to do to the faith in medical professionals and science in America.

I’d give them both an F, and neither deserve a second term.
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