On the subject of Vietnam, you may have forgotten that Donald Trump referred to John McCain, an actual Vietnam veteran and POW, as a "loser" and that he likes people who "weren't captured" and publicly insulted the mans service.
That's no conspiracy, it's available here for your viewing pleasure if you've forgotten, his rant on McCain starts around 5:10 in this video;
Donald Trump, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, was interviewed about campaign issues and responded to questions from members of the audience. Topics included his faith and the economy. When speaking about a disagreement he had with Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Mr...
Personally, I have my doubts about Trump's "bone spurs" deferral but I don't hold any ill feelings towards those who dodged the Vietnam draft, Trump or anyone else. I am friends with Vietnam War veterans, and also those who came to Canada to avoid going. Many people had valid reasons not to go, and I believe it's up to the individual to decide if they are fit and willing to defend their nation and participate in its wars, particularly in conflicts half way around the world. What bothers me is openly insulting the service of the young American's and Canadian's who did decide to go in hopes of making the world a better place and had to experience that hell in the jungle.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you probably wouldn't enjoy civilians insulting your service in the CAF and saying you're a "loser" and making ignorant comments about war in general and POW's. None of us would want that, it's just straight up trash talk from very ignorant and uneducated people who know very little about military conflicts and war, we've all experienced these trash comments at some point from various groups of people.
You're right that none of these politicians have served, all the names you've mentioned are equally pathetic when it comes to prior service, you can also put our PM JT on your list of rich people who would never serve in the military. But only Trump has stooped so low as to publicly insult an American Vietnam War POW veteran's service on television for political gain.
You say you're not a conspiracist in some of your posts, but the statement in your signature to every post has some serious conspiracy vibes with what it implies. I'm no spelling or grammar official, but if you're going to keep spamming us with your bold font definition to the term "Conspiracy Theorist" over and over in every post you could at least ensure it's spelt correctly if we all need to keep enduring it.