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A question about Jungle Boots...


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Somewhat of a stupid question but I coudn't find an answer by searching so here it goes...

Jungle Boots have these "air/water holes" that let water out of the boots after having walked into a marsh. My question is this: is it a "one way" valve sorta thing, as in water won't come in, but comes out? For example, you have water up to your knees, so water goes in the boot. You walk out and water will come out from these holes.

However, does water go through the holes into the boots from the outside as well? For example, if you walk through a puddle with a few cm of water, will water go through the vents and get you wet? I'm sure the answer is obvious but I want to know for sure...

Nope on the one way valve

1" of water and you get wet.

P.S. the screen mesh vent grommets fall out a lot.
Thanks. Jeez, seems like it defeats the whole purpouse of having vents (altough I suppose it's nice in desert climates)... Woudn't that have encouraged jungle rot or trench foot? I thought it was  possible to make boots with such vents that are only "one-way". Now that would definitely be nice. *runs to the patent office*
I love jungle boots :) I am in the navy and when we were trialing boarding party boots we started out with Jungle Boots and let me tell you. Wearing a slipper vice a 18lbs boot is so much more comfortable. I am scared to trade them up though as they might not reissue them  :(

Infidel-6 said:
Nope on the one way valve

1" of water and you get wet.

P.S. the screen mesh vent grommets fall out a lot.

The leather rots and the anti pungi stick steel shank reduces flexibility in the boot. Although with a good polish job they do look spiffy.
It's too bad the CF didn't get the optional bilge pump kit.  They're nice and comfy for short walks, but as a young Sapper I thought they'd be just the thing for the 2X10 in Wainwright.  End of day one one, agony;  End of day two, raw burger foot.  expensive lesson well learned.
idonthaveaname said:
Thanks. Jeez, seems like it defeats the whole purpouse of having vents (altough I suppose it's nice in desert climates)... Woudn't that have encouraged jungle rot or trench foot?

They dry out much faster then a goretex or all leather boot.  I wear wellco JBoots in the summer all the time for their breathability, anything else and I end up with rotten feet, despite using powder and changing socks once a day.
Kat -- I did the same thing 
Not quite as bad as doing the 29km in Hi-techs -- I lost all my toenails on that one...

The JB's do dry out quickly - and the CDI factor was high.

The Desert Boots - have the same vent - dont quite dry as fast though...

Right now I have to admit I dont do Jungle boots anymore...particularly on marches or FIBUA

I got non goretex Lowa Seeker PT's which have much better LCF and ankle support ;D
idonthaveaname said:
Thanks. Jeez, seems like it defeats the whole purpouse of having vents (altough I suppose it's nice in desert climates)... Woudn't that have encouraged jungle rot or trench foot? I thought it was  possible to make boots with such vents that are only "one-way". Now that would definitely be nice. *runs to the patent office*

the idea is with the vents is that if your in water, your feet are gonna get wet regardless. with the vents, as soon as you get OUT of water, the motion of you walking pushes the excess water in your boots out, and thus drying them faster.
How's this for LCF?  JB's with after market Vibram soles. Huh, Huh?

During our hand over in Cyprus in 88 we were replacing 5 RALC and we had to spit shine the our JB's when we worked the gate in cbts.  Now that was spiffy.  ::)
FourNinerZero hit the nail on the head. JB's are meant for situations where you know your feet are gonna get wet. Also are the best for situations where it's so dry out that there's no chance of your feet getting wet because they breathe very well. And its not as bad as you think, I've been in situations wearing my JB's where muddy water was a few inches deep in most areas, and only the arches of my feet (where the vents are) were slighly damp. On stalwart guardian 05 a Corporal in my section went all 8 (9, 10?) days in JB's and goretex socks without taking them off once and his feet were dry the whole time, they smelled to high heavens at end ex, however.
L + W Infanteer said:
FourNinerZero hit the nail on the head. JB's are meant for situations where you know your feet are gonna get wet. Also are the best for situations where it's so dry out that there's no chance of your feet getting wet because they breathe very well. And its not as bad as you think, I've been in situations wearing my JB's where muddy water was a few inches deep in most areas, and only the arches of my feet (where the vents are) were slighly damp. On stalwart guardian 05 a Corporal in my section went all 8 (9, 10?) days in JB's and goretex socks without taking them off once and his feet were dry the whole time, they smelled to high heavens at end ex, however.

Yeah, but that same Cpl also got REAMED out by the CSM for having non-issue boots (haha) and no haircut and also something else non-issue. But, he always keeps that C6 running like charm, never complains and always gets his job done... Which is why I think is one of the reasons he wasn't charged. He wasn't show-boating at all, just being functional.

I've not been priveliged enough to recieve any other boots except the MKIII's, and not rich enough to buy my own gucci kit either.... Which suits me fine so far.
  8 days in socks and boot - is not function its fucking retarded -- It may be fine for playing toy soldier -- but its not an operationally intelligent issue.

Infidel-6 said:
  8 days in socks and boot - is not function its ******* retarded -- It may be fine for playing toy soldier -- but its not an operationally intelligent issue.

Oh true, I should have pointed out I didn't mean he was intelligent for THAT part of it...  ;) That was rather retarded and a good way to get some strange nasty on your feet. I would never, ever do that.... Ever...