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A reply to Taliban Jack from Friends DownUnder

I would rather that we did not waste any tax payer's funds on sending 'Taliban Jack' to A'stan. Who really would want to be anywhere near wherever he was going ?

It is bad enough seeing his smiling face on TV let along having our troops seeing him over there. ( Just seeing his face and hearing his BS on the TV comes close to causing me a price of a replacement set after my coffee cup goes through it.)
For some reason the thought of him trying to address a crowd of soldiers... is amusing, really amusing. Q & A would be even better.

But seriously, he would have no intention of actually seeing what is going on. He'd visit the governor, then go to a school, then go visit some NGO's.... all the while protected by JTF2 and a couple of platoons worth of LAV's.

He'd come back and proclaim "For I have seen the promised land, and it doesn't need soldiers".

We could always hope timmy isn't thinking straight and bombs his convoy... not killing him, but close enough to singe his mustache and rattle that little peanut around enough to possibly have the thought "hey, maybe it's really not safe enough for NGO's to go running around without protection" go wizzing between his ears.

Ah, I can dream.
RangerRay said:
I believe this is closer to the truth.  I'm sure Taliban Jack knows the truth of the situation in A'stan, but he's using this as a wedge issue to get the sizable, but ignorant anti-war crowd to support his party.

Sometimes I think he knows the truth, other times I'm not sure, it's possible he really does believe what he's saying. If he doesn't though, and it is just to garner support, then does he think his opposition to it will have no effect whatsoever to the mission. Or is he really such a jerk that he doesn't care if he and his cohorts bring about a change for the worse if they manage to completely undermine support for the mission?

RangerRay said:
Give the man a cigar!  ;D
If you're refering to me how about 'woman' instead? :)
(And could you make it a drink? I quit smoking) ;D
Mark C said:
The majority of Canadians simply "don't get it".  That is bizarre.  It is also frustrating.  But above and beyond that, it is foremost scary.  Sheep (as a nation) to the slaughter.....

After six years reg force and a couple of good tours, I'm now at University checking out this side. It's amazing the influence that uninformed people have. People that consider themselves informed! I would only say that it falls again to the people who truly love this country to solve the problem. Just like in Afghanistan, it's going to take education, now of both their and our masses. I can think of no one better than us to spread INTELLIGENT thought and hard fact.
Mark C said:
I'm not bitter in the least.  I am simply distressed that the general Canadian public are so abjectly
navel-gazing that the vast majority don't remember why we are in Afghanistan in the first place,

The average Canadian isn't living with this on a daily basis,  aside from whatever coverage the media
deigns to give us on Afghanistan. Which often isn't very much. Yes people do forget, the terror of September 11th
is gone, especially as it didn't happen here, but this 'forgetfullness'is an intrinsic coping mechanism,
such as women quickly forgetting the pain of child birth. W would go insane if every pain and terror stayed
foremost in our minds.
  What coverage there is tends to highlight the fallen and wounded soldiers, civilian deaths, and other
negative aspects. There isn't much positive information out there, I've not heard much through the
media about the reconstruction, the freedom of some girls to go to school now, women being able to
work again. It's a far off war in a far off land with no apparent relevance to Canada, and we are continually
bombarded with the 'fact' that it is an impossible war to win. There's not much said about the need to keep
the Taliban out so that it is not once again a safe refuge for terrorists, so that they have one less place to
attack from.
Add to this the fact that it has been linked, erroneously yes, but nonetheless linked, with the war in Iraq.
We have one whole party spouting off crap about it being the wrong mission for Canada, that they care
for our soldiers and want to bring them home, and some moronic nitwits yapping about Africa and that
we should be there instead. I know there are a lot of people who just don't care but there are also a lot
who do trouble is we are ill-informed and misinformed. 

Mark C said:
nor does the social collective have a clue we as a nation stand for.

This is sad. Some people I've talked to just don't see why we should help Afghanistan as "they are nothing to
do with us,they don't live here, let them fight there own battles." Apparently the suffering of others
and the fact we all share the same planet isn't important.
Mark C said:
It sometimes makes me wonder what I've devoted my entire adulthood to.  26 years in the infantry,
and it seems that all I can do is preach to the converted.

It is on this site listening,( well reading technically) to soldiers that I have gained most of my information
on the war in Afghanistan, the desire of soldiers to be there, their insights, their experiences,the good
that is being done. I wouldn't get the information elsewhere. Please keep preaching. :)
Mark C said:
The majority of Canadians simply "don't get it".  That is bizarre.  It is also frustrating. 
But above and beyond that, it is foremost scary.  Sheep (as a nation) to the slaughter.....

Aside from alot of misinformation, there is also the desire to remain at peace and the lack of belief
that others do not want the same thing. Most cannot conceive of people willing to go to war just to get rid
of those who do not have the same religious beliefs. Or whatever other reasons that drive the extremists.

I have emailed Layton and several other NDP MP's and have never even had a P**S off in responce. I asked him to engage me with some sort of intelligent discussion along with Catherine Bell my local MP. it seems that with anyone who has some sort of dissenting opinion of his is not worth his time.
  Not to go off thread but at least Bob Rae took a principled stand on Israel and Hezbollah, and said Israel had the right to defend itself. I emailed him and even said I'd never vote for him and his office responded.
Lets face facts the man is a WACK JOB, it does not help that our media is just as biased either. It is just to bad that we are not allowed to speak up. I would personally and publically love to offer him a cup of shut the **** up.