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Advice and an open mind needed

Ryango said:
I was referring to size as total members, I guess a better description would be Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy. If you are in the know, i'm sure you can guess the academy, but I will please ask you to keep it under wraps as I put my whole personal life out there on the forum today and not everyone who knows me personally from my work place needs to be told.

Ok, stays here.
Ryango said:
I know what I have to do on the girlfriend front, I already knew I had to talk about these issues just in general about compromise and decision making in the relationship.

Wait until your relationship becomes a marriage. My wife and I always compromise. I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me.  ;D

Brihard said:
Ryango- When you're up in battalion, a normal work week will be 8-4 Monday to Friday. You'll spend more time than you'd expect sitting on your ***. You'll live maybe on base in military housing, or maybe in a place you buy or rent off base. The dog will run free and bark at the neighbours. Possibly the girlfriend too, if that's her thing. You'll come home in the afternoon, grumble about what some jackass did today, and she'll murmur sympathetic noises while thinking about whatever it is that she does.

And then a few weeks later you'll bugger off for a week or a month or a month and a half in the field. Maybe in Wainwright. Maybe in Virginia. Maybe in Norway. Maybe right there in whatever base you're in. You'll simply be off somewhere and largely out of touch.

Or you may be told one day that you're going on a course in some place or another, and again, off you go for a month to another part of the country.

And then every now and then some other part of the world will go to crap and you'll deploy.

There's plenty of time for family when you're at home in normal garrison routine, but it will be balanced out by long, and not always predictable times away.

Thank you so much for the overview, I have never seen it so clearly and concisely laid out. This answered all my questions and gives me a very strong stance in explaining the "life" to her. I work longer hours now and have zero issues with the dog. I was just worried I was going to have to drop all my stuff on someone and burden them while I was away living my dream.
I can join the CF, still be a partner in the relationship, still go to the cottage and the farm on weekends, still have a family, still be responsible for my own pet, still keep up with my own training, and as I said before when I'm out I still have a BJJ business to settle down with, where we or even just she wants to settle down. As a poster said before, a BJJ Black Belt in Canada is rare and valuable. I don't need to use it now... well maybe in Basic  :camo:
ballz said:
What area are you in? I can probably get you a good contact to start. I have friends that are platoon commanders in the combat arms in *most* of the major areas at this point.

I would ignore what Grimaldus said about the CF not entertaining BJJ... If they have someone offer a free seminar to their troops, they will find some way to get you in during the work day. If they do turn it down, they are shitty ******* leaders, period.

There's not much "appetite" for BJJ because it's hard to find qualified instructors, unlike TKD where black belts are a dime a dozen.

Also, if you could grab a few fighters to bring in and help instruct the troops I am sure they will appreciate it.

Downtown Toronto, although I would get MY instructor to lead the seminar, nice to learn from a "real deal brazilian" especially if it would help Commanders make a decision to actively pursue BJJ in training. I could get Pro MMA fighters to come roll with the guys as well.
Next time you get in an argument with your wife/girlfriend try this . Go back and forth then just stop stare into her eyes with a straight face. Dont look mad or happy just normal and stare. After 10-15 minutes of contentiously staring she will think to her self OMG what did i say or do he looks so depressed and she will feel guilty even though your wrong and after she says whats wrong or why you staring at me just be like I love you baby and walk away :) .... If it does not work ban me from this forum
Ryango said:
Downtown Toronto, although I would get MY instructor to lead the seminar, nice to learn from a "real deal brazilian" especially if it would help Commanders make a decision to actively pursue BJJ in training. I could get Pro MMA fighters to come roll with the guys as well.

PM sent. Should be able to work something out.
Hi Ryango, I hear what you're saying about your dog, I too have a dog that means the world to me. I know he will always be there for me and accept my choices in life, which is more than I can say for most people. If friends/family/significant others don't support me in my dreams and aspirations, I am not really sure that I want them in my life. You need to ask yourself, do they really care more about themselves and their own feelings than yours? If I were you, I would focus more on my dog, make sure he/she is well looked after while you are unable to be there for him/her. I would think twice about leaving him/her with said "girlfriend" as she might turn her resentment to him/her in your absence.
Follow your dreams, don't let anyone stand in your way, you'll regret it later on, and be miserable. Remember, your pup will be there waiting for you when you return, and happy to see you, said girlfriend may not. Just my  :2c:.