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If I was Harper, I'd release it. I'm willing to bet it wouldn't be long before some dufus of an MP leaked the info to the media, thereby proving the CPC's point.
recceguy said:If I was Harper, I'd release it. I'm willing to bet it wouldn't be long before some dufus of an MP leaked the info to the media, thereby proving the CPC's point.
ModlrMike said:The moment that John McCallum used the phrase "war crimes", I knew this was going to be a witch hunt. I don't doubt for a moment that we handed over detainees that were ultimately tortured. Did the commanders on the ground know? Perhaps, perhaps not. The fact remains that the Canadian public:
a. didn't want us to bring them here;
b. didn't want us to maintain our own "Guantanamo" style facility;
c. didn't want us to release them;
d. nor did they, apparently, want us to hand them over.
FFS people... you have to pick one option and live with the outcome.
It's not about detainees at all; it's about forcing an end to the CF's combat mission, the sooner the better. Read the excerpts below from a piece of his in the Ottawa Citizen and draw your own conclusions. And note the persistent prof's political participation--and his exquisitely selective reading of the 2008 House of Commons' motion on our Afghan mission...
No bleed, no lead. And almost no coverage at all. The invaluable and brave Christie Blatchford of the Globe and Mail takes on her own industry...
...quite sad. I guess a country gets the media it deserves.
From screams to whimpers on Afghan detainees
Allegations that fuelled shooting match replaced in some arenas with Celine’s new swimming pool to almost nothing at all
Christie Blatchford
Published on Friday, Apr. 30, 2010 7:51PM EDT Last updated on Sunday, May. 02, 2010 10:50AM EDT
The same week that House of Commons Speaker Peter Milliken made his historic ruling that Parliament has the right to see all the documents about Afghan detainees, the very man whose sensational allegations fuelled the whole shooting match was being delivered a thumping.
How amusing, except it isn’t.
Richard Colvin is the diplomat whose testimony at a special committee last fall – chiefly, that torture of the Afghan prisoners Canadian soldiers handed over to their fellow Afghans was “standard operating procedure” and that he had warned senior military officials about it to no avail – was given war-sized treatment in the press.
His allegations were front-page news across the country, led to stern editorials in several major newspapers a day later, and added gasoline to the fire already simmering about alleged Canadian complicity in torture and government stonewalling of efforts to view uncensored documents on the subject.
But when Gavin Buchan, the former political director and senior official on the ground in Kandahar (but for two months, when Mr. Colvin replaced him) for most of 2006 and part of 2007, and Major General (Retired) Tim Grant, the commander of the Canadian military effort in Afghanistan during the same approximate time period, came to testify before the committee on Wednesday, their evidence collectively a profound rebuttal of Mr. Colvin’s claims, the media coverage was a whisper.
Of the four major newspapers that put Mr. Colvin’s claims on their front pages – The Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Toronto Star and the Ottawa Citizen – last November, only The Globe even deigned to cover Mr. Buchan’s and Mr. Grant’s evidence in a separate story, this a piece by my colleague Bill Curry. The story appeared on Page 13.
The Citizen, in a story about the really big news of the week – Mr. Milliken’s ruling – made passing mention of Mr. Grant’s evidence, but didn’t say what it was and didn’t refer at all to Mr. Buchan’s testimony.
The Post ran no story about what the two men said, nor did the Star, which did, however, devote a startling chunk of its front page to a photo of the backyard water park Celine Dion has built her son in Florida.
There were some extenuating circumstances: At the same time on Wednesday that Mr. Buchan and Mr. Grant addressed the special committee on the mission to Afghanistan, Nazim Gillani, the mysterious businessman involved with former Tory MP Rahim Jaffer, was sitting down before the microphone next door at another special committee.
In one room was the huge crowd of the press, slavering to hear from the guy allegedly linking “busty hookers,” cocaine and the Tories; in the other, where the Afghanistan committee was holding court, there was only The Globe’s Mr. Curry and two other reporters.
If it is a rather shocking indictment of the attention span of the modern press – so fleeting it renders the proverbial New York minute an eternity – not to mention its collective appetite, it would matter less if the story that was almost wholly overlooked wasn’t so significant.
But what Mr. Buchan and Mr. Grant had to say was important and cast doubt on the veracity of Mr. Colvin’s claims.
From Mr. Buchan’s opening statement: “I would like to close on a personal note. Since the committee hearings last November, I have struggled with a fair amount of self-doubt. It has been alleged that in the period leading up to March, 2007, Canadian authorities knew we were transferring detainees to torture.
“I was the DFAIT [Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade] representative on the ground. I was the person meeting with the local representatives of the AIHRC [Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission] and the ICRC [International Committee of the Red Cross], but it was only in April 2007 that it became clear to me [through a Globe story] that our detainee arrangement was not working.
“I was left wondering if I had overlooked information I should have seen.
“If everybody supposedly knew, then what had I missed?
“My review of documentation in preparation for this meeting has gone some way to reassure me.
“I saw nothing in the record through March, 2007, that indicated Canadian-transferred detainees were being abused.”
From Mr. Grant’s opening statement:
“I paid attention to this issue constantly. Without question, information from the ambassador and the embassy was important. But I also spoke to our allies, the Red Cross, the AIHRC and the United Nations. I made use of every possible source of information to inform my decisions, including dedicated legal advice.
“At no time before April, 2007, did anyone express to me that they had concerns involving transfers, and that includes Mr. Colvin, who had ample opportunity to do so.”
From committee questions to Mr. Buchan and Mr. Grant:
Q: When you took over for Mr. Colvin, you would have received briefing or handover notes. … Did any of these documents allege that the Canadian-transferred prisoners were being abused?
Mr. Buchan: “In the handover note that I received on my arrival in Kandahar in July, 2006, there was no reference to the detainee issue whatsoever … there was nothing to that effect in the note.”
Q: Why do you think Mr. Colvin said he had warned officials back in 2006?
Mr. Buchan: “I won’t presume to speak for Richard or his motivations. What I will say is that in April, 2007, there were some very vigorous exchanges between the embassy in Kabul and headquarters in which he [Mr. Colvin] put forward strong, and I believe entirely legitimate views, but the key thing here is timing.
“Those views were expressed in April, 2007, not in the period prior.”
Mr. Grant: “I have no idea, I have no idea. I saw Richard on numerous occasions, both when he came to Kandahar to visit and when I went to Kabul on business … But at no point did he come and say, ‘General, there’s an issue.’”
Q: How do you respond to criticism that Canada has turned a blind eye to torture?
Mr. Buchan: “It’s something that I personally, I feel, touches me. It, it offends me, because as I said in my statement, had I been conscious at any stage in my assignment of the abuse of Canadian detainees, I would have reported that to headquarters and I would not have rested until something was done.”
Mr. Buchan and Mr. Grant are hardly the only witnesses at the committee who have raised grave doubts about Mr. Colvin’s claims – that long list includes former chief of defence staff Rick Hillier, Lieutenant-General (Retired) Mike Gauthier, General Dave Fraser and David Mulroney, Mr. Colvin’s boss – but they are among those most short-changed by the press. These men aren’t lightweights. Either they are all remembering wrongly, or Mr. Colvin is, and it appears the press already has decided which version we prefer – you know, when we’re not more interested in busty hookers or Celine’s backyard.
The Conservative government has not decided whether it will let Bloc Quebecois MPs view potentially sensitive military secrets.
The Tories’ house leader Jay Hill told QMI Agency the government has not agreed to allow members of the Bloc review confidential documents related to the transfer of Afghan detainees.
“We haven’t got to the point yet where we have made any decisions,” Hill said.
Opposition MPs emerged from their second meeting with government ministers Monday feeling more “confident” a deal could be struck — possibly by week’s end.
NDP defence critic Jack Harris said “an emerging consensus” was forming and the parties were discussing ways to allow a group of MPs, with representatives from each political party, to vet uncensored documents.
But Hill said nothing had been decided and all options were still on the table, including tasking former Supreme Court justice Frank Iacobucci to do the job and report back to MPs.
Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe said his MPs shouldn’t be barred.
“We have mandates just as legitimate as theirs,” he said.
Bloc MPs would “have to swear allegiance to Canada and the Queen” if they want access to sensitive information, said Manitoba Tory MP James Bezan.
“If they are not prepared to do that, then I don’t see any way that we can give them the documents,” he said ....
Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that the Leader of the Official Opposition was sworn in today as a Privy Councillor by the Governor General of Canada.
“In my former role as Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, I was granted membership to the Queen’s Privy Council,” said Prime Minister Harper. “I was pleased to offer the same courtesy to Mr. Ignatieff in December of 2009.”
Privy councillors are members of The Queen's Privy Council for Canada, established under the Constitution Act, 1867 to advise the Crown. The Privy Council includes all past and present Cabinet ministers, as well as a number of select persons. Members are appointed by the Governor General, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
“We owe our parliamentary heritage to the grand traditions of Westminster,” noted the Prime Minister. “Being granted access to the Queen’s Privy Council is both an honour and a privilege.”
During the swearing in ceremony, privy councillors swear an oath of allegiance and the Privy Councillor's Oath which includes maintaining the secrecy of Confidences of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. Privy councillors are subject to the Security of Information Act.
“In my former role as Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, I was granted membership to the Queen’s Privy Council,” said Prime Minister Harper. “I was pleased to offer the same courtesy to Mr. Ignatieff in December of 2009.”
GAP said:I don't get this part of the statement...................
The Board of Inquiry (BOI) report for the 14 June 2006 Afghanistan detainee incident was made public today. The Board of Inquiry confirmed that Canadian Forces members acted appropriately on 14 June 2006, taking positive action when they realized an individual in Afghan custody had been mistreated. The Board also concluded that there were differences of interpretation of the March 2006 Theatre Standing Order (TSO) on Detainee Handling at all levels, but these issues were proactively resolved in subsequent rotationsto the point where Canada has an effective and clear detainee management policy.
The Board made no recommendations based upon this investigation, as the issues identified have already been addressed and improvements were made to the TSO and the detainee documentation and reporting process. The report concludes, “It is clear that lessons identified across the chain of command since 2006 have been applied to shape substantive improvements in detainee documentation and reporting. These improvements assure the timely passage of all necessary and relevant operational, legal, and military police information regarding detainees across the tactical and operational levels of command.” .....
milnews.ca said:I await with interest what MSM picks up on.
End the inquisitionb]
A committee that should be monitoring our role in Afghanistan has been hijacked for political ends by wild accusations of torture and nothing in the way of proof
MAY 8, 2010
It was the beginning of the end of McCarthyism when an honourable man finally had had enough.
In 1954, Senator Joe McCarthy had directed his anti-communist inquisition at the U.S. Army and was bullying a witness at a hearing when the chief army counsel, Joseph Welch, told him to stop.
"Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or recklessness. ... You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
The gallery burst into applause, leaving McCarthy bewildered. "What did I do, what did I do?" A few months later, the Senate censured him for his abusive conduct. His career was over.
One hopes such a moment will arrive soon in Ottawa.
The special committee
In March 2008, the House of Commons approved a government motion that set parameters for Canada's future engagement in Afghanistan, including ending Canada's presence in Kandahar in July 2011. In addition, the motion proposed the establishment of a special committee to meet with ministers and officials, travel to the region, and "make frequent recommendations on the conduct and progress of our efforts in Afghanistan."
Instead, for many months now, the special committee on the Canadian mission in Afghanistan has been conducting hearings intended to uncover evidence that government officials and Canadian Forces personnel have been guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan. First came the denunciations, then the hunt for proof. An inquisition by any definition.
The hue and cry has become so loud and insistent, the public hears only from the accusers. Some of Canada's most distinguished citizens have been called war criminals, those who have dissented have been called liars or dupes -- and normally responsible politicians and media outlets, whether out of fear or expediency, have allowed outlandish claims to go unchallenged.
If we are to get at the truth about Afghan detainees, we need to restore some decency to our political discourse. Then we need to dispel myths that have become conventional wisdom through repetition.
Detainee myths
First myth: It's about detainees in Afghanistan. Wrong, it's about politics in Canada. The priority for the opposition parties is winning seats in the next Parliament, and to do so they need to drive down the government's public approval numbers before an election is called. The detainee issue offers a convenient stick with which to beat the government. It's a thin stick, but special interests, partisan academics and much of the media have been supportive and the government has not fought back well.
Second myth: It's about doing what's best for Afghans. Wrong, it's about getting Canada out of Afghanistan as soon as possible -- and no later than July 2011. If the opposition parties were genuinely concerned for the welfare of that afflicted country, they would not just have negotiated the terms for Canada's future involvement in Afghanistan but also endorsed them. In fact, only Conservatives and Liberals voted for the March 2008 resolution. So let's not credit the NDP and the Bloc with pious motives. With the Liberals split over the issue, opponents of Canada's engagement in Afghanistan are putting maximum pressure on the government to ensure there is no backtracking on the decision that Canada leave next summer -- and leave Afghans to their fate.
Third myth: It's about torture. Wrong, it's about feigning outrage over torture while searching for evidence it has occurred. Regrettably for the inquisitors, no evidence has yet been uncovered: no mutilated bodies, maimed survivors, photographs, first-hand accounts, or authoritative reports documenting specific cases with names, dates and places. Not a single individual appearing before the committee has yet provided any such evidence, beginning with the first one. As recently as May 5, the best a representative of Human Rights Watch could offer was further hearsay without corroboration, some dating back to before Taliban rule and none involving Canada. In contrast, the committee has heard many hours of testimony from military commanders, ambassadors, and senior officials refuting allegations Canada delivered detainees over for torture. When their assertions about torture have been probed, the inquisitors have slipped into talking about "abuse" -- then reverted to discussing "torture" when next the issue arises.
Does torture occur in Afghanistan? Probably. It's a society that's been brutalized for more than 30 years and is in the midst of a vicious insurgency that has specialized in targeting civilians. But if torture does occur, there's no evidence it's the rule rather than the exception -- and plenty of evidence serious efforts are being made to improve the Afghan justice system, including millions of Canadian dollars invested.
Fourth myth: It's about Canadian collusion in war crimes. Wrong, it's about Canada respecting its international obligations in wartime while making an extraordinary effort to help rebuild a war-torn society. Canadian Forces are in Afghanistan under the authority of the UN Security Council, under the command and control of NATO, and in support of the sovereign government of Afghanistan. They are expected to treat detainees humanely, and they do so. They are also legally obliged to transfer them to the custody of the Afghan government without undue delay. At issue is whether Canada has any legal obligation in respect of detainees after transfer. Prevailing opinion to the contrary, there is a strong argument that Canada's responsibility for detainees ends when they are handed over and that the onus is on Afghanistan, not Canada, to keep track of them and deal with them pursuant to Afghan law, including international conventions Afghanistan has entered into.
The Canadian government should have expressed itself on the matter. As it happens, the British government has. In a November 2008 letter to the House of Commons Defence Committee, the Defence Secretary wrote that "The U.K. does not have legal obligations towards the treatment of individuals we have detained once they have been transferred to the custody of another state, whether in Iraq or Afghanistan or through the normal judicial extradition process." In January 2009, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs noted that arrangements negotiated with both Iraq and Afghanistan "ensure that detainees transferred by the U.K. are treated in accordance with those States' respective international human rights obligations including prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment." But, the secretary added, "We consider that ongoing monitoring and access to individuals, transferred in the above circumstances and who remain in Iraqi or Afghan detention, does not reflect a continuing legal obligation on the part of the United Kingdom in respect of such individuals."
Fifth myth: It's about a cover-up. Wrong, it's about the government redacting or withholding documents for the same reasons previous governments have done so. Not in all of Canada's history -- or in that of any country with a Westminster model of government -- has it ever been held that the government of the day must share classified information with backbench MPs who request it. Governments have a job to do, including preserving national security and protecting the confidences of communications with foreign governments. Equally, governments have recognized that the national interest sometimes requires sharing sensitive information with opposition members. In such cases, the parties have improvised ways to make this happen without compromising the national interest. Only internal turmoil can explain why the great Liberal Party of Canada, once considered the natural governing party of Canada, would today countenance an idea that would so damage its future ability to govern.
Time to stop
When he was elected president in 1952, Dwight Eisenhower was the great hope for those who wanted to see an end to the human wreckage McCarthy caused. But Eisenhower would not intervene. "I just will not, I refuse, to get into the gutter with that guy." It was a noble sentiment he later regretted.
Would that good people in our own time not wait too much longer to intervene.
Paul Chapin is a former director general for international security at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. He is an adjunct professor in the School of Policy Studies at Queen's University and a director of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute.
© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen
So, Liberals make a less-than-perfect deal, nobody says anything, and Conservatives make a less-than-perfect deal, try them as war criminals? ? ? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...A former Liberal minister says an Afghan detainee-transfer deal signed under his watch wasn't perfect but it was the best Canada could do at the time.
Bill Graham told a parliamentary committee Wednesday that the 2005 agreement signed by Gen. Rick Hillier, then chief of defence staff, wasn't without its shortcomings.
Perhaps the deal's biggest weakness was a lack of provision for monitoring Canadian-captured prisoners once they had been turned over to the Afghans.
A subsequent deal, signed by the Conservative government in the spring of 2007, included measures for Canadian officials to keep tabs on detainees, such as allowing them into Afghan jails.
"In the end, the agreement wasn't perfect," Graham said of the first deal.
"No agreement is." ....