Besides my cavils about a Congo mission at the post noted near the start of this one, I would simply add: what would be the point of taking on command in terms of any real Canadian national interest? I cannot see one and I can see a lot of pitfalls (read Mr Ibbitson's piece above again). But maybe such a mission would impress a fair number of our greatest and goodest--see just past the middle here--and maybe the government might hope to win votes in Québec by having the CF, with a non-combat role themselves, lead a UN mission in a francophone country.
Moreover, you can bet that our media would not spend much time in downtown equatorial Africa trying to dig up any dirt they can concerning any possible CF association with malfeasance on the part of foreign troops directly under them, or local forces with which they work. You can also bet that those oh-so-concerned and pure of heart Canadians such as Messrs Attaran, Staples, Byers, Neve and the NDP won't make the slightest effort to look deep into a Canadian UN Congo mission.
THE ONLY REASON THEY HOWLED ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES IN AFSTAN IS BECAUSE THEY OPPOSED THE KANDAHAR MISSION FROM THE START AND WANTED TO DO IT IN. On the other hand they love all things run by the UN (the fact that the NATO mission in Afstan has the full authorization of the UN Security Council isn't good enough for such types) and will give anything done by or linked to MONUC a free pass.
More from Mr Staples (at end of this link):
Canada’s defence: Give priority to the United Nations..."
St. Steve's baby, Ceasefire.ca, is also hard at UN-mongering:
"Make Canada a Proud Peacekeeper Once Again
Once the world's top contributor of troops for UN Peacekeeping, Canada has fallen far down the list as the military has turned away from the UN.
Urge Prime Minister Harper, the political party leaders and your Member of Parliament to end Canada's war in Afghanistan, and to make Canada a proud UN Peacekeeeper once again.
25 March 2010
842 letters have been sent so far
You can edit this letter. Your personal comments, especially in the first few paragraphs, will give the message much greater impact..."