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Age and Fitness


Army.ca Dinosaur
Reaction score
Just in case you think you're too old to start running...

I think it's hard to start running at any age, but it does get to be more challenging as you age. The body is more resistant, especially if you haven't worked out in a long time. If you have never run in your life and then try to start at my age (36), I can only imagine how hard that would be. I started running last January after a few years' hiatus and it was painful - there's no other word for it. lol But with determination and a positive effort, I was soon running 5K three or four times a week (with my co-workers, which helped...the buddy system). I hadn't run since September until a couple of weeks ago when I again started running. I went running out in the cold yesterday and thought I would need a lung transplant by the end of it. ;)  It's worth all the initial pain, though, because I know the end result will be better endurance and strength, and a healthier body overall. Those who are applying to the forces have an added incentive, so that should make the chances for success that much greater. Good luck to anyone starting a running program. I'm right there with you. :)