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Got a offer!!! What can I do in my daily life to prepare for BMOQ and rucking


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Altough I didn't get into RMC, ROTP is offering me subsizded education, I plan to transfer to RMC as soon as possible! I personally think civillian university isn't for me, but I don't mind giving it a shot.

Based on my offer I believe I will be doing BMOQ mod 1 and 2 next year, this gives a lot of time to prepare!
This upcoming university year will be very rough for me as I will have live by myself in a residence, this is my first time being independant from my parents and I know I will have to adapt quickly (parents are pissed I gotta move)

One of my biggest weaknesses is running, I am working on fixing my cardio by running every day at lunch during high school, I also run to the gym and back home I am adding more running as cardio goes on.

As for rucking all my textbooks plus my laptop are equal to 22 lbs, I feel my leg bones specifically my tibia is absorbing too much force during my runs to high school? Any advice to improve rucking and running form?

Any injury prevention tips at BMOQ?

Aside from the fitness component what are some daily things I can start incorporating into my everyday life to succed at BMOQ? (I only have one shot at BMOQ and I don't want to throw this away)

Lastly, thank you to everyone who helped me out during the application process and gave me good fitness advice, I look forward to working with you all one day!

Every response means a lot to me, thank you!
Firstly, congratulations on receiving an offer.

Secondly, in regard to fitness, make sure you invest in proper shoes for training. Go to the Running Room, get an assessment done on what shoes you need for your foot shape and alignment, and pay the money for proper shoes. That will help with the impact pain you're feeling. Also, they can assess your running technique and make sure you're striking on the BAll of your foot and not on the heel. As for rucking, make sure you're using a proper rucking style bag: one that has adjustable straps for the shoulders and traps, as well as a waist belt to carry on the hips. Your school bag won't cut it. Make sure you get your pace set and practice stepping out vice running or shuffling; your knees will thank you.

Injury prevention on BMOQ is to listen to your brain and your body. Just because you can jump off the 32 ft cargo net doesn't mean you should. The things we do to save time are usually the things that end up hurting us. Know your limit, pushbpast when necessary, but always within what you can handle.

As for other pointers:

-learn when to STFU. Listen more than you talk.

- if you can't iron a shirt or shine a pair of shoes, learn. YouTube is your friend.

-Pull your weight. Everyone is working together as a team to get the job done. If you're not doing your bit, you're going g to be "that guy." Never be "that guy."

-Help your teammates out. No one gives a fuck if your bedspace is awesome, especially if buddy to your left or right is all sorts of messed up. Help your teammates.

-Be patient. We all want to rush to the end goal, but it's not always the case. Sometimes it's going to just suck. That will pass. Get to the next meal time and keep going. The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Keep up the good work and don't sweat it.
Good advice up-thread. On the running front, try using a structured programme. Couch to 5K is a good starting point. It has both an Apple and Android app, and there's tons of online info if you google it.
Embrace the suck for true ruck marching does suck. Especially in winter with snowshoes.

But if you don't embrace the suck forward progression is impossible.
You can never go wrong with working on the military classics before BMOQ with respect to fitness. Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-up and running. The more you can do with ease before BMOQ, the easier life will be.

Concur with quality advice to get proper running shoes (money very well spent with respect to injury prevention). And a structured running program is also sound advice to prevent injury. Stay hydrated when working out. Do not run with weight like a backpack.

With respect to rucksack marching. You can go pick up an old I-82 or I-64 rucksack at surplus and train with that, or pick up a proper civilian hiking backpack. Start with the target of 1 km per 10 min (5 km/hr). Add weight if this seems too easy. Start to work up to 8-10 km. See the Army Fitness Manual below for some ideas.

With respect to non-fitness stuff here are three ideas.

1) Start to learn about leadership. The CF Leadership publication: Leading People is a good start - Information archivée dans le Web | Information Archived on the Web -

As is Duty with Honour - Duty with Honour - Canada.ca

2) Start to learn a little bit about the history of the CAF. This is a good place to start - Introduction to the Study of Military History for Canadian Students - https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/t...dhh/general/book-1964-history-students-en.pdf

3) If you do not know anything about Map and Compass / navigation now is a good time to start learning. Lots of online options such as this one -

And this one - https://app.cadets.gc.ca/cadet-publications/A-CR-CCP-804-PF-001/section-20_10_en.html - consider picking up a Canadian military compass in Mils to practice (Silva Ranger in Mils). If you need more on this let me know.

Good luck and you are asking all the right questions.
