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hi,i'm new on here, and i was just wondering how old people are. are you?

  • 13-15

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • 16-19

    Votes: 22 20.2%
  • 20-24

    Votes: 29 26.6%
  • 25-29

    Votes: 21 19.3%
  • 30-34

    Votes: 8 7.3%
  • 35+

    Votes: 27 24.8%

  • Total voters
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Slim said:
My god you people are undernourished!

Hi Kim

I'm a mod. I'm older than you and, although Canadian, have many friends in the U.S. most of whom are in the armed forces fighting for their country and their beliefs.

What do you want here, exactly?

If you are going to start any kind of "I hate America" rant I'm giving you fair warning right now...Don't!

This isn't a PolySci class with your favourite bearded peacefreak prof telling you how bad the army is.

Have a nice day.


Well Said.
I'm 17, Entering Last Year of Highschool...


thank heavens, some of you eat! I was just on the verge of sending out CARE packages! Rounding the lot of you up like cattle, and letting my farmgirl wife feed you.
I have a huge craving for mashed potatoes and gravy......

That came out of nowhere!.....although I do believe that I bought potatoes last week!

Tommorow is friday which means grocery shopping!  YAY
Hey, if the meal is free.... i can't exactly say no to that.

I did a bit of a grocery shopping today which was fun.  Of course I only bought the basics becuase i'm heading home tomorrow for the long weekend. 

I'm 17 just graduated from highschool...hopefully my medical comes back soon :D :threat:
Hi Kim, Welcome to the site. I see you are from the UK. There is nothing wrong with being an American, as we have many Yanks on here quite often. I'm Wes, sadly I'll be 46 in October (and hating it), but I still feel like I am 21! I have dual nationality, holding both Canadian and Australian citizenships.

Now, WRT pizzas, if anyone has not tried it, and if you are a fellow infidel like me (and the majority of us),  order a 'bacon double cheese', on a tomato base, with a thick crust. They are the best!


I'm 15 and of course since I'm so young I can do somersualts down the local ski hill, go fast and fall off my dirtbike, and get in some hockey fights and wake up the next morning without an ache. Don't you just envy me? ;D
Nope.  I can buy pornography, beer, tobacco (even though i don't smoke), and umm vote, and drive a car...


I hated being 15.  You have my condolences.
CdnPhoenix said:
I'm 15 and of course since I'm so young I can do somersualts down the local ski hill, go fast and fall off my dirtbike, and get in some hockey fights and wake up the next morning without an ache. Don't you just envy me?
nope. I've seen a real, live girl nekkid!
And I know better than to do somersaults downhill, fall off my dirtbike, or get in hockey fights, now.  ;)
CdnPhoenix said:
I'm 15 and of course since I'm so young I can do somersualts down the local ski hill, go fast and fall off my dirtbike, and get in some hockey fights and wake up the next morning without an ache. Don't you just envy me? ;D
Hi im 34 My daughter is 13 if I ever catch you with her again on my couch, eating my food. Making a mess on my carpet and trying defile the sweet young innocent princess that she is. I will make you wish all you had done, was  summersaults, fall off a dirtbike and get in a hockey hockey fight. Infact I am sure I can make your body feel like its 50.
I'm 15 and of course since I'm so young I can do somersualts down the local ski hill, go fast and fall off my dirtbike, and get in some hockey fights and wake up the next morning without an ache. Don't you just envy me?

I can do all that still.  Plus I don't live with mommy and daddy so if I want to wander around at 3am I can. 

Along with the growing list......I can gamble (although I dont), go to NC-17 and R movies, and if I really wanted to, I could go to strip clubs....although I think I will leave that to the boys  ;)

Eww and you still have to go to High School.  High school SUCKED SUCKED SUCKED.  Washroom passes, calling the house if you skippied, and 8am-3pm??!!???  *barf*

Age is nothing but a number, my dad is like 48 and he can do more push ups than i can and I'm 24 haha, of course i have the upper body strength of a three year old. >:D
Yes the independence from the parent(s) - though he still pays for tuition - that is probably the bes thing about not being a teenage anymore.  I can stay up late watching movies, I can go to a friends house at 3 in the morning if I'm so inclined (assuming of course they're willing to have me at that time), when I'm in a relationship i can have my girlfriend stay over without and fuss....

ah independence, it truly is great.  Of course with it comes increased responsibility, but its not so bad....

and yes I could probably do any physical activity and my body would be fine afterwards... remember I'm not that old.

CdnPhoenix said:
I'm 15 and of course since I'm so young I can do somersualts down the local ski hill, go fast and fall off my dirtbike, and get in some hockey fights and wake up the next morning without an ache. Don't you just envy me? ;D

CdnPhoenix said:
I'm 15 and of course since I'm so young I can do somersualts down the local ski hill, go fast and fall off my dirtbike, and get in some hockey fights and wake up the next morning without an ache. Don't you just envy me? ;D

Keep doing it just because you can, and you won't be able to still do it when you're twice your age, like me...
ok ye...the reason i put i'm not frm america is...coz...a lotta ppl ave actually asked me b4 if i woz frma merica and it gt annoying...and the reason i posted the "ages" thing is coz i woz just curious and i dint thnk any1 wud b 2 bothered since it's just a lil post with a lot of other posts
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