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Ahmadinejad Speaks at Columbia University

Wesley  Down Under said:
I laughed at the part where he said 'we have no homosexuals in Iran'.

The crowd laughed also.

What a serious freakshow!


The point is in the second part of the quote that you omitted : "like in your country"
That is a whole different thing.

It is true that in many Eastern countries homosexuals have no such a protected and cultivated status as in US or Canada.

They consider it is abnormal. They have a right for this point of view.

They do not understand why a homesexual "family" has same tax status as normal family, like in Canada?

Why is people laughing?
Flanker said:
Why is people laughing?

WTF ar you gobbing off about?

People laughed, including myself in disbelief, that he actually thinks there is no homosexuals in his own country, and only in our 'Great Satan' culture.

In reality, they are butt slamming each other sensless, as they do in every society. It's called being a human (not my cup of tea) being, if they are that way inclined to be attracted to the same sex.

In Iran, being 'gay' may cost you your life, literally.

Wesley  Down Under said:
WTF ar you gobbing off about?

People laughed, including myself in disbelief, that he actually thinks there is no homosexuals in his own country, and only in our 'Great Satan' culture.

In reality, they are butt slamming each other sensless, as they do in every society. It's called being a human (not my cup of tea) being, if they are that way inclined to be attracted to the same sex.

In Iran, being 'gay' may cost you your life, literally.


You missed my point.
The complete phrase included "like in your country".
It is true that in Eastern cultures there is no open promotion and advertising of all these things.
Homosexuals may be present, but there is no such a public and media hype around them.
No mate, I did not miss your point. You are being a smart ass shyte distruber.  Bee reading all your posts, and they speak for themselves.

Keep going the way, and I am sure you'll have the mods on your arse, if not already.

Flanker said:
You missed my point.
The complete phrase included "like in your country".
It is true that in Eastern cultures there is no open promotion and advertising of all these things.
Homosexuals may be present, but there is no such a public and media hype around them.

If you think for one moment that Ahmadinejad meant anything other than

"homosexuals do not not exist" in our country ... you are right the fuck out of 'er.

Get a grip on reality. I really wish you would quit trying to justify and downplay his absolute asshatedness. Bring on the tinfoil.

I can already tell the way you vote based upon your posts here ... it really is THAT obvious.
I didn't think this "news" merit another thread as Ahmadinejad seems to have  the same kind of mind that denied homosexuality in his contry
(i.e. he seems 'batty')

from Agence France-Presse :

Iran 'number one world power': Ahmadinejad

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared on Thursday that Iran was the world's "number one" power, as he launched a bitter new assault on domestic critics
he accused of siding with the enemy."Everybody has understood that Iran is the number one power in the world," Ahmadinejad said in a speech to families who lost loved
ones in the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war."Today the name of Iran means a firm punch in the teeth of the powerful and it puts them in their place," he added in the address
broadcast live on state television.

Ahmadinejad's comments come amid renewed Western efforts on the UN Security Council to agree a third package of sanctions against Tehran over its refusal to suspend
sensitive nuclear activities. They also came a day after former top nuclear negotiator Hassan Rowhani launched an unprecedented attack on Ahmadinejad's foreign policy,
accusing him of using "coarse slogans and grandstanding".

"You can see how some people here... try to materialise the plans of the enemies and by showing that Iran is small and the enemy is big," added Ahmadinejad. "These are
the people who put the enemies of humanity in the place of God," said the deeply religious president. He also told the families of the "martyrs" of the war that their loss was
not in vain as the message of the Islamic revolution of 1979 that ousted the pro-US shah was spreading all over the world. "Today the message of your revolution is being
heard in South America, East Asia, in the heart of Europe and even in the United States itself," he said.

Ahmadinejad said he talked with people everywhere he travelled in the world and "it is like I am in district 17 in Tehran", referring to the low-income area in the south of the
Iranian capital where he was giving his speech. Ahmadinejad is due to travel to Iraq on Sunday in the first visit by a president of the Islamic republic to its western neighbour.

Copyright AFP 2008, AFP stories and photos shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium

One has to wonder if he did it because of that (Wed., Feb. 27, 2008) :

Iranian official slams Ahmadinejad, policy

One has also to wonder if the legality of the sex-change operations is why homosexuals aren't recognise as having an existence there...

Iran's Transsexual Revolution

According to some transexuals, their legal status in Iranian society has prompted hundreds of gay Iranians to apply for permission for sex-changes, which, if granted, would allow them to continue their relationship without fear of arrest.

Free To Be Female ( I can't retrieve a link to the full article)

Explaining the apparent paradox, one Muslim cleric says that while homosexuality is explicitly outlawed in the Qur'an, sex-change operations are not.
I met some Iranians when I was at U of T back in the eighties and they were nice guys; very polite, very articulate and thoughtful. One of them, Reza, told that he originally supported the 1979 revolution because of what SAVAK did to his uncle. Reza joined the Revolutionary Guard, quickly became disillusioned and escaped to Turkey. My take on the Iranian Revolution was that the clerics used the uneducated masses to repress the educated, Westernized middle class. The question now is whether or not there's any remnant of that Westernized middle class left to spark a second revolution. If not, I really don't see much of a future for Iran.
