Just a small heads-up for those heading to Trenton, there is now a new (ok not really new as this system is used by the Brits) selection system being tested that may eventually be part of the selection process for Pilot wannabes. Participation in these trials is voluntary and results do not count towards the current process but your involvement is highly encouraged as it will help the forces determine if this system may eventually be useful in the selection process.
This is a PC-based exam taking about 2.5 hours to complete which evaluates a variety of cognitive skills. The problems on the test turn around maths, spatial visualization, hands-feet-eye coordination, text analysis, reflexes and memorization.
Candidates attending ASC are asked to take this test before jumping into the CAPSS. At the moment, the AirNav test is no longer mandatory for Pilot applicants (this may apply to DEO candidates only) and is being done after you got your result from CAPSS.
I do not know how long the trials will last but they need to gather a large enough sample to be statistically significant. It also has to be validated with the results on PFT from those who have taken this exam as the ultimate goal is to predict performance on PFT (just like CAPSS does at the moment). Depending on the results, this system could eventually be used as a pre-screening tool at the Recruiting Center before sending candidates to the ASC. It could even replace CAPSS should it produce better predications or simply be scrapped.
If there are any actual changes to the selection process, it will certainly not be for another couple years.