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All world war two guys read please?! Patrick Pattenaude

  • Thread starter Thread starter NadineR
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hey my name is nadine and i didnt know where exzactly to put this or if im writing non sense cuz i dunno if anyone on here fought in WW2
so anyways to get to the point ....did anyone know a patrick pattenaude?? he fought with the royal winnipeg rifles
and he was just a gunner and i have RARE footage of him...so im lucky because he is my grandfather ...and
if it wasnt for him or the canadians im sure hitler would have had control or something
so thank you for everything
and hopefully some one can help me with this ...it would mean alot:)

Nadine  :salute:
NadineR said:
hey my name is nadine and i didnt know where exzactly to put this or if im writing non sense cuz i dunno if anyone on here fought in WW2
so anyways to get to the point ....did anyone know a patrick pattenaude?? he fought with the royal winnipeg rifles
and he was just a gunner and i have RARE footage of him...so im lucky because he is my grandfather ...and
if it wasnt for him or the canadians im sure hitler would have had control or something
so thank you for everything
and hopefully some one can help me with this ...it would mean alot:)

Nadine  :salute:
hello nadineR
there's some of us here that were with the rifles.but we can't remember him.Don't take that has anything other than we are pretty old guy's,and that's a long time ago.that's one of the hardest things to remember.is names.But,please don't say he was just a gunner,he was far more than that to you,correct?  Sorry we couldn't help.
now i feel bad ...i just meant he was a gunner thats what he did....
but he was a hero too

sorry.Don't feel bad about it,I wasn't implying that you weren't proud of him. has long has he's your hero that's all that really matters to you isn't it.I can tell you by knowing most of these boy's by spending time with them, that your thoughts of him are all that really matter. we want to be hero's to those that love us.
                                                    Take care jack
hey jack...

its ok i didnt really read it ..propper i guess
but im desperatley trying to find anything about my grandfather
and its hard...i mean i found rare footage of him but im not sure where :-[
im figuring england or netherlands 
so at least i have one lead...and id like to say once again thank you so much
to you and the other soldiers who fought
anyways i might write a book so if u have stories send them to me ...pm ur address
id love to write this in books b4 everyones gone

keep your eyes on.a soldiers story,Jack will tell whatever he can in there, when he feels at ease enough to talk about it, please keep in mind it's a very.very hard subject for him.
hey parkie

i shall do that and i totally understand...is ok to ask questions or ..??
should i just let it be ?

NadineR said:
hey parkie

i shall do that and i totally understand...is ok to ask questions or ..??
should i just let it be ?

ask away.Jack lives right next door to me.If he clams up,no big deal,eventually he might answer.

Well thats pretty cool that you have a war buddy next door i guess.
you guys can laugh about some good times...
you know i could spend hours upon hours listening to you or jack
and not get bored ;D
hey have you guys ever seen yourselves in war footage they have on dvd now or anything ??


p.s. if only there was a lead to my grandfather but im never giving up until the day i die :P
There is film out there with jack on it,somewhere,he thought there were some cameras going when they landed on Juno.He has never attempted to look for them,He told me once that all he can see are bodies,floating and lying in the sand.
yeah...i don't think jack would want to see it then,
juno was a nasty fight....
i learned about it, back in high school.
the video that my grandfather is on,
its called world war two and canada and hes on during the end carrying a box.
www.classroomvideo.net is the link u have to go look for it through search video or something.
so was it the media press that had camera's? or just soldiers??

This is jack; I see that your searching for something to tell you what it was like for your grandfather. I give you this. to remember him by.
A cool breeze blew off the shore; spray from the front of the landing craft was making a solemn, almost peaceful rhythm has it slapped on the sides, Fear? Some. And Anxious. To see what lay ahead. To get it over with. Men praying to themselves, some exchanging words of heart, Some giving words of bravery “Give em hell, today boy’s’. Let the Bas*ards know the Canadian’s are here. Enemy Fire coming in from the shore, And the touch of your brother in arms standing beside you, Sharing your fear or sharing your bravery. So many fell has we hit the shore, But still, they were right there with us when we made the enemy pay with their lives. For every soul we lost trying to make the beach head, we made them pay double, You couldn’t have stopped us that day, If Hitler had twice has many men on that shore.
That is where your grandfather was. That’s who we were.
NadineR said:
yeah...i don't think jack would want to see it then,
juno was a nasty fight....
i learned about it, back in high school.
the video that my grandfather is on,
its called world war two and canada and hes on during the end carrying a box.
www.classroomvideo.net is the link u have to go look for it through search video or something.
so was it the media press that had camera's? or just soldiers??


The Canadian Film and Photo Unit was charged with recording events in the Second World War, but many soldiers also had their own cameras despite regulations in some cases against taking pictures. Cameras then were bulkier and more expensive so most soldiers did not have them, or if they did, not high quality ones. Wealthier soldiers may have had access to better cameras, some even to colour film which was not in its infancy but rare nonetheless.

The CFPU shot tens of thousands of still photos and millions of feet of cine-film footage.
Some info here:

The CFPU were all trained soldiers; the media was not given as much access to military operations in those days. Military film and pictures were shared with the media, and civilian reporters did go on operations, but photos were all cleared by military censors before being distributed for publication (which is why you often see big white blobs in wartime photos where the cap badges and shoulder titles should be on the uniforms).

Radio was a popular media for getting news in the 1940s, and many civilian reporters were also on operations, though the recording devices then were primitive - they were making recordings on bulky tapes or vinyl (?) discs - I think Peter Stursberg talks about this in one of his books.  Matthew Halton was another famous Canadian radio reporter for the CBC during WW II whose son is a famous CBC TV personality.

Jack i liked what you wrote
thank you
and i looked at that website its awsome.
Jack why did you go to war ?? was there other reasons ?
if you don't mind me asking 

Why did I go to war? I hung around with a guy who was like my big brother growing up,(parkie).If he was going to war, Then I was going to war also.Him,Buster and I made a pact that we would all come back or none of us would,And has fate would have it,we all came back, but we lost a lot of our friends that we grew up with.
Our reason for going,we knew from the talk going around and from what news we could get,that this guy who was running the show in germany was a bad one,and knowing the way that old guy’s who had been in the first world war talked,that if these guy’s got away and were allowed to take over Europe,they wouldn’t stop there, So ,somebody had to go and stop them.And somebody did.

Well i think you are all brave for that choice...at least you came back with your two friends but im sorry you lost your other buddys
and thank god hitler did'nt take over...i can't even imagine what could have happend...
thanks for stopping hitler...did you ever see him in person???
and did you ever come in contact with a nazi?!
your brave you know and thanks again :)

Yes,we can thank god,that he didn’t take over.god and a lot of very young boy’s,not  full grown men.Boy’s. We were no older than you are,when we faced them,I guess if we take a look at what they did in every place that they took over,That ,is what was waiting for all of us.They would have taken over everything they could,and the only one’s who would have survived is those that joined them.And that would have meant forgetting everything that we ever believed in Peace,Freedom,Love,And all that we consider to be the good things in life,And we are just not like that, we are a peace loving people by nature,and we will fight tooth and nail to protect it.sounds strange doesn’t it,but if you don’t fight for it, somebody will take it away from you.
No.I never saw Hitler,Thank God.he was a disgusting,vile man.Full of hate and wickedness.
But,I have faced Nazi’s,The worst of them.I have had to face the worst that human nature has to offer. Hard men.with bad ideals.They were hard to put down. But we did.
Don’t spend your youth thinking of them.Think of your grandfather,And who he was to stand up to them.Think of who he must have been,And be just like him.
                                      Take care- Jack

i agree with that!, yeah they were dirty rats..and if it wasnt for you we'd be speaking german i suppose...
and im alot like my grandfather according to my nana:P
so adventurous and brave like him too
nazis r evil...still around today and i try not to think of them just of my grandfather mostly
who wants to wastes thoughts on hitler ...
hmmm did you get to stay in peoples houses?? because when my grandfather went to netherlands he spent time with a family...
and they gave him food and treated him real well


I love reading what Jack has to say to all of your questions. It is really neat to hear from someone who was in the war. However, I find your posts quite hard to digest because of all the msn speak and periods all over the place. I am sure I am not the only one having this problem. Could you PLEASE spell the entire word out too. (it should be "are" NOT "r") It will make it a lot easier on the rest of us, and your questions will look more intelligent.

Thank you, and Thanks Jack for sharing your stories.

That was one of the clearest and most honest answers    to that question. You said in a couple of sentences what others have taken a whole hard cover book to say. And as I have all ways said, the guys that you served with were the ones that you fought for, not the country nor the high ideals of politicians.

Thanks for coming home again. Sorry that all the guys with you did not.

Jim Bunting. Toronto.