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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leviathan
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This has been asked and answered here many, many, many times. Try doing a 'search'.

Also, why would you identify yourself as Lt if you haven't joined yet? If you have prior or Cadet service, fill in your profile.


Milnet.ca Staff
Thanks to whoever it was that suggested I go to see an allergy specialist, I went the other week and got a needle test (a board with tiny needles is stuck on your arm with tiny amounts of things that commenly cause allergies), and it said that I was no longer allergic to eggs!, and then as a percaution it the specialist suggested that I go to get blood tests just to be sure> I went and sure enough it said that I am no longer allergic to eggs! Both of these tests are supposed to be highly accurate. Anyways, Ive never been happier. After that I went and got an athsma test done too, and low and behold, no more athsma. Well, things are lookin' good for me. Now all there is to do is play the waiting game.  ;D

Thanks agian for the advice!
I am currently in the process of enrolling in the armed forces.
I have been through the aptitude test and interview no problem what so ever.
Medical got me confused... I don't know if anyone can help with their thoughts or experiences regarding the way it all came down.

The only problem I came across is an allergy I'm not even sure I have. My mom always told me growing up that I was allergic to Oranges yes yes Oranges.
So as I grew up I was always worried about it and I think psychologically I had minor symptoms such as an irritated throat.
So I mentioned this in my medical information, doctor said oh do you need an epipen. My answer was no I eat them all the time now since I have kids its something we have and eat. Its actually my favorite food!!!
So hes like well I'm gonna need your doctor to fill out some papers, I will admit I was quite upset as I really didn't think it was a big deal since I eat them and even today although I forgot to mention under the stress of thinking they may note keep me that I really don't feel any discomfort anymore, I never realized it as I've been eating them all these years.
So we go to the other office and he tells me to sit out he had to make a phone call. About 15 min later lets me back in and asks me more info like if I had that problem with other foods and so on making sure I could eat oranges and all. I told him I was embarrassed as my doctor is probably going to laugh at me cause Ive never seen a doctor because of this.

He then says I called Ottawa and spoke with a lady there and she agrees with me we don't think its an allergy just maybe the acidity giving you discomfort . I wasn't sure what to think of this and still I am not sure.
So he says we will send this to Ottawa for approval and we should get a response within one week. He says he thinks it should be approved without a doctors note. But he is not 100% sure.

So I got sent home with no paper work just waiting to see if I will get approved or not!! I wonder why he still didn't give me the paper work in case it didn't work. He told me providing I don't need an epipen I will be fine to come into the forces.

So what I'm looking for is to find out what you think about this situation. If you have similar experience please keep it with the food portion if possible. If anyone has any suggestions or comments on what is to come for me.

Reminder I eat Oranges on an everyday basis and have no more issues. So if indeed for some reason I was allergic it is in no way life threatening or would it keep me behind on any duties I would have. I am going in as an RMS Clerk Air Force.

Thanks for reading.
For the love of god, just do what they told you. They said to wait and see if it gets aproved without a note..........wait and see if it gets aproved.

If it gets turned down, they will call you and tell you how to proceed from there.

Its not freakin rocket science.
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Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

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  • Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
    • Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
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Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading; perhaps starting with a search of the topics related to "allergies".

I understand that I have to wait and I accept that. I was just asking if there was any opinion on this. I have taken appointments with my doctors already since there is a wait for an allergy specialist in case they refuse and need more information, so yes I wait but take my responsibilities in order to make sure if it doesn't go through that I can get through as fast as possible. So please respect my questions, it's a sense of security when you hear similar situations. I know how the military operates I've been part of it in many different ways and I know that with paper work I will be accepted unless something goes terribly wrong.
Thanks for your reply and understand that it can be frustrating when your not in the situation and read this.
commingsoon said:
I understand that I have to wait and I accept that. I was just asking if there was any opinion on this.

Then you should also understand that we are anonymous personalities on an internet forum, who probably have no medical knowledge beyond basic First Aid, so our opinions would be for the most part "meaningless".
I know this, and I asked for opinions on the SITUATION also or anything constructive, i'm not looking for negative reactions obviously. I never complained about the waiting time, I just thought it was curious how it went from I need to get some papers filled out to not needing them anymore. I never complained about waiting a week. I am also looking to see if anyone has had some similar experiences where they could help me through this situation possibly or let me know how their process went.
I apologize if it wasn't clear I hope this clears it up.
commingsoon said:
i'm not looking for negative reactions obviously.

My reaction was not negative, it was just straight and to the point. I never accused you of complaining about waiting, all i did was tell you to wait just like the RC told you. How hard is that ?
It's fine by me I guess I didn't expect such a reaction. As it wasn't really something I stressed in what I asked for as in help. All is good I understand now what you mean.
As far as the RC telling you you needed a note and then changing their mind, sounds from your story like the recruiter told you that then looked into it more and corrected himself based on information he was given. Whats wrong with that ?
This would be an excellent time to read the guidelines that were posted in the third post of this thread, and, to add to the fun, there are just oodles of information on allergies and recruitment information in the recruiting forum....Time Well Spent.....
Click the little magnifying glass next to the search bar. Type allergies in 'Search for:  Check the 'Check All' box, click 'Search" and start reading.


Milnet.ca Staff
Guys what's about seafood ? Anybody know soldiers allergic to seafood ? Cause I'm trying to join the force now, in my medical test they said I had to see an allergologist, I saw one today, (sorry for my english), and I want to know if I have chance to join the forces ?
My daughter had only a slight allergy to seafood and wasn't allowed to join.

I know it's long, but read through this thread. All of your answers are already here.
I guess things have changed.  I used to work with a guy that was severly allergic to seafood and he was a serving member and as far as I know they were aware of it when he joined in the late 80's.
recceguy said:
Things have changed. Actually, quite some time ago.

Probably too many people going into anaphylactic shock when the contents of a meal could not be/were not properly identified.  At least, that's my guess.
Yes, may be the forces did update ? Cause now they have many people allergic !
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