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Almost ready to apply

NO there is no Polygraph, where the heck did you hear there was  ???
Ok, I quoted it from Highlander60. He posted his reply earlier in this thread.... like the 12th reply to the original message.
I guess maybe he was wrong??
ringer98 said:
Ok, I quoted it from Highlander60. He posted his reply earlier in this thread.... like the 12th reply to the original message.
I guess maybe he was wrong??

I believe Highlander60 is referring to the RCMP in his message.
Highlander60 said:
You are correct on both points. The urine test is not a drug test, and you should not lie about past use. The RCMP actually administer a polygraph test re the drug question.

Pay closer attention!
Ok, I'm not looking into getting into a fight here... this is not my objective, and im sorry if I stepped on anyones toes here. This will be my last post on this subject.

His original message was about joining the reserves, and it got twisted around evenually about the RCMP doing a polygraph. So for the untrained viewer (IE myself), I took this as in the RCMP does polygraphs for ALL applicants joining the service. So like I said you can see where I might have made the error. And yes it was my error.

Thank-you for the reply to my post though, both BulletMagnet, and eilaw
ringer98 said:
Ok, I quoted it from Highlander60. He posted his reply earlier in this thread.... like the 12th reply to the original message.
I guess maybe he was wrong??

If you read my post properly, I said the RCMP make you take a polygraph test, not the military.
In all fairness, the statement about the RCMP was out of context and could be easily misunderstood as no proper distinction between the two was made.
Hmm, well atleast I won't be refused because I'm around my friends when they are smokin a joint or something.
Maybe not, but if they do a random pee test while you're at bmq - you can get hooked then.  That stuff does stay in your system for a while.  Why risk it?
George Wallace said:
And Random "pee" tests are required of all units.

Yup. We were told during an in-clearance lecture to expect a random urine test during the year. A bunch of hands went up which was followed by, "Put your hands down, I don't know when the test is." 

I can definitely picture that one in my head.

Just don't do drugs. Problem solved.