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        This is an open letter to the taliban, al Queda and militants engage in combat operations in the Afghanistan theater against Canadian and (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)  NATO troops. May this serve as a letter of warning to you.

     The Canadian Armed Forces is here to do a military job and they will finish the job. Never in the history of the Canadian military and Canadian history as a whole has the Canadian Armed Forces ever given up on an operation, lost a war nor defeated in war.
Our strength and determination will not allow us to give up, We WILL seek and distroy you. You can count on it.

     For every Canadian Soldier you injure two more will replace him. For every Canadian Soldier you kill, four more will replace him. For every Canadian armoured vehicle you distroy four more will replace it.

    We will not surrender our selves's nor will we surrender the Islamic state of Afghanistan nither the Afghan people. You continue to use the Afghan people in your Holy war and as human shields, that is cowardly. You claim to be fierce and brave warriors, well stand up to the challenge and fight the Canadian Armed Forces and NATO Forces like real men, rather than cowards.

    We will give you the option to surrender and you will be treated in a humane manner. Unlike you and your forces we abide by the rules of war and by the Geniva convention. You will be given Food, water and shelter. You will not be harmed under our supervision.

   The alternative to that is obvious. Death. Your choice.

The Canadian People and citizens of  Allied NATO countries.

[Edit:  Spell Checked]
Just a question............where are we getting all the vehicles????
Chris....Great letter.

I don't think they will get your point  but I am sure it feels great to vent, no harm in that.

Checking your profile I see you will/should be heading over on the next roto. Good luck, shoot straight and come back in one piece.
Thanks Cdn Royal.

    As for a point...Well I'm nortorious for having a good point in my head but when it comes to saying it and/or writing it....Well it's more or less verbal dierrea.  However the point I'm trying to stress is, We won't give up.  You can shoot at us, you can kill us, you can try and scare us even...But we won't give up.  Our proud history and traditions won't allow it to happen.  As for venting.  Yes I am, I'm just sick of the non support of Mr Jack Layton and other pretty boy politictians in Ottawa who want to look good for the cameras.    Also, I just wnat to get my views and opinons out there.
God damn right we won't give up! Good luck and giver nails!!!!!!!
502, its good you got that off your chest but the jerks that your letter is intended for can't read or write.

One way to get your message across is for you and your fellow soldiers to return home in one piece after your mission and send those jerks home in a bodybag.

Actions speaks louder than words.
Thanks for your comment Guns.  You are correct on that and I don't doubt that for one second.  Although there are some of those.....Bastards (Trying to choose better words there mod.)  who do know how to read and there are the FEW who do know how to read english.  Perhaps even a deternt to future militant wanabe's  I don't know maybe not too bloodly likely that it will serve as that but anything is possiable right?    And as for sending the little buggers home in body bags.  Well looks like our brothers in arms over there are doing a good job of that as we speak.  However we'll go there and Boost those numbers in our favor.
2023 said:
God damn right we won't give up! Good luck and giver nails!!!!!!!

I don't mean to derail the topic here, but I had to laugh at this, since I'm always saying "give'r nails"...but for some reason everyone looks at me funny.  :(

Good letter though. Nice to see some passion once in a while.  :D
Just remember, when you are talking about us dying, that the purpose is not to die for your country, but to make those scumbags die for theirs!    :threat:
I agree Cpl Thompson. chris_502 ... you put on a good read. Thank you.
Thanks man.  Nothing means more than the support of my fellow Countrymen and troop.
Great letter Chris....I love you guys.....take care over there....  :salute:        :cdn: all the way!