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I know that this has been said before here, but it bears repeating.

Canadians don't start wars, but we do stay around  long enough to  FINISH them, and we have buried a lot  ( over 100 thousand ) of our guys  in foreign places, over the years.  If allowed to fight without political "hand cuffs " we can beat the Taliban, too.

Our  military traditioins are different from other nations, and we don't spend a lot of time blowing our own horns, or making "patriotic movies " about our selves. What we do is get on with the job, without fanfare or BS.

Tough, fair, well trained and professional, with a strong sense of humour and grit, that has been the Canadian way of soldering, for more than 100 years now. I don'r see any reason to change that, do you ?

Thanks for the chance to speak my mind to the forum. :salute:

Jimb Toronto.
jimb:  Your words and understanding of Canadian Soldiers is very up-lifting and true to the core.  Thanks to all who have shared they're comments and encurraging messages, I appreciate it all.  As you mentioned jimb without political handcuffs we can get the job done faster and with less blood.  However if Mr Layton and his tree hugging friends would wake up and understand that men goto war and die.  It's just a fact of war.  Canadians troops are sent to a war zone to do a military job, when I go I'll go with pride honor and dignity, if I die over there than I'll be shipped home with my pride honor and dignity.  However I'll know that I have done my job right.  We troops are more than just "pritty" we might look good on the parade square but we're life takers on the battle field.    It's what we're trained to do.  We're trained with real rifles and real tanks, real aircraft and real ships; If Mr Layton would realise this and my fellow compatriots who don't understand or out right are against this warwould see and support us. Or they can spend a day in the stan, you'll see clearly.  Go without protection and you'll see much more clearer.
    They might not support the war in which they don't have to but for the love of all that's good SUPPORT US!  The guys who are out there every day  trying to restablise a country, helping out other people it's what we Canadians are good at and known for.  The guys who are out there fighting for and with a noble people against tyranny and oppression against all that is evil in the world.  Think of a Canada under taliban rule.  It helped me justify that war. 

This is my very first post on this site...and I don't think I could have chosen a better string to post my reply!!!

I loved your letter and all of the replies that followed. All I have to say is "Stay safe, but give 'em hell!!!"
