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Another example of tolerance abroad

eurowing said:
All of this is precisely why I like the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.  May his noodly goodness envelope you.

Tell me more about this church you speak of... I love Pasta!
And the Brits get their revenge  >:D

The woman needs a bit of a smack upside the head herself.

Anyone who goes to Sudan, is female, is white, and not Muslim, and is a teacher from a Western country, and thinks that they are safe from harm is an idiot.  She should have been out of there months ago if not years ago.

    She probably understood very well that there would be strict limits on her conduct, she better than most I would imagine.  I also expect that she, others in Sudan, and several billion people worldwide would not have expected her life to be jeopardized by a teddy bear.  I have never deployed with the CF, but I have done volunteer work outside of N.A.  I once caught nasty rock in the back of the head while I was walking alone because some people thought I was of a 'undesirable' religion.  The team I was with was not a religious oriented group in anyway, more rum oriented...but that's another story.  Anyway, I've gone back many times since. Perhaps she is just trying to help the disadvantaged at the acceptance of some personal risk.  I think she was brave to do so, perhaps naive also, but no way to know until one speaks to her.
I agree with most of the above posts. wanted to point out that the school is a christian oriented/run british school(as per initial post). So she was probbably reasured that the teaching conditions would be even more relaxed and similar to hers at home. They have even closed the school in an effort to avoid hostile retaliation.
Its great that people try to extend a hand of peace and friendship and try and find some sort of middle ground. If enough people do this in places that are not past the breaking point, things would be much better off. But when the hand is slapped away continually and middle ground not acheived, its time to leave or build a wall.
I only hope that this sheds light on the other things that may be going on in sudan... like Darfur.  Sorry a bit off topic. But it gets my back up.
Well... it would appear that the President of Sudan has "pardoned" the lady AND has had her deported back to the UK.

I wonder, if someone "names" his child Muhamad and the child turns out to be a mental midget OR behaves in a retarded manner.... should the child AND his parent be stoned for the insult that they are to the great name of Muhamad?

(Note - I am truly interested.... not attempting to stir the pot any more than it already has)
geo said:
I wonder, if someone "names" his child Muhamad and the child turns out to be a mental midget OR behaves in a retarded manner.... should the child AND his parent be stoned for the insult that they are to the great name of Muhamad?

That is different.  We already know that there are many who have named their children Mohamed and those children have in fact been 'mental midgets'.  Some have been stoned.  Some have not.  Some have gone on to seek out a bevy of Virgins by various forms of 'martyrdom'. 

It seems what is good for the goose over there, is not good for the gander.    ::)
Ahh, the glory and the majesty of organized religion.  Got a beef?  Find a line in a book that you can choose to interpret in order to justify acting like a yard ape. 
(No insult intended to Yard Ape if he is still a member here  ;D)
Zipp.... isn't that what the Catholics did during the Inquisition?
Our past isn't any cleaner
Still......Christianity has progressed just a little bit in the last 600 years.  It would look like we can not say the same about all religions.
George Wallace said:
Still......Christianity has progressed just a little bit in the last 600 years.  It would look like we can not say the same about all religions.

Perhaps it is a growing pains thing?  Isn't Islam roughly a thousand years younger than Christianity?  Perhaps the radical acolytes of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will be acting like idiots 500 years from now? 
zipperhead_cop said:
Perhaps it is a growing pains thing?  Isn't Islam roughly a thousand years younger than Christianity?  Perhaps the radical acolytes of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will be acting like idiots 500 years from now? 

Right!  Nothing a Sonic Screwdriver can't fix.
All religions have had their ups and downs. Islam has had its bright shining moment of knowledge and understanding. There was a time when they were great mathmaticians and philosophers and architects. But with the religious revolution (all religions go through this at some point), they kind of fell apart at the seams, getting caught up in the details of their faith rather than the goal. Mind you mohammad was a bit of a mad man to start with.
And now, men who have never seen a womans elbows (let alone anything else) flip out when it is convenient. I found the book 'trouble with islam today' a good insight. Written by all things... an educated and outspoken (and kinda cute) woman who beleives in islam (albeit a peacefull one that does not include explosives).


she posted a cartoon from the LA times that gave me a good chuckle.