Thanx ARG.
Your question is do Armour types do grunt work?Tankers in the Leopards do no grunt work
Well if your in a Recce Sqn, or Cav sqn you do some grunt work. Patrols, OPs, The real work is done by the Assult Troop. They are the Pioneers of the Armour World. I‘m a true Recce soldier, I‘ve served in Assult Troop, as well as our 1st Troop PARA. The Assult troop is made up of 54 armour crewmen . Remember a Recce Sqn is a BGE resource, although they wear the same cap badge of the Regts. They can be tasked with Patrols, Demolistions, Mine clearing, Building of mine fields, Ambushs, Building of obs. An Assult trooper is an all round soldier, a crewman, inf, eng. For more answers E-mail me.
Sgt J. CD,CDS com :fifty: