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Any former or current engineers from 2 Cer?

Hey Mike, It,s me Mac. Here i am in sunny Gagetown on my Sect Comdr course with emberley, mooks, trevor, and hynes. Are you still going to aldershot for that PLQ, if so ill drop down and go for a couple of beers.
Massey, you remember the night at the river club, i still have that cd with your blood on it( and yes it still plays)
Mo you never sent me the water from dubai last tour...
Pat congrats on the course, good to see ya finished it.
And as we all hope to get the 40 pounder club up and running again one day![/color]
Hey Mac what water i asked all the time if you guys needed anything but no reply i got the straps to you guys though i think they were used as belt but if i know nick like i think i do he probably sold them to you guys
Hey guys, Jay 'George' Foreman here.  I've been a civie for a few years now and have been looking for a 2-CER website recently.......there isn't one. The Airborne Regiment has a good one, but that's not surprising, they were always.........one step ahead (or more).  It's pretty cool trying to figure out who's who in this forum as very few put their real name down.  'doublearr' has got to be Tony B. I think 'feeop042' is Pit, but it's hard to say. I read Gully's profile, my gawd, is there anything he HASN'T done lol? If you read this Gully, maybe you should take a stab at curing cancer?

Anyway, I'm working in the nuclear industry right now with two ex-divers Dave M. and Ron Des.  We all did our TQ3 together and they were in Pet from 1991-1997.  I stuck around until 2002 until I was finally released medically. It was a struggle for a bit, but everything is working out now.  Civie life is......weird.  Enjoy every moment you've got in the military, because there really is no life like it. Civies just don't get it. If anyone's interested in dropping me a line I'd love to 'hear' from you. jforeman31@hotmail.com
Take care lads, Chimo!
Cantley, I believe you left the regt soon after I got there in '96, I stayed till '02 and came here to the school.  Bentley, Templeton whats up long time no hear.  Scott you coming down on recce ops soon?  Al hows malaria working out for you dude?  D. Spence
sapper23 said:
Cantley, I believe you left the regt soon after I got there in '96, I stayed till '02 and came here to the school.  Bentley, Templeton whats up long time no hear.  Scott you coming down on recce ops soon?  Al hows malaria working out for you dude?  D. Spence


kj_gully said:
Hey fellers, now that you're ALL legs, what's happened to the Leg beaternot that I ever condoned such a regimentally divisive device, but it did have some history to it....

The Legbeater which showed back up in 1997 ended up in the possession of Matt Allard for a bit as he was the senior jumper in the shacks at the time.  Upon the engineers losing all of their positions in June 1999 I believe the leg beater moved into Rick Hussey's room and the out of the shacks into the possession of Sammy Ross.  Sammy can confirm if he has it in his possession, but it's owners has been documented over the years as it has been before.  Brain Martin's name is not on the Legbeater.

I stumbled on this site and finally recognize some names.  I was in 2 CER from 88 -90.  Those who knew me then, knew me as "Rudy".  It's great to finally be able to get in touch again. 
Well I was in 2 CER from 94 to 2001,then I went on to a cooler occupation.Still get to see lots of the guys and catch up on the latest rumours and Engineer "stuff".
Hey Brian, Spence, Cosack and everyone, Templeton here.  I haven't checked this site in a while.  Better to reply late than never I guess.  Spence, the malaria hasn't given me any problems as of late (other than I got shafted out of a pension... kidding)...  How's it going with yourself? 
I was out of the military for a while working at a computer firm here in Ottawa but decided to re-enlist as a 291er (Comm Rsch).  It's been a long haul for training but I am actually working now after a few years.  I'm stationed here at CFS Leitrim here in Ottawa and don't live far away from the station.  It is an interesting trade and I might get a chance to work with 2CER again some time on deployment in the future. 
Nice hearing from y'all.
Talk to you later. Al

Corky, Good to hear that you saved those cd's from the river club.  Five civi's and a pipe can do that to yea.  lol  Och my nose I remember very well.  Took care of one of those back stabers at PETE's Bar.  Made Checker and St john shake there heads! :o  Where is Smitty does anyone know?  Massey
Still alive

Still alive & gold mining. No gold yet. Am up north defending our northern border.No commies hoards on the horizon. Any left? Only  one i kept up with is Don Harper (S.A.R.puke).

I was actually BMQed by 2CER, great times. very interesting, enjoyable three weeks and I have them to thank.

If any of you see MCpl PiKeathly, MCpl Zourdoumis, MCpl Singer, Sgt Purdy, Sgt Plamidon(Sp?), WO Burrell, Cpl McFadden, MCpl Nolasco,...tell them Pte Gribbon says hi 

PS. Tell MCpl Z he still has my gas mask    :P
I was posted to Petawawa in '74 and the unit was 1 Field Squadron in Bldg Z101. Shortly after I arrived the unit was renamed I Field Engineer Squadron and as I leaving in '77 was changed again to 2 Combat Engineer Regiment.

Anybody on these forums from that era?

Death Tech Extraordinaire :skull:
Hi ho bretheren, It was the most exciting, fulfilling and grueling tour of duty and regretted the posting out of that unit. 23Fd, 25Fd, 92-97. Hey I hear JW is panhandling in stan for some civilian company. Anyone care to comment and know how to get in touch with him.
Al Templeton good to hear you are still ticking ;D  Mass  Palmondon is a SGT?  If anyone in the Unit sees him Please tell him Massey wants his case of beer he owes him from Panama.  Hell Corky can buy a case for me too.  lol  Does anyone know where the hell Mike Griese is?  The last I heard he was around Ottawa?
hey anyone know how to get in touch with Jeff W. Last heard he was skullking around selling stuff to the army and is now staging out of Kingston area. send me a line, thomrg@mts.net Randy