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any one with the hasty p's?

the burkalator

New Member
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just wondering if anyone here is with the hastings prince edward regiment..i just joined it.
An instructor from my BMQ and SQ is in the hasty p's; Coproral Ford. Great, funny guy.
nice, i hope i get my medical papers back in time to start then. i can't wait, its been a long time. a year now since i started this process...  do you know where your going to be doing your bmq?
Is Jim Fancy still around?  I have some photos that I owe him from CFE in 1980.  If there is an e-mail address that I could use to send them to him or whatever works please "pm" me and let me know.

I've been in the Hasty P's in Belleville for 3 years now and should be able to answer any questions you have about the unit.  Jim Fancy is now RSM Fancy and he's around in Belleville usually every thursday night.  Unfortunatly I don't have his e-mail, but if you call the BOR @ (613) 966-2100, they may be able to give you an e-mail.  I recommend any new members to visit the website if they haven't already, and maybe pick up "The Regiment" by Farley Mowat or "Duffy's Regiment" by Kenneth Smith and immerse yourselves in the rich history of our unit. 

i check the website every now and then for updates but they seem to be rare, haha. but what can ya do. i think i met RSM Fancy a while ago at the peterborough armouries while watching some nhl playoff action with some buddies from the unit. i can't wait to be involved with the hasty p's. also, is there anywhere i can get the regiment other then driving to belleville?(which is quite the drive from ptbo for just a book)
i dont mind, gives them more time to fix up my paperwork, although it would be nice to start asap
Shaboing, yeah the Regiment can be found at almost any book store and if they don't have it in stock I'm sure it can be ordered.  If you don't want to buy it, try the local library, I'm sure you'll be able to find it.  Good luck.
The Regiment is out of print, so you'll have a tough time finding it in most bookstores, however, it's in just about every library (including the Peterborough Public Library), and the kit shop has numerous copies.  In fact, I'm reasonably sure you might be able to borrow a copy from a serving member once you join, we tend to take our history pretty seriously.

There are plans to have a kit shop open up in Peterborough some time soon, it's a nuisance having to send orders down to Belleville for things people want, but such is the nature of our beloved Regiment.
i just got word that i have been medically cleared. there was a mix up with some allergies somehow so i had to send away allergy test info and stuff to toronto. i just got the letter and i'm good to go, just gotta call the WO asap, hopefully make a trip the the armouries tomorrow here in ptbo cause i think he will be there to find out when everything starts :) i can't wait!!!! i think its been a year now since i started the process so i am pumped to find it almost over with. good ol army, hurry up and wait
if anyone can tell Sgt. Wasny that Tess from the 48th says hi!

Trust me you will spend hours with him listening to stories....


the 48th regulator said:
if anyone can tell Sgt. Wasny that Tess from the 48th says hi!

Trust me you will spend hours with him listening to stories....



I'll pass it along.

You should have seen him at CAC this year, in old OD combats standing totally out "Retro Warrior" he billed himself- I've got a pic of him somewhere I'll try to get scanned for you.  No kidding about stories, either.

He had a sign on his platoon's C6 trench - "Welcome to Graceland, Home of Elvis The King Of Rock and Roll"
hahhahahahaha Home of Elvis!!  Tell him Elvis is a bit pissed and so would Chappy for not being there at CAC.

I would really appreciate the pic for the collection!

the 48th regulator said:
hahhahahahaha Home of Elvis!!   Tell him Elvis is a bit pissed and so would Chappy for not being there at CAC.

I would really appreciate the pic for the collection!


I'll see what I can do.  Cheers.
I hope to be joining the Hasty Ps in a few months, need to get me self into shape. I will enlist to B Coy in Peterborough :P
