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Anyone know how a picture of the queen is supposed to be displayed?


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Our unit is switching buildings. Consequently, everything from our old mess is moving to the new one, including a picture of the queen. We need to know if there are any QR&O‘s or CFAO‘s that state how a picture of the queen is supposed to be displayed. I tried looking at the QR&O section of the DND website, but i couldn‘t find anything (maybe i missed something?).

Anyways, if someone knows, please tell me, and a reference to the QR&O‘s would be nice too (i.e. ref QR&O 36.11).


Happiness is a belt fed weapon
No picture in the entire room is to be higher than hers and it is to never touch the ground when moved. I also think it would be appropriate if a sr. nco or an officer was to move her majesty‘s picture. :salute:
I don‘t know where Cdnsignaller got that from, but I am not aware of any rules or even traditions surrounding Her Majesty‘s portrait, other than it should be displayed suitably, in a manner that conforms to good taste, and not for any commercial purpose.

An official portrait, such as the one found in most government offices, mess halls, legions, etc., is suitable by itself, and should be mounted in a dignified manner in a place easily viewed by the public/membership.

An example of a poor placement for the official portrait is my workplace, the customs hall at Terminal 3 in Toronto‘s airport. Members of the public, or employees for that matter, will not be able to see The Queen‘s portrait anywhere! This is because our manager has it mounted in his own office, out of public view. I have been trying to correct this oversight for months, but it is a low priority issue.

The only reason I can see to have a senior NCM move/relocate the portrait is so that no harm comes to Her Majesty‘s image. Other than that, I see no reason why a lowly Pte couldn‘t move it, with the permission of the PMC.

As an interesting matter of history, there was once a time in years gone by that members of the Royal Family were upset with the very idea that the annual Christmas broadcast, and other events, could be televised. The reasoning was that people in pubs would then be able to see The Queen speaking and they would be drinking, smoking and generally behaving boorishly during any speech (because, of course, you couldn‘t do this if you were actually at the place where she was speaking).
Oh must be mounted on a North Wall!
So she can look over her Realm.

Learnt that one as Sprog.