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April 27th BMOQ

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carolynv11 said:
50% of the original platoon graduated.

Out of curiosity, carolynv11, did your platoon have a lot of people request a VR? Or, were a lot of people cut for performance issues? If the platoon is now a bit infamous because of its high attrition rate, there must have been something a bit out of the ordinary...
Nope, alot of people not making the cut, I believe only 1 or 2 were actual VRs. And nope nothing out of ordinary.
carolynv11 said:
Yes. Ask anyone when you get there about L-19. We had the highest attrition rate. 50% of the original platoon graduated.
What were those 50% going to do? re-coursing ? Or something else?
You said : "Not too much VR"
My platoon in 2011 lost about 15 %, most of them VR (including myself) :(
Numerous forced release on 5D terms (If you dont know what this is look it up! You do NOT want it!). 2-medical, 2-forced to switch to NCM or release, 2 or 3 recourse, thats all I can remember.
I can only think of 2 VR's off the top of my head.
but what matters is be prepared, keep your mouth shut, do as you are told and stay grey, do NOT be an over achiever, itll only make the rest of your platoon look bad
Found via a quick search of the forums; 5d release...

Not Advantageously Employable. Applies to the release of an officer or non-commissioned member:

because of an inherent lack of ability or aptitude to meet military classification or trade standards; or who is unable to adapt to military life; or who, either wholly or chiefly because of the conditions of military life or other factors beyond his control, develops personal weaknesses or has domestic or other personal problems that seriously impair his usefulness to or impose an excessive administrative burden on the Canadian Forces.
carolynv11 said:
Numerous forced release on 5D terms (If you dont know what this is look it up! You do NOT want it!). 2-medical, 2-forced to switch to NCM or release, 2 or 3 recourse, thats all I can remember.
I can only think of 2 VR's off the top of my head.
but what matters is be prepared, keep your mouth shut, do as you are told and stay grey, do NOT be an over achiever, itll only make the rest of your platoon look bad

How far did these people make it? Did they make it much further than the indoctrination period?
carolynv11 said:
but what matters is be prepared, keep your mouth shut, do as you are told and stay grey, do NOT be an over achiever, itll only make the rest of your platoon look bad
Thanks again.What about fitness,weapon tests?Was it easy for most people?
9 alone from when I got on course, so that was from week 8-week 15.
and it can be any medical problem, flu, missing too many classes because of gastro or too many PT classes due to injury.
And No some people struggle with these things, dont take anything lightly what so ever, but dont take things too seriously either. I was scared shitless for the WPNs test, but I passed, but I studied and practiced lots.
Alot of people struggle with the fitness test, dont take it lightly either, train, you have lots of time.
dragnock said:
lol yeah sorry meant i swear in march 27

Proper capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure please.
carolynv11 said:
9 alone from when I got on course, so that was from week 8-week 15.
and it can be any medical problem, flu, missing too many classes because of gastro or too many PT classes due to injury.
And No some people struggle with these things, dont take anything lightly what so ever, but dont take things too seriously either. I was scared shitless for the WPNs test, but I passed, but I studied and practiced lots.
Alot of people struggle with the fitness test, dont take it lightly either, train, you have lots of time.

What were the regulations on cameras and taking pictures on course?
What happens is you swipe out(other then medical), go to PRB(personal review board) where they decide your fate.  Many different outcomes can come from this.  Continue on, Recourse to week 5, Recourse to week 0, Released, RTU, etc...

We had one young guy go before the PRB the DAY of or graduation, he was either going back to week 0 or graduating, bit stress full I think.

In the first 5 weeks you may still have unlimited swipes, of which you will likely get a few, don't get too worked up about it as they reset after you get your cornflake.

I think I received 9 swipes in the first 5 weeks, one thing I learned very quick, do not leave your locker unlocked, EVER.

this information is slightly dated as I was through basic in 2009, still have my scroll on my wall too.  Its a very proud moment to stand on parade for graduation, learn what you need to learn and understand that BMOQ is a bubble and not exactly what your life will be after you graduate.

In BMOQ it's full or partial aka week 8 or week 1 recourse, there is no week 0. It's all up to your captain and your PRB results you can only have 8 swipes and communal swipes and serious incidents count!!!
In other words the whole pl can get swiped for something, aka floor is too dirty, standards aren't high enough, extremely late, etc!
Most of our PRBs as stated ended in 5Ds.

Remember BMOQ is NOTHING like life after! I'm now working in a Bn and loving it!
So i'm guessing a "swipe" is some sort of demerit?
I am also guessing swipes come from being disobedient and note following orders/protocol?

I am also guessing. By using your brain and good judgement then they can be avoided
Offer for DEO LogO here - Airforce

Swearing in March 28th - London, Ont

BMOQ April 29th, 2013

BrickBackpack said:
So i'm guessing a "swipe" is some sort of demerit?
Correct, everything during basic is tracked by your swipe card(can't remember what it's called).
I am also guessing swipes come from being disobedient and note following orders/protocol?
You can receive swipes from being many things, including failing tests, poor hygiene, etc.
I am also guessing. By using your brain and good judgement then they can be avoided
incorrect, your platoon mates can get you swipes as well as your section mates can get you swipes even if you did "nothing wrong"

Read the information on basic and how to prepare, etc.  It really isn't that bad once you get the hang of things.

Here are reasons for some of mine
1- forgot to put cell phone charger away
2- communal for dirty living area (everyone in the platoon got it)
3- dirty tac vest

Anything from a messy bed, to insecure kit to forgetting something for a class or PT to losing something, fails on tests, talking back, moving in ranks, being an idiot.
And NO do not expect to get 0! you will have some!! They will come after you. I got to week 9 without any then they came
After me and they told me they were coming after me, cause I was the only one left with no swipes.

(Sorry typing on my phone)
Ford1 said:
Offer for DEO LogO here - Airforce

Swearing in March 28th - London, Ont

BMOQ April 29th, 2013

Sweet another LogO!

Now we have 1 from every element!
Another MARS officer here.
Flying out of Halifax.
BMOQ April 29th, 2013
Look forward to meeting everyone!
beaveram said:
Another MARS officer here.
Flying out of Halifax.
BMOQ April 29th, 2013
Look forward to meeting everyone!

Awesome! I hope there will be a few of us :D