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Are we doing this right?

Armymedic said:
yes, absolutely, a service death on duty is a service death on duty...
I could care less what your MOC, MOSID, whatever, is...if your broken soon to be lifeless body is in front of me, I will do what I can to make sure you survive.

If I am unsuccessful, then you should be mourned exactly the same, regardless of the cause or your trade....all men are equal in death.

as for those soft trades...if the 911 doesn't do the job, you don't get bullets or food. If the 836 doesn't, you don't get paid, or you family doesn't get those benefits they deserve from your service.

There are no "soft" trades.
Mourning a comrade is not exactly the point I was trying to make (or point out)
I find that the country has been dipping it's colours for some bizzare reasons
while not doing so at times I think it should.

Does a vehicle accident at CMTC have the same meaning as one in Kandahar?
Should the whole country go into mourning - Bases, Fed & Prov buildings, the works whenever a member dies while on duty?...
Would hate to see the day when our flag would be at half mast 365 days a year.
Having first said that all life is precious,m what is reasonnable and what is fair?
EW - never had a problem with Comms guys... or Mess Stewards
The only thing I started off pointing was the different treatment some people @ the pointy end of the stick get VS those further down the shaft.

The pillsbury dough boy, in his own right  is "THE" man when we talk about "soft" If you felt yourself being signled out... too bad for you.

The object of this discussion thread was to discuss how we deal with our casualties In and out of country and possibly combat arms VS the others.

(If it hadn't come to you yet - as an Engineer, my branch hasn't always been given the respect it deserves)
Jumper said:
Don't forget Bandsmen

No, the bandies work hard, how else would they all get to be Sgts? They don't just hand those three stripes out to everyone that joins the army with nimble fingers and soft lips do they?  ::)
Yeah I guess members of any trade that involves a lot of sucking and blowing (on instruments) deserves some sort of recognition, they are professionals after all :salute:
GO!!! said:

Considering that we lower our flags for;

National abused women day, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, the anniversaries of the Montreal Polytechnique massacre, 9/11, and others, a soldiers death should be national if on operations, and local if off duty.

I think we lower our flags for far too many things already though.

I heard a funny story about this though!

When Sheila Copps was the Heritage Minister, she decreed that the national day of abused women to be a national day of mourning, and all flags would be at half mast. The following year, she was in the presence of a Naval vessel, and observed it to be flying the Canadian flag at (full?) mast. So she demanded it be lowered. The Captain of the ship himself spoke to her and made it known that a flag at half mast was an international symbol of distress (or some other sign of "assistance required") She would not budge though, and ever since, Canadian ships are plagued with offers of assistance whenever they go to sea on on of our many days of mourning.

Can anyone in the Navy authenticate this?

This is untrue. If you look at "national" message traffic for half masting it says:

This direction does not apply to ships at sea

The Manual of Ceremony is very clear on this - Ships at sea do NOT half mast. Full Stop
Cronicbny said:
This is untrue. If you look at "national" message traffic for half masting it says:

This direction does not apply to ships at sea

The Manual of Ceremony is very clear on this - Ships at sea do NOT half mast. Full Stop

Another uniformed legend busted - see why I asked now?

Also, since you are in the Navy, is it true that it is in a Steward's job description to polish the Captain's shoes? and, are crossing the equator parties as good as the stories say?
Equator parties are the only initiations that are still officialy sanctioned
Chief of Maritime Staff told individuals to "shove off" when all the hazing horror stories were going around... only element commander who stood up for his branch