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Armour Conference


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I just have a couple of questions regarding the armour conference.  First of all has everyone here ever attended one? Second, are they attended by senior NCOs and Officers of the armour regiments or just senior brass (NDHQ type) and commanding officers?  Third and final question is the decisions and suggestions they made in these conferences, do they get pass up to Ottawa (higher offices)?

Thank you.

[Edit to correct spelling of ARMOUR.]
Haha I wish. As an FNG I don't think I get invited to anything.  However and this is just a rumor; from the briefing I got yesterday from my troop warrant there had been speculations we'll be getting new kit (tanks).  Again it's just a rumor. I was just wondering can anyone who's been in the conference confirm this and if so do they get pass up to the big bureaucracies in Ottawa.
From what I heard, I believe its Armoured Corps, CO's & their respective RSM's, maybe someone can confirm that for all of us....
Generally, branch conferences involve all COs (Reg and Res), their RSMs, the School commandnat and RSM, the Branch advisor, and some other senior staff (doctrine, training, procurement folks, others with recent operational experience etc).

Results from conferences do get fed back; the Army commander consults his Arms advisors on a regular basis, and they push things forward to him as well.
I beleive there is a big divide between "wanting" and "getting".  Don't expect much until we have a Conservative majority. 
Just one more queston:  What really happens at those black hat conferences, if, as the title suggests, they are "Amour Conferences"?

I guess this year the conference will be Feb 14...

dapaterson said:
Just one more queston:  What really happens at those black hat conferences, if, as the title suggests, they are "Amour Conferences"?

I guess this year the conference will be Feb 14...



"Black hats, red hot nights..."

That's awesome. 
zipperhead_cop said:
Were you looking for an invitation?

Like dataperson says, since it's a ''love conference'', who wouldn't not be there  :D
dapaterson said:
Just one more queston:  What really happens at those black hat conferences, if, as the title suggests, they are "Amour Conferences"?

I guess this year the conference will be Feb 14...

Actually it was last weekend.  Words is that C sqn RCD will be stood up in Gagetown.  Just like last year they said it would be stood up in Pet.
Time for Kevin Langille to dig up all their old plaques, trophies, and certificates from the Archives.
The Armour Conference is two fold.  The first day is the Armoured Board.  The Director of Armour briefs the COs about a hollow square table arrangement.  This is official policy within the RCAC and includes briefings.  Seated in chairs behind the COs, are the RSMs, Honouraries, and guests.  They attend only at the discretion of the Director.  They do not participate and usually remain silent.  Occasionally the Director may admit a question or comment from them.  There are frequently seminars on particular points of interest to the Corps in the afternoon. 
The second day is the conference of the RCAC Association.  In essence delete the Director from the chair and insert the Association President.  The guests are now members and may participate. 
While all members of the Association may attend, the cost is prohibitive for most.  All conferences are expensive by nature. 
During my tenure, the Board & Conference were interesting but offered little that I had not at least heard rumours about before.  The coffee breaks and bar talk were informative (at times).  E.g. I first heard of the US Armour SIMNET at a conference.  That idea had significant effect upon my tenure.  This is also the only opportunity discover what distant units and brigades are doing.
One conference a year is probably a very good idea and no one has suggested two.  The location changes about the country.  The regular force have an Armoured Board in August at the time of the officer graduation in Gagetown. 
For all, it's "Armour Corps" not "Armoured Corps".  You see, it's a corps of Armour (eg: tanks), not a corps made out of armour.

(I need to be posted!)


Actually, according to my membership card, its the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Association. Of course, its also the Armour School, so go figure. When I was the adjutant of the School I could never figure this out. Armour? Armoured?
Just going by what my black-hatters have tried to beat into my green-beret wearing head for the past few years :D

See!  This is what happen when we teach the infantry to read. 

I've always been told  that, correctly, it's the armour corps and not the armoured corps, but have always found it more comfortable to say armoured.  Armour crewman v. armoured crewman, armour officer v. armoured officer, armour recce v. armoured recce.  That said, it is the Armoured Association and the Royal Armoured Corps but the Armour School

When I tell people what I do, I usually just say armoured.
It's so much simpler in German
"Armour" translates into "Panzer"
"Armoured" translates into "Gepanzert"
"Panzer" is a noun.  "Gepanzert" is an adjective.  Germans don't say "Gepanzert" unless they are talking about something that normally has no armour, but armour is added.

How do you like me now?

The Armoured Corps Conference is usually attended by the Unit COs (Adjt on occasion) and RSMs as well as HCols. The Corps Commandant and RSM also attend. Very rarely do members under that rank attend. Support staff is an exception. From my experience as a one-time driver for the Corps Conference, they try to arrange for all the support staff to be armoured as well. For MCpl and below, this means drivers to transport the members to and from the airport as well as around to their various functions. The hosting Brigade for the conference usually tasks this job to the reserve armoured units in the Brigade (Although I'm not sure if the conference is in the vicinity of a reg force armoured unit).

Thank you for all your answers....in regards to armour vs. armoured I'm grammatically retarded sorry.