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Armour Range Qualifications


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Hi all,

Greetings from  fellow Cavalry brethren across the pond! I hope you don't mind me placing a query on your forum.
Gentlemen I am researching some information on Armoured Range qualifications in the Canadian Army.
My specific query is how Armoured  range managers/ conducting officers are qualified in the Canadian military.( I am speaking in relation to Armour Corps specific  platforms such as LAV, MBT etc? )

Have you a course specific to training students in the areas of  weapon safety  templates(Armour), open range practices, armoured gunnery etc. Is this course aimed at Officer or SNCO/W.O?

I would be grateful  for any guidance or information  if possible.  ( if you so wish to keep off the open forum you can PM).
Thanks again guys.

If Lance Wiebe is online, he can correct me if I am wrong.  The Armour Corps here in Canada runs the Advance Gunnery Crse at the Armour School where the Snr NCOs and officers will be qualified as RGOs.  They will learn all their Templating, etc. as well as get to plan, run and fire the various range practices for all the wpn systems in the corps.
George, that is correct.  Although not all platforms are covered on all courses.  I did my AGIC in 06 and did not complete the 105mm (Leo C2) portion.

I did do templating and all the technical aspects of armour and systems and learned the 318 (range safety) manual and how to search it.
Thanks BZ.  I imagine, like every other crse at the Armour School, availability of systems, etc. will dictate what each crse will cover.  The administrative portions will not change much though.
Rec_1 said:
Hi all,

Greetings from  fellow Cavalry brethren across the pond! I hope you don't mind me placing a query on your forum.
Gentlemen I am researching some information on Armoured Range qualifications in the Canadian Army.
My specific query is how Armoured  range managers/ conducting officers are qualified in the Canadian military.( I am speaking in relation to Armour Corps specific  platforms such as LAV, MBT etc? )

Have you a course specific to training students in the areas of  weapon safety  templates(Armour), open range practices, armoured gunnery etc. Is this course aimed at Officer or SNCO/W.O?

I would be grateful  for any guidance or information  if possible.  ( if you so wish to keep off the open forum you can PM).
Thanks again guys.

Advanced Gunnery is for super switched on MCpl's and above.  We have two variants the 25mm and the MBT (Leopard 105 and 120) versions.  Officers get the qualification in far fewer numbers than NCO's.  When the course is run it will have both NCO's and Officers on the same course, not so uncommon in the Armoured Corp.  Generally there are only a few training areas that are big enough to template for live fire ranges outside of the the designated ranges but when that happens it's a big deal and there will be a number of people putting in input into the templating beyond the Advanced Gunners.  Regimentally, a WO is often appointed to be 'the man' with regards to all things gunnery and is consulted as such.  That's all i can pull of the top of my head right now, I"m sure if you have any more specific questions this site can answer as there seems to be a plethora of pers far more experienced than myself.