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Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

  • Thread starter Thread starter rickeytan
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To the guy that wrote, exercise inducive, I have a minor case of reactive airway disease, I can run all i want and nothing happens to me, thats what the god damn med staff cease to realize.
Regarding your asthma, I didn't say that you wouldn't get in, I was trying to explain (maybe not all that well) why the medical staff want so much info about your situation.  As for the eye sight comment.....you do know that there are vision standards as well right?  That is why the max you can be is a V3 for inf for example.  That way if your glasses DO get broken you can still function!  You aren't left sitting there blindly fumbling around.
Here's the low down on what they will require from people who have had asthma or do have it etc... Not only would you have to be clear of relying on medication for 1 year. They will most likely want you to do a Methacolene (didn't spell it right) challenge test which partially induces asthma attacks and detects how well your lungs can work. And also a Pulmonary function test.

1.) Methacolene Challenge Test
2.) Pulmonary Functino Test

Pass those and you'll probably be accepted since those clinically prove you don't have asthma (or not at any noticable/effective rate).

I ain't no doctor but that's what I had to do to get in!


Glad I could help. NEVER give up unless you yourself know there is no way inside.

Give'm  :threat:

I have a very simple, not so original saying:
Never Give UP!
This whole "free of medication" deal is a news to me.  Neither the physician at Borden nor the med staff here in Vancouver mentioned anything about that; in fact they both stated all I needed was to pass a PFT and Methacholine test and get a note from my doctor saying I have asthma.

So if they tell me now, 5 months after having passed these tests and being "officially" off my medication, that I have to wait another seven months they will have to deal with an extremely pissed off person and I will be making a complaint with someone higher up.
Well, I was rejected based on asthma, so my letter informed me that once i had completed 12 consecutive months asthma medication and prescription free i may be re-considered. On top of that I also have to have some orthodontic/cosmetic surgery to correct my underbite. So after I heal from the surgery and the 1 year is completed i will re-apply. So I hope BdTyre, you make it in with your current application, because if not you may have to wait a year. They should not reject you considering you have done the Meth test and the PFT.

-Hope you make it.
The CF isn't concerned if you're taking a mild medication, but they ARE concerned if you are not capable of functioning without it. The infantry are the most likely to be cut off from supply lines in a theatre of war, and have the highest chance of not having ready access to things like perscription medication, or replacement eyeglasses. If you can't function as a front line infantry soldier without regular meds and glasses, then you become a huge liability on the battlefield. They didn't set up these regulations just to punish people, but to ensure that you won't go down with an asthma attack in the middle of a section attack with no meds. They're protecting themselves as well as you.
I understand the reasoning behind it. It seems that everyone who had asthma must have been medication free for 12 months.  My issue is not that; it is understandable.  My issue is that if this is the case, I have found it out from a third party five months after I have been "officially" off my medication.  I was not told by the physician at Borden nor by the medical officer at CFRC Vancouver that this would be required.  I was told -by both parties- that I need to pass these tests and I needed to provide a letter from my doctor stating I no longer had asthma.  The officer at Borden was particularly unhelpful and didn't seem to want to deal with me. 

Now, I haven't heard back from Borden yet so I may be making a fuss over nothing, but the way the past 14 months have gone, I don't think thins will get much better.  My question five months ago to the officer in Borden was simple: What do I need to do?  I should have been told then exactly what I needed to do.  To tell me that I have to wait another seven months because someone forgot or didn't think about it is not only dissappointing, it really reflects poorly on the individual and on the Canadian Forces.

Of course, this may all be in vain since the last time my doctor actually wrote me a perscription was November and the last time I actually had one filled was some time before that.  :)

I'm just trying to prepare for the worst....
Yeah BDtyre, i wish i was as well informed of the asthma case. But there is always hope, even if they do reject you they dont say YOU ARE NOT MEDICALLY FIT FOR THE CF,......YOU CANNOT ENTER THE CF. Thats why I thank god that they didnt just randomly slam me on like a heart murmer or flat foot. Anyways take em to the bitter end. As for combat_medic, so according to what you said people with a mild asthma can still enter the CF? But what does not make any sense is the fact that they make you wait 6 months to reject you on something that is "standard protocol" for med( Anyguy with asthma that has not been rejected yet, has not done a year without prescriptions, and not completed a meth and a PFT test should have to wait 6 months and then be told all this. Funny they think this way, what I basiclly mean is why didnt they reject me the instant i said i have asthma? and even after my doctor wrote that is asthma is not exercise inducive that they still reject.
Well folks, you have to keep everything in perspective. The military is a large organization obviously, and with many different individuals included to move your application along. It's not that the recruiters or officers or NCM's or anyone is trying to be mean or particulary evil toward you.

But generally speaking if you have asthma, it would be a bad career choice anyway. I knew that when I applied and knew I'd have a hellova time trying to get in. But you just have to stay persistent, positive and keep on top of whoever has your file at that point. But in a polite and professional manner. They deal with applicants one file at a time, one PART of a file at a time! I was originally suppose to start LAST SEPTEMBER. Yes, 2003. But I had to scheduel those tests and get the doctors notes and send it back and forth and wait for calls and mail. I called the CFRC Hamilton almost weekly when my file was in Borden over the last while. The only week I didn't call I was on vacation!

Don't worry, keep the faith, if you want it that bad, you'll get it if your fit enough and healthy enough! Don't loose focus.

Yeah, well i do have to say that was a "frustration flush" on my part . Its just that the CF has become something elusive to me, anyhow running and cardio exercises will help fight asthma wont they?.
Yes cardio will help but it takes steady months of workout and dedication. Asthma isn't easy to beat! If yours is still active, I'd advise caution in cardio work as that can induce an asthma attack in chronic cases! If yours is bad enough, maybe talk to your doctor first. You generally should be fine though. I had chronic asthma as a child and still participated in all sports+track and field etc...

Good luck,

What i want to know is that quite simply do you have a chance of enrollment if you have asthma in the reserves. Because my friend went to BMQ this summer and said he saw guys takin puffers and addmitted the had asthma. So mainly the question is how did they enroll without bieng rejected and or what level of asthma does it take for a rejection. Your opinions will be greatly apreaciated.
while at Basic at MTC Gagetown I was given a "huffer " because I had a lung infection..... maybe your freinds are under the impression they have asthma....a "huffer" only means that they were given a med that works better when directly inhaled.
I hope this is not considered a thread-jack.

I was prescribed with asthma a while ago (around 9 maybe 10) and I have not had it cause me any trouble for about a year and a half perhaps two years. Next year when I go to join and take my medical, to say that I do not suffer from athsma do I have to have a form from him saying that I do not suffer from it anymore?
First of all those guys did have asthma

Second of all i would get really detailed letters from either your family physician and or a specialist if you have one, letters of recomandation will also sorta put the cap on things, i hope you make it in dude. Ill continue my wait.
Hi Usman.........here is a link for your question........


or call the recruiting center......that's what they are there for.....they won't give you a hard time...

                                                                                                  Cheers........Mike :cdn:

Erik said:
I hope this is not considered a thread-jack.

I was prescribed with asthma a while ago (around 9 maybe 10) and I have not had it cause me any trouble for about a year and a half perhaps two years. Next year when I go to join and take my medical, to say that I do not suffer from athsma do I have to have a form from him saying that I do not suffer from it anymore?

Hi, I had asthma too, but it went away when I was around 11, and I'm now almost 17. The medical guy I talked to said it wouldn't be a problem. I'm sure if it's almost 2 years and you've still got another to wait, it will be 3 years when you go, so I'm sure you'll be okay. But I'd also call the recruiting center, as they would know more than anyone else.
Sounds like me Jordan.  Ever since I began running to get in the process of joining the CF I've had NO systems of my asthma.  Been nearly 8 years since an asthma attack and I havn't used a puffer in 5 years.
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