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At the airport


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I'm goin to SQ+BIQ this summer.  What happens with your ruck and duffels?  I mean, anyone could get into it be undoin the straps and stuff.  Locking the duffels SHOULD be fine by just locking it up at the zipper.  Also, I have a small knife and my gerber, what happens there?  I didn't have to go through any of this on my BMQ cause my course was local.  Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Isn't this something to be asking at your unit?
Ya that's a possibility but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask here first.  Plus there are no more parade nights, it's a 25 min drive, and I don/t what number to call.
Here are some suggestions for packing your kit if travelling on an Airline.

Duffel Bag:
Use a lock and make sure that the lock is under the "flap" so that the rampies don't look at it and see it as a perfect handle to grab and lift the bag as the area around the lock likes to fail if this is done ;D. Also I suggest a combination lock as you cannot lose the key just remember the combo.

Ruck: See what Mover1 and Gramps said.

Also remember to pack all the really important stuff in your carry on.

Assuming you are going to the airport with your stuff. First off DO NOT PACK IT IN A GARBAGE BAG AND TAPE IT UP. THIS IS BAD ADVICE.

Secondly. With reference to your duffel. Just lock it with a lock. You are only keeping  honest people honest. And being a baggage handler myself I can tell you we do not go into your bags. We are far to busy to go and sneak through your stuff. Just don't tie any sneakers or boots to the outside of it otherwise you will be missing said boots because they got caught in the conveyor.

Your ruck. Pack it and keep the contents of the outside pockets free from all that little stuff that may fall out. At the check in counter the ARLINE WILL PROVIDE A BAG AND HAVE IT SECURITY SEALED THERE ON
This is standard operating procedure. People travel with rucks and back packs all the time. Don't think that yours is the first we have come across. And don't worry no one wants your kit.

I agree with Mover1 here. Especially with the boots or shoes being tied to your kit. Nothing pisses me off more than being kicked by someones shoes. Also, ensure that your knife and or gerber are packed in your checked baggage as you probably will not be allowed to take them on board with you.
K thanks mover1 and Gramps.  I heard about the bags tey give you at the airport but I wasn't sure so I just thought I'd ask here.
Just a quick related question, when arriving at the airport for your flight, do you report in uniform or?Tried contacting various people without much success....
Thanks in advance,
UUnless it is a military flight, you are traveling with a group in DEU or you are sitting in civilian Business Class, you travel in appropriate civilian clothes.
Even on some military flights tou can travel in civilian clothes now.
hey Gramps.

  Your Girlfriend from skyservice is flying in here in 10 minutes or so.