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17th - disregard harassing fire and continue the advance.


Actually 17th......next time give a warning shot......ie.  "Thinking out loud that this is the way we could look at......"  or just be so sarcastic that we can't miss it.  ;D  Some of us have Gunner's Ears and sometimes miss out on the subtleties in some of these group discussions.  ;D  Actually, we still haven't had that survey on going deaf in the left ear...... ::)

Your points are understood. I welcome debate on certain topics. Sometimes one must have thick skin  as not everyone has to or will agree.
My comments were in no way alluding to Reserve vs. Regular force. They in no way questioned your intelligence.
Since inflection and tone do not come through in printed format it is easy to get the wrong meaning.

Keep up the posts
GW and Unknown,

Ack...and tks.  Next time I broadside myself on the trace, I will fire off a flare so everyone knows it on purpose.

George Wallace said:
Actually 17th......next time give a warning shot......ie.  "Thinking out loud that this is the way we could look at......"  or just be so sarcastic that we can't miss it.   ;D  Some of us have Gunner's Ears and sometimes miss out on the subtleties in some of these group discussions.   ;D  Actually, we still haven't had that survey on going deaf in the left ear...... ::)
What?! ;)
Actually I 'm beginning to believe that  Armageddon may happen due to a harmless comment in newsgroup  being misunderstood and devolving into a flame war that concludes with a thermonuclear exchange.

We got to start thinking outside the box.  I will insert a link for an Israeli AUGV - Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle called the Avant Guard.  Basically a beefed up ATV designed for manned or unmanned operations.  Perhaps the CF should be looking into this as the alternative to manned ATV Recce units.  With this your concerns over kit, crew etc are gone.  In my own mind I see two crew somewhere in the rear still gunning/driving this thing to specific NAIs complement not replacing existing recce troops however they could be replaced eventually once technology has improved to the point where they can drive themselves more effectively - although this system has some capability to do that already.

