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AWOL & Baby coming

I did said same: Re: baby coing.
1. Panic(wholly I got a baby comin)
2. Ask buddy to cover
3. Phone everyone(under the sun)
supervisor's-sgt/WO any body to re
quest leave. Can't get ahold of anyone
so you bomb-off hoping for the best
knowing a charge might be happening
when you return to unit.  You return and
charge's are laid. Meantime your sweatin
bullet's... Baby is born and your in that
fuzzy-wuzzy moment. Depending on
mitigating curcumstances and advise from
the rest of the planet. You are charged.
your response: not guilty due to: all of
above extenuating curcumstances.
Man I hope this fellow get's off like I was.
It's a baby for cryin out loud. That dont
happen to often in life how-ever so much
you plan. Mother nature as is her due all-
way's throw's you a curve ball.
hope this lad get's the bare minimum if a
sentence is involved. or better yet a Congrat
ulation a cigar(depending) and a uncondition
al (no time required). Go Home and look into
that baby's eye's and say "hi" I'm your DAD.
Best Regard's,
Scoty B

looks like we may never know the result.

Reading through and noticed that some seem to have missed some points.

The OP indicates in the initial post that it is her EX and that he took the time to visit their SON not her and the soon to be baby.

The only factor the new baby plays in this is that she is hoping her EX is able to be there for the birth. 

A factor that is not mentioned is why was he on this duty to begin with?  Was it just his turn or was it a punishment?