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Baby Killer

Man, Wes I hear ya Dude. My (former) best friend I had known since I was four. Crissakes he even told me one time he loved me like a brother when we had a one too many brewskies during a night of partying  ::)  LOL, shortly after I joined at age of 17 (now hittin' 43). We were suppose to join up together after graduating highschool; he chickened out, I spent a little over 24 years in the regs (and presently getting  into the reserves). Long story short, a few years ago, 'he said, I said'. Total disagreement about the military which lead to other disagreements - he had his misinformed view and I couldn't change it. Tried to get back in contact when I was home many times - no go; he was always busy, couldn't come (even though he lived about a 45 second slow walk from where i was staying - I tried to make amends, went to his place to say hello a few times, but realized that it was a no-go after getting the cold shoulder). Still makes me kinda sad really, we played together, built forts together, chased girls together, drank (puked) together, but I realized a loooong time ago, that there is a humongous difference between your civvie friends and military friends - there are some things you will tell one that the other cannot comprehend.

xo31@711ret said:
  I realized a loooong time ago, that there is a humongous difference between your civvie friends and military friends - there are some things you will tell one that the other cannot comprehend.


Very true Gerry, very bloody true indeed.

Stick on ice,

This entire thread makes me think back to when I had the opportunity to have lunch with an Air Force CWO back when I was at prep year in St-Jean some 3 years ago now. He warned of the sacrifices which I would have to make as a result of my choice to join the military but at the same time, foretold of a great bond of comraderie with those others who wear the uniform. The past year has really driven this home for me. I have lost several friends and had 2 relationships end badly simply because those people did not understand the military and did not want to have anything to do with the military. Conversely, I have had the opportunity to make many new friends and meet many new people as a result of my choice to put on the uniform daily. I have been called horrible things by ignorant university students, I have been spit on while in uniform but I know that it is a choice to serve. I made my choice and now I live with that choice, even though it has alienated me from some who I used to love or be friends with. It's a tough road but I am damned proud to travel down it. For every friend who does not understand what I do, I meet someone else who does and respects me for the choice. Every friend I've lost has hurt me but those who have stood by me, even though they don't understand, have helped make me stronger. In retrospect, I would make the same choice to put the uniform on in a second.
some ppl are just ignorant and really dont think before they talk and it's probably cause they cant relate or even understand a situation like that:(