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I got my 15 April pay stub. I got dinged 46 % deductions on the back pay from our pay raise. I got less (retro) into the bank than a Reg Force Cpl!

The pay office tells me that the "RPSR" system  reads the 15 April total (which includes 365 days back pay) as if that was what we got paid every pay day, thereby taking off the extra amount (higher tax bracket?). What a great kick in the nuts.

Reminds me or IRPPS. Second class citizenship is back with a vengeance.

Any other full time reservists out there get a bit of a surprise on you pay stub?

Pissed off in NB.
Actually, when I get OT pay, I like when they tax it like thats my normal pay everytime, it makes for a nice suprise the next March instead of,....oops I owe how much?
Bruce..Good for you if you like your OT pay in that manner.
This is not OT. It is back pay.

Everyone in the CF was informed what the pay raise would be and examples were given. At no time was any mention made of Reservists getting hit harder because of the RPSR systems inability to adapt. This is absolute BS. I do not believe that the system cannot sort this out. I do believe that it could be stupidity, or laziness, or unproffessional attitude on the part of the administrators of the pay system.

I also do not believe that they could not forsee this and give us a warning. When people are told that they are getting a certain amount of $$ coming on a certain date, they tend to make plans. In my case this is about $400.00 that I now won't see until who knows when, if ever.

I don't expect that this will get a lot of coverage because the only ones who are really getting screwed are F/T Reservists.

Are there any Pay System types who can (dare) shed light on this?

I want my money. I want now. I want all of it and I don't want to wait until next bloody tax season.
what a great way to start the week......another kick in the nuts by our employer...........god bless the governemnt :threat:
Would you rather they take money away instead (and I don't mean taxing our back pay).
I also do not believe that they could not forsee this and give us a warning. When people are told that they are getting a certain amount of $$ coming on a certain date, they tend to make plans. In my case this is about $400.00 that I now won't see until who knows when, if ever.
I don't expect that this will get a lot of coverage because the only ones who are really getting screwed are F/T Reservists

Wrong, this happens to anybody who makes extra cash on any pay, not just "reservists".......anybody. Everyone should be smart enough to know that if you make more, you get taxed more..........welcome to life.

CFL said:
Would you rather they take money away instead (and I don't mean taxing our back pay).

My only real problem is that the Government gets to use my money (extra taxes) for the year to do what they want with it.  Sure I'll see it at tax time but come on.  Some super genius who does pay could go "hmm maybe we should just tax them at their normal rate instead of ripping off 46 % (example, i heard 43%) right off the top.  Sure sure, there are some of u reading this going "You should be happy with whatever they give u blah blah blah"  No I have not already spent the money either by the way, I know better then that.  I talked to a guy today who is "counting" on all of our back pay being on the mid month pay.  Again he should no better then to count on anything (notice my forum handle?)  Again rumours of the amount being split between 2 checks.  Just once, I would like to go, yah ...the government did do a good thing, kept their word, were on time etc....dreams, i know......do i sound disgruntled? 

Off topic, can u believe that there is so little work where i am right now that someone (a lot higher rank) actually came to talk to my section ic about something i posted here?  Pure wonderment ??? :boring:
I've been expecting a screw job from the beginning anyway, and If\when I get any retro at all.
Whether it comes in installments, half of what I worked it out to be or whatever.Just act like it doesnt exist.I do that for my regular pay anyway, because alot of the time, because of our F***** up idiot clerks, at least once every two months something gets screwed up and we dont get paid for another month.

The CF jerking you around with your pay? no way!  ::)
That's funny - last I checked pay was a personal responsibility.  I was hoping for about $1000 bonus.  I'm getting $1600!  I have the pay statement in hand.  I'm very happy, 'cause that means I get even more back next year!

Expect to be gouged on taxes.  Expect/pre-empt mistakes.  Never go hungry, never go homeless.


I'd be suprised if "they" *didn't* find a way to fuck this up. After delaying a month, which most people would take to get shit right, you figured they would actually do it right, first time? C'mon, I'm sure you've been in the Mo longer than that.

I think the RSPR software is manageable, it's the defective wetware being used that fucks us over consistently. Garbage in, garbage out, know what I mean Vern?
This is unbelievable! I'm willing to bet none of you have gotten retro pay before, or at least you never cared as much about what you were getting and how much you were taxed on it.

This is the 3rd biggest retro pay I've gotten since I joined the CF and all 3 times I was taxed at my marginal tax rate. Since this is added onto our pay, they tax it based on the last dollar they anticipate us to make. In my case I was taxed at 43%, then they took pension because the money is pensionable, and of course CPP and EI. Now, I did get an incentive on Apr 2nd as well so a good comparison for my pay won't come until next month, but I still paid almost double what I normally pay in income tax, Pension, CPP and EI and my back pay was less than half my normal pay.

But when it all comes down to it, I'm still getting a $3000 paycheck on Fri and that's at least a grand better than normal.  ;D
Only in the Canadian military would we complain about a healthy raise.  ::)
"Just give me my damn money already." Hmm where have I heard that before...I could care less, im gunna get it in the hoop from the government anyway, im going to die as well.
Gunner said:
Only in the Canadian military would we complain about a healthy raise.    ::)
i totaly agree.......i would pay to do what my MOC allows me to do everyday and now they want to give me more money for doing it !!
Ok, when is this back pay effective from - do guys that got out get in on this.... :blotto:
Infanteer said:
Ok, when is this back pay effective from - do guys that got out get in on this.... :blotto:

01 Apr 2004 and yes you should.
KevinB said:
I thought it was from two years?

Negatron, only back to Apr 1st 2004, we also got a 2.4% raise effective Apr 1st 2005 but it wasn't back paid.
Damn - and this is the guy who cleared out in March!!!  :threat:
Inch said:
Negatron, only back to Apr 1st 2004, we also got a 2.4% raise effective Apr 1st 2005 but it wasn't back paid.

I swore I saw 2.2 2003, 2.6 2004, 2.4 2005  ???
