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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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sober_ruski  everything in SciFi I am going to have to do some searching in here man thanks again ;D
sober_ruski said:
Here's the kicker.
It has EVERYTHING, not just BSG... and i do mean EVERYTHING there.

Really.. I looked..

does it have reno 911???

tv-links is like... cocain

I present you with http://www.yourtvlinks.com/reno-911.html , heroin of tv links :D

ok.. so i'm hijacking my own thread for a second...

There is only one season of Reno 911? wow.. that's surprising since
I didn't think it was that bad.  From the bits and pieces I've seen it was really funny.

um.. right BSG thread...

um..  tess is a cylon.

small hijack :



end of small hijack  : )
Trinity said:
There is only one season of Reno 911? wow.. that's surprising since

Season three is running now.  I have seasons one and two on DVD if you're ever passing through.
I'm only at the beginningof the ninth episode of the first season,
but I'm wondering...

- Cylon detection :

These thinks are mostly biological, but they must have a part of some sort of metal, somewhere, right ?
(otherwise they would'nt be cylon, and they couldn't transmit their consciousness when the body of a copy
die, etc) (I guess it somewhere in the head). Why nobody try a metal detector or some sort of X-Ray
to find them ?

- First copy of Six to die

At the beginning of the Pilot, a human is waiting for a Cylon to show up in the ''ambassady'' even
if none was seen for 40 years. Why send Six over there to get blow up ? The human looking
Cylon must cost time, ressource and money to built. Why blow it up for a 5 minutes meeting ?
And why didn't the human registered anything in that place ? When you have powerful enemies,
should't you try to gather a max of informations?
Yrys has a great point. If the Cylons must have metal or electronics "somewhere" on their persons, why doesn't it show up on medical scans? :-\
They can't be that GOOD at beng human and still remain Cylon>.
Yrys said:
I'm only at the beginningof the ninth episode of the first season,
but I'm wondering...

- Cylon detection :

These thinks are mostly biological, but they must have a part of some sort of metal, somewhere, right ?
(otherwise they would'nt be cylon, and they couldn't transmit their consciousness when the body of a copy
die, etc) (I guess it somewhere in the head). Why nobody try a metal detector or some sort of X-Ray
to find them ?

Organic computers my friend. Who needs metal? MAYA II evolved!

- First copy of Six to die

At the beginning of the Pilot, a human is waiting for a Cylon to show up in the ''ambassady'' even
if none was seen for 40 years. Why send Six over there to get blow up ? The human looking
Cylon must cost time, ressource and money to built. Why blow it up for a 5 minutes meeting ?
And why didn't the human registered anything in that place ? When you have powerful enemies,
should't you try to gather a max of informations?

A little like the Borgs, not as "collective" oriented but the idea that economy or money would even be an issue doesn't seem relevant.
Be patient. Sometimes it takes a couple of seasons to get answers!

/mini hi-jack:
tv links has all of red vs blue :O :O??? I'm in love
/end of hi-jack

BSG: I think maybe all the Cylons are really borg, and all the humans are really Corellians and all the... jeese I'm a nerd.
BSG: I think maybe all the Cylons are really borg, and all the humans are really Corellians and all the... jeese I'm a nerd.

Man, ever since BSG the new series began I can't watch any Star Trek without thinking it is a cartoon or something.  This show rocks.
Cylons are wayyy cooler than the Borg.
I have to say that one thing that bothers me about BSG is that the universe seems to be void of other races. Unless the cylons have already taken care of wiping all of them, I think it's a major flaw. I LOVE BSG but I respectfully disagree with you there Wolfe, no way does it even come close to Star Trek's fictional universe.

But yhea! Cylons are definitly wayyy cool. I love Raiders the best!
I like the idea there are no apparent aliens in BSG. IMO they were done to death in both Star Wars and Star Trek.

Episode 6 of Year III, has the Galactica and Fleet come across a Space Station, called B5, in a Temporal Distortion, on their trek to the planet Earth.
Babylon 5 ?

Oh my god, where is that hottie, Marcus ?

/swooning over  ;)

George Wallace said:

Episode 6 of Year III, has the Galactica and Fleet come across a Space Station, called B5, in a Temporal Distortion, on their trek to the planet Earth.

I don't recall that. We're talking about the episode where Baltar start suspecting he might be a cylon, helps the cylons find earth and goes to the infected baseship. At the end of the episode Athena and Racetrack find the nebula and the dying baseship. Did I miss something? I don't remember anything about a Temporal Distortion ??? Maybe I watch it again...
