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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

  • Total voters
I've got to convince 9er Dom for me to get Space: The Imagination Station!
Absolutely have to agree with you Sigs, I just bought the 2nd half of season 2's DVD...whoo hoo BSG marathon for us!

Dh and I think Starbuck is going to get trashed, her character appears to be fading. She'll either end up being a cylon or they'll kill her off.    
davidhmd said:
Say it ain't so, where will I shift my misguided nerd love?

Sharon is pretty cute, although it might be pretty hard on the brain to have multiple versions of your sweetie  :)
Ummm last count, I think the character was a 6 pack.  But to save you, DH says Starbuck lives, dopey guy in red shirt dies instead (oh wait that was ST).

The little baby that the cylons claim to be Starbucks


For those who watch the series: brace yourselves, it is going to get turbulent.
I downloaded the episode. It was great.
Trinity, about your bet. What if the child is a cylon? What if it isn't her child? What if it is her child and it is half cylon, half human?
What if I had a toilet made out of gold?

All that, and more, on tonight's Battlestar Galactica.
Rice0031 said:
What if it is her child and it is half cylon, half human?

Then I would remember the first time I watched it, when it was called "V"

Rice0031 said:
Trinity, about your bet. What if the child is a cylon? What if it isn't her child? What if it is her child and it is half cylon, half human?
What if I had a toilet made out of gold?

What's your point?!

Look at the thread. The poll is to see who is a cylon. 
I guessed the girl is a cylon.  Where are you going on
your rant?
Holy Frak, I just watched Exodus pt 2 and I can safely say it was quite possibly one the best hour's (43 minutes to be exact) of television I have ever seen!

I won't post any spoilers here, but you'll enjoy it when it airs tonight (Hell, i may even watch it again just so I get good quality instead of the quality you get from torrents).

Rice0031 said:
....... What if the child is a cylon? What if it isn't her child? What if it is her child and it is half cylon, half human?

That would make it a whole new series.......#9 (#8 being Sharon's child).
The reason Season 2 is split into two dvd releases is because of the hiatus the show was on. The producer(s) thought it best (meaning more money) to realse the first half before the beginning of the second half of the show. Don't know if it happened that way or not.

Now on to the main course.

I started watching the OLD BSG when I was just a wee lad. It was Babylon 5, then BSG Classic, (reruns for both), then earth final conflict (a couple of older seasons, didnt like the first few), Andromeda. Just to name a few. So when the new BSG came out as a mini-series. I decided to download it via the torrents. I've been hooked since then, Now if I were to ponder a guess as to who the next cylon is, I'd have to say Dee, somehow or other the cylons ALWAYS new where the fleet was during the first season, it was a jump every 23(?) minutes. Now it could also be Gaeta(sp?) as he too was always on CIC during the whole shebang. But my vote is on Dee especially after seeing the first couple of episodes of season 3. Now BSG is on space in the next couple of hours and I've got more important stuff (like move one tv downstairs and bring the tv from downstairs upstairs, and eat the hallowe'en candy that I bought for ummm...... the kids????) so I'm going to finish this post without any real detail to thoughts and go about my business of nothingness.

Now if I were to ponder a guess as to who the next cylon is, I'd have to say Dee, somehow or other the cylons ALWAYS new where the fleet was during the first season, it was a jump every 23(?) minutes. Now it could also be Gaeta(sp?) as he too was always on CIC during the whole shebang. But my vote is on Dee especially after seeing the first couple of episodes of season 3. Now BSG is on space in the next couple of hours and I've got more important stuff (like move one tv downstairs and bring the tv from downstairs upstairs, and eat the hallowe'en candy that I bought

I thought it was established that the culprit was the Olympic Carrier (the ship that Apollo and Starbuck destroyed)...
oh god, this is so nerdy.

As for my vote for a Cylon, I think its going to be Billy. 
oh... interesting

Cause Billy is dead....

and off the radar for people to think he's a cylon.

He's young.. so that means he wasn't around for the first Cylon war 40 years before.
Anyone who was around.. is ruled out as a cylon.

Could be....

Dee.. would have gotten pregnant by now if she could have with Apollo.. since that seems to
be a huge mandate... procreating with humans.  Since she hasn't I want to rule her out.

PS.. for the record, Cylon should be added to spellcheck.  :D
Yeah, thats exactly why I think its going to Billy.  It would make sense to have a Cylon acted as basically the chief of staff to the president (of course it would be dumb luck for the Cylons for that to happen).

And on top of that i don't think we've really come across a political cylon (as really all the Cylons have one or two traits that set them apart).

OK everyone...spoiler below

Trinity is the father!!
Ask Pea....  ;D
Colour me lost...who or what is Trinity?
And don't say the padre  ::)
Now that I've seen some data, I would lean on Dee.  But have we seen all of the Cylons or is there more to come?
Gaspasser said:
Colour me lost...who or what is Trinity?
And don't say the padre  ::)

OK I won't say it....close your ears...."The Padre."

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