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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Trinity said:
My bets is that Tory isn't evil.

She didn't have a choice but to kill Cally in order to keep the secret.

If Cally told anyone... think of the consequences.  She had no choice but to kill her.
I think the writers did that on purpose to make us think the final 5 are evil. 


That's a great new Brother Cavril avatar- very fitting.  ;D
CougarDaddy said:

That's a great new Brother Cavril avatar- very fitting.  ;D

There are NO good Cavil pics out there.  This was the best I could find. 
But I'm not an army.ca cylon...  :-X
I'm surprised of the extent to which they were able to convert the DEMETRIUS to an auxiliary warship- complete with a flight deck of 4 Vipers and at least one Raptor. They should have done that with more of the other civilian ships on a more permanent basis.

Also, something tells me that Baltar and his "harem" of cult worshipper women may end up as the last survivors of the human race that settle on an undeveloped Earth and it's up to them to repopulate the human race.  :rofl:
CougarDaddy said:
...Also, something tells me that Baltar and his "harem" of cult worshipper women may end up as the last survivors of the human race that settle on an undeveloped Earth and it's up to them to repopulate the human race.  :rofl:

... and here we are, eons later, their descendants!

... and here we are, eons later, their descendants!

Hmmm...kinda explain some of the space cadets I worked with in my career...
CougarDaddy said:
Also, something tells me that Baltar and his "harem" of cult worshipper women may end up as the last survivors of the human race that settle on an undeveloped Earth and it's up to them to repopulate the human race.  :rofl:

Weellll, I always thought Baltar was one frakk of a lucky man...I mean!  Six, then De'anna, now he's got his own harem to repopulate the Earth {not a bad story line}.
Sort of a spin off of an old Asimov novelette about the last survivors of earth and repoplulating a new colony...I think it was called "the Cargo"? Where a shipfull of women {the last suvivors} have only one man {huh! lucky man} to inpregnate them all.

Although it says that this is the last season, I think the WILL find earth {Us} by the end and spin off a new show.  Just like the old BSG.
My 0.02 worth    8)
Well!  If Starbuck is really the "Harvenger of Death" then it is up to her to lead both the Waring Cylons and the Humans to the little blue planet, third from the sun, and then while in orbit they will all fight over what lies beneath and burn themselves and all on the planet to a crisp. 

End of BSG.  END of Earth.  Time for a new Cycle of life to begin all over again.  In two billion years they will do it all over again.  ;D
Hence..this has happened before and it will happen again... ;)
Just saw the last episode. Interesting...the Colonials will be reinforced by a single basestar of that Cylon rebel faction of 3s, 6s and 8s. ^-^
CougarDaddy said:
Just saw the last episode. Interesting...the Colonials will be reinforced by a single basestar of that Cylon rebel faction of 3s, 6s and 8s. ^-^

Go ahead.. spoil it for the other people why don't you!!!  ^-^

OKAY.  Here is the best theory I could come up with.  And I
think it's VERY plausible.  So if you don't want the series spoiled

My prediction is that this will end similar to the Matrix series.

Kara Thrace (thrice?) is like Neo -  they are playing the Christ Figure.

In the Matrix (3rd movie) Neo found out that he's done it all before many times and was told
he was to choose 12 (i think) people and restart Zion after it is destroyed and it starts all over again.
However, this Neo decides not to and saves Zion and defeats the evil robots.

Here... it appears that Kara is the "harbinger of death".  And she is supposed to lead everyone,
human and cylon to their death.  And as we've been hearing since Episode one, "this has all
happened before and will all happen again".  However, I think this time Kara will choose not to
be the harbinger of death and change the pattern so it doesn't restart and everyone die...
just the evil robots will be defeated.

Kara, like Neo will play the Saviour (Christ figure).  Now... like Neo will she die for her cause?!?!

That is the real question!!!!
    Found this kind of funny thought that I would share explains whats happening to our new Cylons LOL .

HOLY AMBROSIA!!! Wow, so  many twists in this last episode. Baltar in the operahouse vision- what's up with that? And yes I know, he was seen in an opera house in one of his delusional episodes with 6 in season 1 when he was still marooned on Kobol with Tirol and Cally, but he was never in one of Roslin's visions before! :o
Great episode, with perhaps one of the greatest lines of all times.

Roslin to Tori - "I don't care if you spend the night on your knees praying, or just on your knees"

        CougarDaddy  I was just as shocked that the Doc told Adama that Tigh had a Love Child with the blond 6  :o  I didn't think it was possible for to cylons to have a child at least that's what there saying before this episode should be interesting to see what happens next .

for my fellow fans. :)
karl28 said:
         CougarDaddy   I was just as shocked that the Doc told Adama that Tigh had a Love Child with the blond 6  :o  I didn't think it was possible for to cylons to have a child at least that's what there saying before this episode should be interesting to see what happens next .

You do know that Sharon is a Cylon right? She had a child. Tyrol is a cylon, he had a child with Cali. So it is more than possible for Cylons to have kids.