"Engineers" in the Civilian World are a 4 year accredited university promgram in engineering science ie. a Bachelors degree in Engineering Science. Plus 4 years as an Engineer in Training EIT, then you write an ethics exam, then you get your P.Eng designation, and can legally offer engineering services to the public. Myself, I am a Civil Engineering Technologist, with a 3 year diploma from a community college. Hence i am not an "Engineer", but an Engineering Technologist and cannot call myself an Engineer. The term is trademarked for use only by people possessing a P.Eng.
myself being a C.E.T. (Certified Engineering Technologist), I am not an "Engineer", and cannot stamp drawings or take ultimate responsibilty for Work to the Public, but I can do all of the work of an engineer ie. design roads, sewers, grading design, Inspecting, etc. We are the ones which take ultimate direction from an engineer and make projects happen.
In the military world the word "Engineer" does not connotate a person with a P.Eng designation. it means anyone who does an engineering job, within the scope of Military Engineering.
Therfore I am not an Engineer on civvy street, but I am an Engineer in the Military.
Officers in the Engineers should be, or capable of attaining a P.eng designation