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Best Box Lunch and Worse

willy said:
Most bases nowadays have an all-ranks dining hall that anyone can eat at, but in a lot of cases the SNCO and Officers' drinking messes are co-located with quarters and a dining facility.  If you're living in, you eat, sleep, and drink your beer all in the same building.
Gagetown is not like that at all: yet.  They are thinking of having a "big honking" building for Officers on one side and Warrant Officers  and Senior NCOs on the other (No, Warrant Officers are NOT non-commissioned officers: they are warrant officers, which include the ranks of WO, MWO and CWO).  So, the guts of the building (kitchen, stuff like that) would service both sides, but the officers and the WOs and Sgts would still be segregated.  After all, that's what messes are for.
big bad john said:
And what's wrong with the BATUS mess, it's one of the best in the British Army.  Now if you want to eat in the UK, come to an RM mess...we steal the best that the Navy has to offer.

My 1st time in the BATUS SGTs Mess was in 1992 for breakfast. Deep fried bread, and deep fried eggs! I was there again in 1993, and again in 2004, but the Mess was new and had just been recently opened. Although nice, it did not have the character of the old one.


I could only vouch for Gagetown
Now, to stay on track, the boxed lunches from here are okay, I suppose.  But, consider this funny (but true!) story.
I had planned on sending a WO to the ranges on a standards visit.  It was here in Gagetown.  He indented for a truck, a driver, permission to be on the range when firing and a box lunch.  All was okay and blessed right away: except the box lunch.  It took two full days of paperwork and emails back and forth in order to get permission for him to have the box lunch.  The school's ops got involved at one point, to which they said "We have bigger fish to fry.  Give him his &#!)ing box lunch!"
Perhaps I wasn't clear, I didn't mean that the SNCO mess is co-located with the Offr mess, and I didn't mean to suggest that it was the norm.  It is true in some cases though that in each of the Offr and SNCO mess "lines" there are quarters, a dining hall, and a mess all together or at least next door to one another.

That is the case in both Esquimalt and Kingston.  

Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the thread.
von Garvin said:
Gagetown is not like that at all: yet.  They are thinking of having a "big honking" building for Officers on one side and Warrant Officers  and Senior NCOs on the other (No, Warrant Officers are NOT non-commissioned officers: they are warrant officers, which include the ranks of WO, MWO and CWO).  So, the guts of the building (kitchen, stuff like that) would service both sides, but the officers and the WOs and Sgts would still be segregated.  After all, that's what messes are for.

How else can they bitch about each other discuss issues that concern each groups in different ways?


Not that I was ever there, but wasn't there a seperate mess for MCpl's only in Germany, and the top part of the Jr Ranks mess in Gagetown was the old Grenadiers Club, for MCpl only wasn't it??

Mud Recce Man said:
...Not that I was ever there, but wasn't there a separate mess for MCpl's only in Germany, ...

I do know when I got to Lahr in '89, the Centennial Club was the JR's mess. The MCpl's didn't have their own.
von Garvin said:
I could only vouch for Gagetown
Now, to stay on track, the boxed lunches from here are okay, I suppose.  But, consider this funny (but true!) story.
I had planned on sending a WO to the ranges on a standards visit.  It was here in Gagetown.  He indented for a truck, a driver, permission to be on the range when firing and a box lunch.  All was okay and blessed right away: except the box lunch.  It took two full days of paperwork and emails back and forth in order to get permission for him to have the box lunch.  The school's ops got involved at one point, to which they said "We have bigger fish to fry.  Give him his &#!)ing box lunch!"

Ah some things never change. In 1989 I put in a request for photocopies of some handouts for the SARP training I was conducting for Demo Coy. Some numpty explained that sending the company flunky over to use the photocopier was not correct procedure and that I would have to fill in the appropriate requests, have them witnessed and signed by Jehovah etc and because it was a rush job I could probably have them in 5-6 weeks. I had the numpty drive me down to the local Kinkos in Ormocto and did them myself in half an hour. Naturally I got jacked up for doing that.

Ok that’s my second and last thread hijack for the day.  :-[
Best one I have ever had and now will probably always take a liking to for further military experience , is the Mac and Cheese IMP. They would make us eat this stuff when I was in cadets , little bit of ketchup and its good. Box lunches, are usually pretty decent unless they have been sitting around for awhile and everything soggy , lol! As long as they came with a chocolate bar I would be happy.

But then again anything taste good when your hungry!! I could care less as long as they feed me.

Also , Esquimalt' Mess hall is similar to that. I haven't lived there yet but atleast for Ncm's living in Nellies Block the mess hall is located right inside , one big building. As for Greenwood , the JR's , mess hall and the ' High Flight ' room is located in one building , but not like Esquimalts where the mess and sleeping quarters are all located in one. Most bases have seperate dining halls for Officer and Ncm's , and I would be suprised if there wasn't. Most Ncm's go to lunch and relax.. so do Officers.. last thing they want to do is have lunch with one another OR drink with one another.
Umm, box lunches and hay box's are, 2 different things.  :blotto:

A box lunch is in a "box".

A hay box meal is in...well its usually in grease.  ;D  (just kidding for the cookies out there)

You'll know the different when they hand ya' one. 
Hay Box - IMP's?

Ill be finding out rather quick Im sure. Either way I know I have had them it's just been years since I have , nor would I have to live off them for weeks. I do remember however asking my Dad to bring rations home because they were fun to cook and eat.. what was I thinking!
osjesso said:
Hay Box - IMP's?

Ill be findinf out rather quick. Either way I know I have had them it's just been years since I have , nor would I have to live off them for weeks. I do remember however asking my Dad to bring rations home because they were fun to cook and eat.. what was I thinking!


IMPs - little meals in a tin (well a bag of some sort, foil? or something) bag. 

Hay Box - lots of big containers, each with a different "part" of the meal.  Require KFS and melmac.  Well, recommended I should say.  I've had em in my hands after filling up the callsign with diesel.  Usually some type of meat, potatoes, veggie's, soup, and lots of other stuff like bread, cake and other EIS comes with them mostly.

Box lunch - literally, lunch in a box.  Various types of sandwiches and reasonable/unreasonable facsimile's  ;D and other stuff in them.

You have just passed PO/EO 401.01, How the Military Feeds Its Own.   ;D
Maybe I have not tried this infamous ' Hay Box ' , I have seen them... but have not had them. IMP's though are just sick  :dontpanic:
osjesso said:
Maybe I have not tried this infamous ' Hay Box ' , I have seen them... but have not had them. IMP's though are just sick  :dontpanic:

IMPs are great!  Picture, you are in your Night OP/LP, winter warfare.  Cold as snot out.  What more could you ask for at that time than a nice, cold ham omlet, or even frozen cabbage rolls??

(no you don't heat up anything in the OP/LP.   ;D)


All of em are the exact same, food from Joe and Jane Taxpayer that keeps ya going. (sometimes in more ways the one!)

Don't forget to play Chiclet Bingo!
Danjanou said:
BTW that cartoon thing lead to the best gig I ever had in uniform, official RV85 cartoonist for the Maple Leaf, 25 year old Sgt, living in shacks, 9-5 M-F work schedule, drawing FOA, and my own vehicle and driver. That beat ATC in the boonies  ;D

That was you?  I remember enjoying those cartoons, one of the few bright spots in that place
Still have em all in a box somewhere , aside from the ones of Belzile and DeChastelaine, they were presented theirs, copies of the paper too. Someday I'll see about getting them scanned and uploaded here. Ah crap three hi jacks in one thread in one day..... I blame Marshall he was always dumping me in it....stole my box lunch too
Dumping you in what??  You can't blame me for stuff in a thread that I haven't been following....  :-\
LOL - I'm sure there were enough of them that he could spread the blame over 2 of us....
