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Best dressed element.

By far the best dressed element are the ones with the handy clothing allowance  ;)

BulletMagnet said:
By far the best dressed element are the ones with the handy clothing allowance  ;)

Wasnt aware that they were an "element" now.......
George Wallace said:
You left out the Oakleys*.  :nod:

* Note - only to be worn on top of the head.
ltmaverick25 said:
It was brilliant, my hat went flying, she and another dude caught me before I hit the ground.  I am not sure what hurt worse, my ego or my head, but they both hurt pretty damn bad!

Brilliant. What level is that on the stupid scale?

Wish I had of seen this occur - I could get Milpoints for starting a whole new topic:

"The stupidest thing I saw today".
My military experience was very limited and a long time ago. Having said that, I did have the privilege of wearing the 1949 pattern RCASC khaki battledress with blue, white and gold lanyard. Also the RCASC ceremonial blues. Later on, the CF greens.
However, the sailor uniforms worn back then will always be my sentimental favorite.   
ArmyVern said:
Brilliant. What level is that on the stupid scale?

I think it's somewhere between d'oh! and way to go Einstein.... ;D
The Army would be the best dressed element if we ditched the stupid 1970s American-style dark-green DEU tunic and went to something more accustomed to our heritage and climate, like a khaki tunic.

Sorry about the rant - I'm sick and tired of standing in that thing in the sun on grad parades.
ArmyVern said:
Brilliant. What level is that on the stupid scale?

Wish I had of seen this occur - I could get Milpoints for starting a whole new topic:

"The stupidest thing I saw today".

I was being sarcastic of course..

But dont worry, knowing me, im certain there will be plenty more occurences of similar brilliance.

It wasnt my fault though, it really was a stupid place to put a pole, no seriously! 
ltmaverick25 said:
a stupid place to put a pole,

Thats what i said my first time visiting a strip club. Funny how things worked out.

No this really was a stupid place for a pole.  I wish I had a picture of it.  It was at HMCS CARLETON.  There is a gate that one has to walk through to get from one building to another.  There is a door like opening in the gate for people to walk through and for some unknown reason they have a facking pole going over the top of the doorway, parallel to the ground.  So basically anyone whos over 6 feet tall is at risk.  I just happened to be the only tall guy busy trying to chat someone up while walking at the same time, and wham.  I wasnt the only one to hit my head on the stupid thing over the weekend, but I think I was the only one that almost knocked himself out while doing so  ;D
well, chalk that up to one of those times it's good to be short then ;D
ltmaverick25 said:

No this really was a stupid place for a pole.  I wish I had a picture of it.  It was at HMCS CARLETON.  There is a gate that one has to walk through to get from one building to another.  There is a door like opening in the gate for people to walk through and for some unknown reason they have a facking pole going over the top of the doorway, parallel to the ground.  So basically anyone whos over 6 feet tall is at risk.  I just happened to be the only tall guy busy trying to chat someone up while walking at the same time, and wham.  I wasnt the only one to hit my head on the stupid thing over the weekend, but I think I was the only one that almost knocked himself out while doing so  ;D

Being in the senior service now, you'll be wanting to pay a lot more attention to passing through the bulkheads.
Sure it's not the entire army element, but if you start counting regimental dress, the army has everyone beat, hands down... scarletts, highland dress...
Those kilts are pretty polarizing. Some like them, some do not.  I think they look really neat and they sure can grab your attention but the RCR scarlets are way neater.