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Better than coffee

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....and I should note that it's not just defending coffee,....as I hate the stuff.

I am just trying to provide alternatives to people who think coffee sucks.

I started drinking yerba mate and found it to be wonderful and thought I should pass on the knowledge.

Some people are so reactionary it's not even funny.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
....and I should note that it's not just defending coffee,....as I hate the stuff.
I see the above as trolling.

Good that you have found an alternative. Now, if there are people who do not want to use such alternative and wish to make their opinion(s) known then they should be allowed to just as you were.

ohdiesel, I am not going to try this because I like coffee. I drink organic, fair trade coffee from BC and that is just fine with me and should be for you as well as it is my choice to make. If I should happen along your stuff I may just give it a shot - but I am no better or worse if if I do not and neither is anyone else.
ohdiesel said:

I am just trying to provide alternatives to people who think coffee sucks.

and you have

I started drinking yerba mate and found it to be wonderful and thought I should pass on the knowledge.

And you have

Some people are so reactionary it's not even funny.

That's because you posted (Spammed) how many times, and quickly refuted any post that went
against anything you said.  Who's the reactionary here?  Probably you.

This falls into the STAY IN YOUR LANE category which I think Scoutfinch has covered nicely.

I do not want to insult anyone, but reactionary means:

"Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative."

Reactionary does not mean someone who reacts against what other people say.  It means someone who is against something new and call it 'snake oil.'

Spamming would be posting useless junk.  I was trying to carry-on a conversation.  If you think it's useless then I guess it would be considered spam.  However, according to some people so far, I've managed to get them to try it.

Trinity said:
and you have

And you have

That's because you posted (Spammed) how many times, and quickly refuted any post that went
against anything you said.  Who's the reactionary here?  Probably you.

This falls into the STAY IN YOUR LANE category which I think Scoutfinch has covered nicely.
ohdiesel said:
I bet if more people with depression who take anti-depressants started to increase their vitamin intake that they would not need those pills anymore.


I had depression. I took vitamins, including high B levels. Telling the depressed to take up vitamins and give up medication is as careless and irresponsible as telling diabetics to toss out insulin.

Some folks will try yerba, some won't. The info is there. I'm outta here to let the sleeping dogs lie.
ohdiesel said:

First of all, I can NOT take you seriously if you start every post with Y0

I do not want to insult anyone, but reactionary means:

Anytime someone prefaces a sentence with, I'm not xxx, but....  as in your case, I don't
want to insult anyone, but....    BUT you are going to insult someone.  If you need to preface
what you are about to say with a precaution, then most likely what you are going to say is going
to cause trouble.

In this case, calling us extremely conservative  (as we oppose progress).  If you read the other
threads, you'll see how accommodating we are.  We are currently having a nice conversation with a
war protester in another thread and being mostly civil to him and vice versa.  We are not dinosaurs.

Reactionary does not mean someone who reacts against what other people say.  It means someone who is against something new and call it 'snake oil.'

Reactionary to you doesn't mean the same as reactionary to us.  Just because someone insults your product they're reactionary?
Or better yet, in your words, extremely conservative.??  I'm very liberal and I'll insult your product only because it sounds gross.
That's my opinion.  You can't change that so why get upset over it. 

Spamming would be posting useless junk.  I was trying to carry-on a conversation.  If you think it's useless then I guess it would be considered spam. 

If you need to post multiple times in a row ... that's spam.  Can you not post once and say what you need to.  If you needed to
you could have provided links, or, here's an idea, modify your post and add the information afterwards (unless that's just a subscribers

However, according to some people so far, I've managed to get them to try it.

And I'm glad they enjoy it. 

But I'm not taking nutritional advice from someone I don't know over the internet.  You are
not a certified nutritionist, and as I stated before, this is a STAY IN YOUR LANE situation.

If you don't know what that means....  its unless you are an expert in the field (and can back it up)
your opinion despite your multiple posts/spam/advice/advertising means very little.  I could comment
on the loading and use of the c9 in operations, but, most people would just pat me on the head and smile.

You are so right.  Your product is better than coffee.  It is the best. 

Oh yeah, people here have reacted to your suggestions in  a reactionary manner too.  It has been reprehensible.

Now that you have heard what you wanted to hear, will you go away now?
I really don't care if this product is better or not, i won't be switching over to it because I love my coffee.  I love the smell, I love the taste, I love the way the frist sip of the day feels on my tongue.  I just plain love coffee.

The smell of the beans before and after I grind them so almost to do die for! 

Speaking of which I'm going to grab myself a coffee...

Anything that needs to be said, has. If you need this reopened, the usual drill is required.
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