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BigRed and Kevin's Day Trip.

Reference, the cam paint on the carbine barrel: how well does it hold up after firing rounds down range? How often does it need to be touched up?
It stays on okay. After running a few rounds through it the barrel will turn a rust colour. Obviously the paint wears off wherever something keeps rubbing on it.  I'm not really concerned about the cosmetics of it, I think I've still got some melted window moulding stuck to mine. ;D
Wasn't sure where to put this, but imediatly thought of you guys over there, was glad to hear no Canadians involved, keep safe guys!

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Explosions and gunfire in the Iraqi capital and the northern city of Kirkuk claimed 35 lives Wednesday.

The mass casualties occurred at the Kirkuk police station, where 10 people were killed, according to police, and the Shiite stronghold in Baghdad, Sadr City, where at least 17 people were killed, according to an Interior Ministry official.

In addition, a roadside bomb in central Baghdad killed a police officer on patrol and wounded two others, an Interior Ministry official said.

The convoy of a U.S. aid group also was attacked in Baghdad, leaving a female American staffer and three security people dead, according to a representative for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. The group's regional director identified the security personnel as Hungarian, Croatian and Iraqi nationals. (Watch how U.S. troops are handling the relentless cycle of violence )

Bad days in Iraq these days.

G17 -- everyone's a commedian  ;)  - if that German was not 6'8" and BidRed was normal sized too -- I'd look big

New addition to the family

Having played with the G19, I can see why you like it, nice size, might have to get one (with stupid barrel extension)  ::)
OK Infidel, it looks really cool, what the heck is it???

Can you stand on it to see over those mud walls? :-*