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Blue Lives Matter Act


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Something I, and believe many others would support. It seems to be gaining traction across America,

Police, firefighters and paramedics on list of groups with enhanced penalties for crimes against them, as part of backlash against Black Lives Matter movement.
It adds law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency paramedics, providing for an increased penalty of five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine for anyone who commits a felony hate crime against them.


Although Black Lives Matter doesn't think targetting crime against whites is racism. That's the backwards world they live in.
Many of my colleagues support measures such as this one; I disagree.

Not that anyone is asking, but to me it simply appears to be political tripe.

There is already specific legislation that makes it an offence to assault, attack or otherwise harm law enforcement officers. I'd imagine (EDIT. Yes, yes, they do.) that Louisiana already has specific legislation that makes it an offence to assault, attack or harm someone based on their ethnic background. What ground this new statute will cover, seems unclear.

And it does nothing to deal with the very real matter of racial tension. If anything, it continues to drive the narrative that Blue Lives Matter or Black Lives Matter are mutually exclusive themes.

I'm not enough of a cynic to truly think that the public doesn't "support" law enforcement. When we stop having state (or provincial) funerals, memorials, days of remembrance, media coverage, then I'll believe it.

Fluff. Pure fluff.
PuckChaser said:

Although Black Lives Matter doesn't think targetting crime against whites is racism. That's the backwards world they live in.

I'm finding it difficult to come up with any news agencies who believe the targeting of whites is racism.
Ditto for the courts.
I have seen various media come out with statistics that really prove the BLM crowd are totally ignorant of what the reality is.  An article: Harvard Study on Police Shootings and Race Offers Shocking Conclusion, by Roland G. Fryer Jr. an economics professor at Harvard, points out in the last paragraph The Washington Post survey that found:

The Washington Post studied shooting deaths by law enforcement officials in 2015. 494 white suspects were killed. That number is almost double the number of black suspects killed: 258.

If the BLM crowd can't accept facts over their fiction, they have no credibility and are only the cause of more 'racial' tensions....They are the INSTIGATORS.

I am not going to discuss the state of race relations in the US, it's totally out of my lane.

However, current statistics in the US shows that "african-american" make up 15% of the population.

So if you look at the figures brandied by the good Washington Post, this means that 15% of the population suffered 258 killed by police incident while 85% of it suffered 494 such killings. In statistical terms, George, that means that african-american had a 350% higher probability of being killed by cops than white americans (or, in other words, they are three and a half times more likely to be killed that way than white americans).

I wish people would stop the idiocy of using and comparing absolute figures in population analysis as if they meant something. Only sub-group probabilistic figures mean something in population analysis.
George Wallace said:
... An article: Harvard Study on Police Shootings and Race Offers Shocking Conclusion, by Roland G. Fryer Jr. an economics professor at Harvard ...
And if you want to check out the working paper, done for the National Bureau of Economic Research, see attached - here's the summary:
This paper explores racial differences in police use of force. On non-lethal uses of force, blacks and Hispanics are more than fifty percent more likely to experience some form of force in interactions with police. Adding controls that account for important context and civilian behavior reduces, but cannot fully explain, these disparities. On the most extreme use of force –officer-involved shootings – we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account. We argue that the patterns in the data are consistent with a model in which police officers are utility maximizers, a fraction of which have a preference for discrimination, who incur relatively high expected costs of officer-involved shootings.


  • main-july_2016.pdf
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Restaurant: "We will not serve cops!"
Huge media & local uproar.
Restaurant: "We love cops!"
http://nypost.com/2016/07/16/restaurant-reverses-course-welcomes-back-cops-with-free-meals/ …
...I wouldn't eat there.

Oldgateboatdriver said:
Only sub-group probabilistic figures mean something in population analysis.

Sociological problems, education, poverty, DNA? Who knows? It is something that has been studied for years  decades by more learned individuals than I.

The best I can do when meeting any  person for the first time is a smile and a couple of lame jokes to ( try to ) break the ice.  :)

I spent my career stationed in what is, reportedly, "the most diverse city in the world."

At the academy, included briefly  in the opening remarks from our Chief there was something that I remembered, "I cannot change your beliefs, but if you treat anyone with disrespect, I can change your employment!”

He meant it too. Not fired, necessarily, but offered a "voluntary occupational transfer",  you might call it, to a different job with the City. Who really cares about the attitudes and prejudices of men who shovel asphalt for a living? * Usually, it was temporary and they were eventually allowed to transfer back to their station.

Over the years, Sensitivity Training followed. I didn't mind, because it was a break from the street.

Nothing new about "White Flight: The move of white city-dwellers to the suburbs to escape the influx of minorities."

As they built up seniority, that's what a lot of guys on the job did. They bid to get out of inner city stations and into the boroughs.
Some even applied to out of town services.

* Edit to add: This was 40+ years ago. Times have changed. Now there are treatment programs, places like Bellwood and all kinds of help.

mariomike said:
Who really cares about the attitudes and prejudices of men who shovel asphalt for a living?

Maybe someone should start an Asphalt Shovellers' Lives Matter movement.
Looks like another incident. AT least two police officers dead in Baton Rouge shooting.


This is getting way out of hand.
Breaking NEWS:


At least 2 police officers killed in Baton Rouge shooting, gunman at large – mayor
Published time: 17 Jul, 2016 14:52
Edited time: 17 Jul, 2016 15:39

Police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are currently trying to neutralize a gunman who reportedly shot up to eight officers, killing at least two, according to local media citing the mayor's office, as well as social media accounts.
According to conflicting reports, at least three Baton Rouge officers are feared dead, WAFB reported.

It added that the shootout began in the early hours of Sunday morning on Airline Highway near Old Hammond Highway in Baton Rouge, less than one mile from police headquarters. The incident reportedly took place at Hammond Aire Shopping Center.

The immediate area has been cordoned off and closed to traffic, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development said.

The suspected gunman has been reportedly shot during a police operation, according to NBC. However this information has not been officially confirmed yet.

More on LINK.
This is a very disturbing trend where cops are being targeted by criminals or radicalized individuals.I sure hope we dont drift back to the 60's caused by the Black Panthers primarily.Race relations were bad and continued into the 70's.
What has happened is starting to Feel a bit like a Merger of the Civil war and Mississippi Burning at its going rate .
tomahawk6 said:
This is a very disturbing trend where cops are being targeted by criminals or radicalized individuals.I sure hope we dont drift back to the 60's caused by the Black Panthers primarily.Race relations were bad and continued into the 70's.

It doesn't take much to spark a riot,

Chicago 1965
Fatal firetruck accident sparked riot

Deadliest attacks on US police officers in the last 100 years.
http://www.12news.com/news/nation-now/deadliest-attacks-on-police-in-the-last-100-years/275365311 …

Baton Rouge police killer: An ex-Marine from Kansas City

Attackers shot 14 people after a party. Black Lives Matter is nowhere to be found as this does not meet their agenda.

It may not seem like much, but our city emergency services serve and support programs such as this since 1984,

Rick Boustead Children's Breakfast Club

( Ironically, it seems that it was the Black Panthers   who started the Children's Breakfast club programs in the US!  )

Vintage Paul Harvey:

Sun Aug 14, 2016
National Guard activated after rioting in Milwaukee over suspect's death

Looking back. Crown Heights 1991

mariomike said:
Sun Aug 14, 2016
National Guard activated after rioting in Milwaukee over suspect's death

Looking back. Crown Heights 1991

Video's are popping up of black rioters hunting down white people to assault them.
Jarnhamar said:
Video's are popping up of black rioters hunting down white people to assault them.

It is getting well on time for police officers in some areas of the US to simply withdrawal their services, particularly in areas where the cooperation is low.  Many of these inner city populations are feral and cannot be dealt with like law abiding citizens.  How can people claim:

"DID NOT DESERVE" TO BE SHOT On Sunday evening, several of Smith’s sisters addressed the crowd, saying their brother "did not deserve" to be shot. "My brother was no felon," said one of them, Kimberly Neal, 24, as she wept. "My brother was running for his life. He was shot in his back."


"Smith had a lengthy arrest record, Barrett said, and officials said earlier he was carrying a stolen handgun loaded with 23 rounds of ammunition when stopped."
Anyone starting to see some foreboding and relevancy to the movie "The Purge" and its squeals?
George Wallace said:
Anyone starting to see some foreboding and relevancy to the movie "The Purge" and its squeals?

I was thinking more of Robocop (without the technology)