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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

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Do REG Force and Reservists receive immunizations as a matter of deployment readiness? I just received my next Anthrax booster, of course I can‘t tell them I don‘t want it. :warstory:
Everybody who deploys is immunized according to the theater of operations. There are some standard tests run pre- and post-deployment(TB etc.) We are given shots or a regimen of pills depending on what the newest stuff the military has bought. Everybody has to take the medecine here too. There was a Navy guy a couple of years ago that didn‘t want the stuff they were giving him (for Anthrax I think), and if I remember, he got away with it. Now, if you look in the QR&Os, there is an article of discipline under the National Defense Act that specifically states that you WILL take your medecine or else. The maximum penalty is a monetary fine and jail time (two years less a day or something like that).
You still take it some people are given them when they are on course. I know of several gents who were at borden during the summer and had done the TB tests and had several other shots included
I was in Borden this summer, and I had 11 needles shoved into me at various times...Just make sure you always have your immunization records on you, I was never told to bring them and they just re-gave me shots I had already had...not fun!
I‘m kind of wary about the military giving me vaccinations of any kind. After hearing the horror stories of experimental drugs given to soldiers as recently as Gulf War I. These soldiers are now dying from unknown illnesses and their medical records are disappearing / being destroyed.
there‘s a vaccine for anthrax???
Anthrax is a virus that mainly affects cattle, sheep, goats etc. So yes!!! just like a polio vaccine, you can get an anthrax vaccine.
Originally posted by Pte Smiley:
[qb] I was in Borden this summer, and I had 11 needles shoved into me at various times...Just make sure you always have your immunization records on you, I was never told to bring them and they just re-gave me shots I had already had...not fun! [/qb]
I don‘t have the little card anymore :( the only thing I have is the actual copy of the record from the original issuer. Will this be good enough?
Originally posted by cheechue:
there‘s a vaccine for anthrax???
Anthrax is a virus that mainly affects cattle, sheep, goats etc. So yes!!! just like a polio vaccine, you can get an anthrax vaccine. [/qb]
I was under the (Mistaken?) impression that anthrax was a bacterial infection?
Anthrax is bacterial.  Check out:


for more info.
First off I‘ll sort something out....

Cheechue, you are right out to lunch...
1. Anthrax is a bacterial spore (called Bacillus anthracis).
2. Nobody can give you experimental medications or vaccines without your express knowledge and consent. If you do not understand why or what people are injecting into you, then friggin ask, its your right. If they don‘t want to tell you refuse the shot until you do, or ask a MO (doctor) to explain it to you.

Ok, now with that out of the way:
On enrollment, everyone in the regular force recieves an initial battery of injections including;Tetnus and Depthiria (TD), Measles, Mumbs, and rubela (MMR), Menginacoccal Vaccine (MCV), polio, Hepatitis A & B, and Typhoid vacines to name most of them. the Turbuculosis test(otherwise know as PPD) is a test to see if you have been exposed to that TB bactirium, and is not a vaccine. It should be done at enrollment and before and after each deployment to endemic areas.

For deployment, each area is assesed with guidelines from the WHO and CDC Atlanta, to determine what is the appropriate vacination regime for the area. Troops who are deploying are then topped up on the enrollment regime and given vaccines for the area of ops. Thats why certian areas get antimalaria meds (Somalia, Cambodia) and others do not (Bosnia).

Now you can refuse a medication (any medication, not just vaccines), if you choose not to be deployed to the mission. If you choose not to deploy and the military deems you necessary to go they can (and will) intitate administrative or disciplinary action against you. Basically, don‘t want to deploy...get out. See you always have a choice.
Hey everyone. I was reading the week by week analysis of Basic Training by Belkin81 on the link that was provided. I was just wonding what vaccinations they give you at Basic? Thanks.
Here‘s mine straight from the yellow book, although, from many, many moons ago:

Yellow fever, polio, diptheria, typhoid, adenovirus, small pox, meningitis, and one other unidentifiable one (smeared). Not really up on my human vaccines so not sure what type of adenovirus that would be.

Hope this helps.
do the Recruits on Reserve BIQ get vaccinated as well? i have no problem with vaccinations, its just i was never told about them, and im sure ive been vaccinated for most of those things in the past,
unless u can proove with a vaccination record taht you‘ve got those shots that brin11 listed you‘ll get those plus Hep. A, Hep. B, TB, that‘s jsut on basic. i hope u aren‘t afraid of needles, cause its kinda like an assembly line one after the other, and its done over several sessions.
Last summer on SQ/BIQ we had to go through the battery of shots at Meaford. Only a few objected, and they were read the riot act -- one had to prove they already had the same shots by having a family member fax the base their immunization record.

I had Hep A, Hep B, Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Tetanus/Diphtheria (TD), Meningitis, and a TB skin test all done over the summer. (What, no polio anymore?)

They also gave us a Yellow Fever card, but apparently we only have to have the shot if we are going on tour or something, because we never got the shots.

I‘m glad I had the shots, they were free (thats a few hundred bucks worth of shots right there), and the last booster I had for anything was 1987, so I was long overdue.

What ticked me off was that I couldn‘t find my Hep B shot record from work (my employer gave me the shots a couple years ago), so I had to have it again.

But, like any large organization, the army‘s right hand has no idea what the left hand did last summer. I was supposed to have the final Hep A shot in January, and I have contacted my sect comd about it, but haven‘t heard anything back yet.
They also gave us a Yellow Fever card, but apparently we only have to have the shot if we are going on tour or something, because we never got the shots.
Consider yourself lucky. We got YF during work up and that vaccination levels you for a day. That was probably the quietest night in the shacks for the entire summer.
I can concur with that Infanteer, what a day to leave your locker unlocked and have the course WO. trash the whole thing. I still have the polaroid that someone took off me passed out on the floor in front of the dryer.
Though hard lessons are good lessons, never forgot to double-check the lock ever again!