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BMQ on Aug. 7 in St. Jean?

I'll send it to ya later that day for sure!

I haven't cut my hair yet, but it may be done that day for this special occasion  ;D
I had my going away party at work and they shaved off all of my hair on the patio outside!!

It was a good time, and it feels alot more official now that I am done with my job.
Jhonnyp19 said:
I had my going away party at work and they shaved off all of my hair on the patio outside!!

It was a good time, and it feels alot more official now that I am done with my job.

I have one day left, tomorrow, to work, and that's it!

Lol @ the hair thing, that's awesome!
Well now I am in the Army... 

we were 6 at my swearing in, 4 army, 2 air force. And I found out that 2 of my good friends from high-school/cadets are leaving for BMQ on the same day as me.

(11 days to go!!! ;D)
me to when i was there in Vancouver  3 infantry+me infantry so 4 infantry! swear in and 1 navy guy for  bmq  august 7

the  wait is killing me cant wait to go august 5 is when i fly out
switchcon said:
me to when i was there in Vancouver  3 infantry+me infantry so 4 infantry! swear in and 1 navy guy for  bmq  august 7

the  wait is killing me cant wait to go august 5 is when i fly out

Me too. When I was there in Vancouver, there were 4 for infantry, including myself, and 1 Navy, swearing in for BMQ August 7. 

The wait is killing me. I can't wait to go. August 5 is when I fly out.

Here are some great threads for you to read too:

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

I would learn now how to follow advice.  It appears you have had a bit of a problem with that so far.  It is good to see that some are developing Team Work and learning to be Team Players, just in this Topic alone.  If you can't communicate, you are going to look like an idiot, and the CF will not accept you.  Why you may ask?  Because the CF requires people who are educated and can communicate to operate its' equipment, deal with other people, and train future Recruits.  If you can't do any of those, you will not become a member of the CF.
Hey, what course number are you guys?  I found 0275 in my paperwork...  Just curious about how many of us are on the same course, or if it's everyone on Aug 7th bmq or what.
Well fellas, 4 days to go for you, 5 days for me, and 6 days until we're in the thick of things!

I am insanely excited.  My family can't wait for me to go so I'll shut up for a minute, lol.
Go team!!!!!!!!!
good luck to all of you going for BMQ  Aug, study hard, train hard, work hard, takecare and be safe.

snowy :)
I just swore in today! My plane for St. Jean leaves on Aug. 5th. I had left my job a few weeks ago and have just been trying to focus on this. I've been so excited the past few days. This is what we've all been waiting for!  :salute: :cdn:
I forgot to say that at my swearing in, there were 6 of us. 2 going for Aviation tech, 3 for support and myself for the infantry.
Jhonnyp19 said:
I forgot to say that at my swearing in, there were 6 of us. 2 going for Aviation tech, 3 for support and myself for the infantry.

Systems Tech, Avionics, or Structures Tech for the aviation guys?

Any females swearing in?

Its aviation tech. and there are 2 females, 1 is for av tech and the other is in support.
Well all, I'm off to catch my bus in the morning, to go wait in the city for two days for my plane, haha.

Good travels to you all, and I'll see you in St Jean.